Archived Amplified Gifiting: Take two

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Sep 28, 2017
Is it just me or is this set worse than the first one? My stl decided that ship from store was the only thing that mattered to our store, therefore wouldn’t let me have a team or start on amplified gifting until yesterday. I tried to start on Saturday, but was told to wait. Now it’s Thursday and we’ve only got one big shipper and two smaller ones built. He told me to recycle the ones from the first set so we didn’t have to build anymore big ones Today, I have no team and it’s taking me FOREVER to get the shippers that I do have merchandised. What am I supposed to do??? This has to be done by tomorrow. Is anyone else having this problem?
I was the builder. It's slow going. 4 hours per shipper seems to be my average and I've had a lot of experience. They also are a pain to push afterwards. The product pulls like SSS stuff and the pulls are ridiculously large. So we have been trying to get the push as close to the guide as we can, and then just flex the best afterwards. It's been 2.5 days for me and another TM. There is one more shipper yet and we'll be done tomorrow. One person builds, the other pulls and pushes.
I've been watching various people build them all week...came in yesterday to see two set in the main aisle by electronics; right in front of our backroom doors...oohhh haaaeeeeellll no. You could barely get pallets and vehicles out of the backroom anymore! Apparently someone realized that problem because they disappeared today; going I know not where.
I am the one who fills it and keeps it full. Every now and then I will get a helper, I also do gift cards and batteries by myself.
I still have two small ones and one of the large ones to build/set at my target. (Smaller target so I have d&e and b&c combined). Those won't get set till next week because I have a life. X.x There is no way the stocking stuffer ones will fit in the electronics aisle, or in the alternative locations too much traffic there. I am flexing them in, mens, rtw, and girls. These do take forever to fill. My product has been flexed all over the store, put on pallets in the steel, and backstocked. X.x Lots of work. Big pain in the butt.
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We got two small ones built today. Double truck tomorrow means between sfs and flow theft of the team nothing else will get built. I don't care, they pushed it back till visit notes said they needed prioritized. I fucking told them so.
I got assigned to this bullsh@t without so much as a "Hey, Zone".

Here's what Spot needs to consider if they ever plan to do this crap again.

1) Flow Team goes Overnight. This is non-negotiable. My store kept them at 4 AM process (2 AM on double trucks). I cannot do POG fills on 20 of these f__king displays AND fight the entire backroom, flow, and market teams for physical space in the backroom and for vehicles on which to put all this crap.

2) Make everything BUCK Fill group or something CONSISTENT. Make it TIMBUK2 and shove it in an outdoor trailer for all I care. The point is the POG batches should not take me into every single aisle of the backroom, through the mobile aisles, HBA, cosmetics, electronics, softlines racks, and the highest levels of the goddamn steel for 15 DPCIs. It takes me all damn day just to pull this stuff, let alone push it by myself.

3) Allot more than 8 hours a day. See above. Get the poor bastards you flog with this some help.

4) Pay the extra three cents for sturdier displays. You don't pay me enough to MacGyver your cheap-ass displays back together. A freshly built display ought not buckle under the weight of the product you determined to put there.
Speed up by taking as many shortcuts such as "don't screw in the bottom shipper that sits on the base" or "why are you peeling the protective plastic off"

Anyways I got the Men's one done in 2 hours and 1 hour 45 for one of the Style Mavens.
Yeh, these ARE ridiculous... they're so HUGE too. >< Had to bring it in through one of the double side doors (too big to get through receiving). We put up the men's one called "the shed" today. Was extremely aggravating not having product that had OH counts. And yeh, it pulls ALL over the backroom.
I got assigned to this bullsh@t without so much as a "Hey, Zone".

Here's what Spot needs to consider if they ever plan to do this crap again.

1) Flow Team goes Overnight. This is non-negotiable. My store kept them at 4 AM process (2 AM on double trucks). I cannot do POG fills on 20 of these f__king displays AND fight the entire backroom, flow, and market teams for physical space in the backroom and for vehicles on which to put all this crap.

2) Make everything BUCK Fill group or something CONSISTENT. Make it TIMBUK2 and shove it in an outdoor trailer for all I care. The point is the POG batches should not take me into every single aisle of the backroom, through the mobile aisles, HBA, cosmetics, electronics, softlines racks, and the highest levels of the goddamn steel for 15 DPCIs. It takes me all damn day just to pull this stuff, let alone push it by myself.

3) Allot more than 8 hours a day. See above. Get the poor bastards you flog with this some help.

4) Pay the extra three cents for sturdier displays. You don't pay me enough to MacGyver your cheap-ass displays back together. A freshly built display ought not buckle under the weight of the product you determined to put there.

I'd ike to add this:

5) And for pete's sake, have the plano written to MATCH the damn display. We literally have to set the displays to pictures and then label it so we can make sure the labels are in the right place. They aren't done like a planogram is meant to be done. It's like the VMG people and the Plano people are working in 2 different countries and don't speak the same language. ><
I'd ike to add this:

5) And for pete's sake, have the plano written to MATCH the damn display. We literally have to set the displays to pictures and then label it so we can make sure the labels are in the right place. They aren't done like a planogram is meant to be done. It's like the VMG people and the Plano people are working in 2 different countries and don't speak the same language. ><

VMG people can't read. That is why everything is done with picture books. Like we read when we were all Toddlers.


Now Pop-up Planogram VMGs. I could get behind. lmao.
Update: I’ve been working on this crap since Wednesday and I’m STILL not done. My store refuses to give me a team. Plus, softlines just shoves product all over them and no one will zone them so it’s like I have to start over every day
For BeelzeBecky:

Walk around the store on a break...the big cardboard kiosks in the middle of the aisles or bunched together in softlines. A bunch of supposedly like products in a display for impulse least that's my take.

That are not tied correctly(item set to shipper but it is actually over in men's), not set correctly(not doing a full size run of anything) or its still in the backroom. And generally look like shit and a pain the ass to work around. With no labels on them to tell you what should or should not be in or on them. And make sure anything with a shelf is collapsing from the weight of the flow team over pushing them like crazy.

And have at least three guests a day asking about those stupid Harry Potter 12 days of socks..

There is what the front end needs to know..
Thank you, I didn't know what they were called. I refer to them as the big pain in the ass shippers in the way. Nice to know they have a "real" name. LOL
I got assigned to this bullsh@t without so much as a "Hey, Zone".

Here's what Spot needs to consider if they ever plan to do this crap again.

1) Flow Team goes Overnight. This is non-negotiable. My store kept them at 4 AM process (2 AM on double trucks). I cannot do POG fills on 20 of these f__king displays AND fight the entire backroom, flow, and market teams for physical space in the backroom and for vehicles on which to put all this crap.

2) Make everything BUCK Fill group or something CONSISTENT. Make it TIMBUK2 and shove it in an outdoor trailer for all I care. The point is the POG batches should not take me into every single aisle of the backroom, through the mobile aisles, HBA, cosmetics, electronics, softlines racks, and the highest levels of the goddamn steel for 15 DPCIs. It takes me all damn day just to pull this stuff, let alone push it by myself.

3) Allot more than 8 hours a day. See above. Get the poor bastards you flog with this some help.

4) Pay the extra three cents for sturdier displays. You don't pay me enough to MacGyver your cheap-ass displays back together. A freshly built display ought not buckle under the weight of the product you determined to put there.
No, what they need to consider is this is a bad idea unless it proritized , which it wasnt. Oh our VMTL did it herself because no one was going too and we had a visit coming.

So far, I have moved them in area away from the BR doors because our racetrack is too small in width. This is why the people in the motorized wheelchairs tag them. By the way, they generally dont survive it.
For BeelzeBecky:

That are not tied correctly(item set to shipper but it is actually over in men's), not set correctly(not doing a full size run of anything) or its still in the backroom. And generally look like shit and a pain the ass to work around. With no labels on them to tell you what should or should not be in or on them. And make sure anything with a shelf is collapsing from the weight of the flow team over pushing them like crazy.

And have at least three guests a day asking about those stupid Harry Potter 12 days of socks..

There is what the front end needs to know..
We are out is what I say and show them the device. SL ladies hate them.
What the hell even IS amplified gifting? They never tell the front end anything. We're clueless.
its gifting supposed to be increased. That delightful marketing person needs to get their ass into a store to see exactly how lame the title is. Also finally encountered winning the weekend. Sigh
Our A&A TL just starting our second take. Only reason I think we are building them is because all the district leaders are coming.
Our DTL was just here and had us move them all into the middle of the racetrack. As if there isn't enough congestion in the toy department this time of year. I guess he has not noticed how our metal framed endcaps
are bent up and broken from guests running in to them. I'm sure these big cardboard monstrosities will hold up much better.
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