Archived Announcement Tomorrow [Stores Realignment]

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Here is an idea.
If you are about to post something that involves insulting someone here and their mother.
Just don't.
Go outside.
Play with your cat.
Drink a beer.
I don't care.
But stop wasting my time by acting like children.
I have better things to do with my frelling time.
Thank you.
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My store went from being in the middle of the district to being the northernmost store. The next closest Target in my district now is 2.5 hours away and the farthest one is about 5 hours away. Gonna suck for the district leaders.
My store went from being in the middle of the district to being the northernmost store. The next closest Target in my district now is 2.5 hours away and the farthest one is about 5 hours away. Gonna suck for the district leaders.

They will rarely visit, it's nice. My store is in the boonies and they come so rarely it's nice not constantly blowing all our payroll on visit days.
What's PM?

And VM, that's Visual Merchandiser, right? That too? I know of an ETL whose gf is the GVM.

Property management like the director of pmts.

The fact VM has a director is stupid. When a vmtl is hired their final interview is with the DTL! They don't even interview with the VM director.

Waste of payroll
My store is moving regions and districts. They way our STL explained it was they are building a bunch of stores and to not add a bunch of stores to one region, they realigned them. And to make it more fair.... CA has a ton of stores, so the person in charge of that region could have 600 stores, whereas someone in the northern region might only have 300.
Currently in 100 ... er ... former-100? Corp visits were/are quite common at my Spot. Yes, every time there was a visit they were always waltzing on through nodding their heads and smiling and such. I think they visited often simply for the cool hotels and restaurants they could slap on their expense report and also for another reason that HRZone is prob aware of but, yeah ... Gunna have to look up who else is in the twoOhOh.
I'm in the inland nw. And our district office is in our store. So I'm assuming the stores in mt are no longer in our district.
So that is what that meeting that the STL called with the TL's then the ETL's was about then..

Currently in 100 now moving to 200.. Wonder how long that will take to be actually announced in store..

Does it really affect people much in stores tho
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