Archived Announcement Tomorrow [Stores Realignment]

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Does it really affect people much in stores tho

It might a little... Certain leaders might want things done differently or they focus on different things when they visit but other then that nope. Just new things to select when doing BTS
I think they mean ap group director. HR group director. Vmtl group director. Etc
I worked for the company for about 10 years. Three different states all in R100. I "left" the company almost a year ago, and I starting thinking how hilarious it would be when my awful HR director would be the one out of a job and I would be in this amazing role for this amazing company making way more than she did in her role. Looks like that has finally come to reality!? Sorry not sorry.
Waiting for Workbench to update the store information section which, if I'm not mistaken, usually occurs at EOM, correct? Curious to see who is who at the new district (we changed) and region levels. Rumor is some at district received walking-papers while others are being transitioned into new or modified roles. Store-level: no changes in staff, of course, but operationally I expect to see a few differences once the new leadership team kicks in.
Were these positions eliminated company wide, or just some cut and spread more thinly?

I am curious to see the answer to this, as I have not gotten a clear one yet. Through the realignment, it appears as though through the shuffle that some positions were "eliminated" in the sense that there was maybe an overall reduction in groups? I cannot tell since so many lines were redrawn, and I cannot keep track of if one group went away that they for sure replaced it with an equivalent. It would be a smart way to cut costs without actually announcing that you are doing so.
so apparently one of the stores in my district is switching to another district. it's a plain pfresh store, like all of the other stores around here. it's less than 10 minutes away from two other stores in the district (including one in the same town), and the DTL lives just a few minutes away from.

I'm really curious why they chose to move this store.
None of the group level positions in my group(s) have been eliminated as far as we know.
Some districts near mine, and possibly including mine are shuffling around.
Here is an idea.
If you are about to post something that involves insulting someone here and their mother.
Just don't.
Go outside.
Play with your cat.
Drink a beer.
I don't care.
But stop wasting my time by acting like children.
I have better things to do with my frelling time.
Thank you.
Just not all at the same time or you will have to look for a bandage for a place that you really shouldn't be but you thought it would be less embarrassing to ask me than a emt.
My store is moving regions and districts. They way our STL explained it was they are building a bunch of stores and to not add a bunch of stores to one region, they realigned them. And to make it more fair.... CA has a ton of stores, so the person in charge of that region could have 600 stores, whereas someone in the northern region might only have 300.
in all seriousness wondering if my group was added too or subtracted from. At least I know why the GVP was here in the store near me today.
Any leaders hear about an announcement from corp tomorrow?
Our district, group, and store have moved back to R100. Was told Target expects the store base in California to grow and are making room for this by realigning some groups, districts, and/or stores. We have twice before been in R100 and have been in R200 twice.
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What does getting new group leadership mean exactly?
You get a new leader for your group. A "group" is a group of 60+ stores and is made up a handful of districts. Often a new group leader has different ideas or vision, so may see some different focuses for your store.
Our district, group, and store have moved back to R100. Was told Target expects the store base in California to grow and are making room for this by realigning some groups, districts, and/or stores. We have twice before been in R100 and have been in R200 twice.
I was told the same thing. R200 lost on its total store count but Target it looking to invest in the region and open new stores.
I was told the same thing. R200 lost on its total store count but Target it looking to invest in the region and open new stores.
Urban's I suspect. Have we seen the last of the supers ? Urbans. Urban's would be Karl Urban's located next to the Gap of Rohan
wait for it.
Have we seen the last of the supers ?
With all the competition in the grocery industry, and the fact that everyone can see Target doesn't know wtf they are doing in grocery, there's no way they would take the risk of opening more Super Targets.

I think a better question is have we seen the last of the Pfresh stores?
It might a little... Certain leaders might want things done differently or they focus on different things when they visit but other then that nope. Just new things to select when doing BTS
Yep the R100 VP was the one to come up with end-to-end and had that not been rolled to all stores that would have been something that affected my store big time, since we were in R200 just yesterday.
So now that the realignment is all said and done, my district and several surrounding districts have been split up and moved around. It used to be there was one district for about 15 stores in this metro area, with no more than 30 miles between the two farthest stores. Now they moved it around so that there's 2-3 districts in the metro area, and all of them include far away stores. I think the biggest distance between two stores in one district now is almost 200 miles.
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