Archived Announcement Tomorrow [Stores Realignment]

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Seems like its back the way it was. PNW was part of 200 before Hawaii opened. 100 wanted Hawaii. So they moved everything around back then. Now almost back to normal.
We work at target we suppose to be miserable
We WorK At TaRgEt We SuPpOseD To bE MiSeRaBlE
Lol as a gvp I would want hawaii too. I would be making lots of visits to those "struggling" stores
I think they most likely set at the big table. And all the vp's fought over who got hawaii should have been 200 we had the entire nouth CA. WA.OR but of course the big guys of 100 won. They had to make it look good so they took OR. And WA plus more with them. You know they visit those stores all the time.
What is the new breakdown and how does one know their district/region?

Best way to know is to probably ask your stl. A lot of people are totally unaffected by this change.
My store is keeping everything a freaking secret as usual and the LODs that usually tell me things are even keeping quiet
STL wasn't in today, but I've only heard of a store moving districts. Not sure if any big changes are expected for my district.
I'm in 300 too. No announcement about that I know of but our leads have been in meetings the last two weeks so time will tell what that was about
They are reshuffling the regions/districts

The Pacific northwest is going to join region 200. Currently region 100 is the PNW and Minnesota which didn't make a lot of sense..

Realignment of Groups. The entire State of NJ is now Group 495. Getting all new Group leadership.

Ok that's not so bad. In fact, I think they already said at the beginning of the year that this would happen at some point.
Some small realignments within regions, groups, and districts. This is fairly common as when new stores are made, they make some areas disproportionate to others. Add to that the 70 or so flex format stores that are opening soon, a redistribution was necessary. This really should have no effect on day-to-day operations in stores.
Some small realignments within regions, groups, and districts. This is fairly common as when new stores are made, they make some areas disproportionate to others. Add to that the 70 or so flex format stores that are opening soon, a redistribution was necessary. This really should have no effect on day-to-day operations in stores.

I would argue 200 plus stores switching regions is definitely not a small realignment but you are right the day to day operations shouldn't change too much.
They are reshuffling the regions/districts

The Pacific northwest is going to join region 200. Currently region 100 is the PNW and Minnesota which didn't make a lot of sense..

So that is what that meeting that the STL called with the TL's then the ETL's was about then..

Currently in 100 now moving to 200.. Wonder how long that will take to be actually announced in store..
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