Archived Another major change coming to Logistics?

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What's the difference between research dropping in CAFS vs Autofills? Is a POG fill going to be the best option for filling the checklanes?
Is a POG fill going to be the best option for filling the checklanes?
I would think a manual CAF would be the "best" way. Pull the most product anyway. Our store just started Move so I'm maybe not the best advice resource right now sorry
Aren't we supposed to be able to scan the CAF's cart and it'll create a path on Move to push it just like when we are picking? I was trying it yesterday and it wasn't working. Maybe it's going to be released in phases?
Now does someone have to actually pull this batch separately or will it roll over into a 1 clock caf? Autofills are only pulled in the morning right? Will it say checklanes if it's for the checklanes? @tmap98
Sorry that was bad advice. CL is not a separate fillgroup so it'll pull all PHAR needs instead of just the hand sanitizer and chapstick that you need for CLs. The problem with a POG fill is that it would just pull enough for 1 CL. You'd have to put in 14 fills (or however many CLs you have), I think.
Sorry for derailing the thread.
Theoretically, as long as the capacity and SFQ are correct, enough will be pulled to keep the floor full. If you want CL items to pull more often, just cut their capacity in half.
Ours went live this morning, OOS batches started dropping and when I asked ETL-Log if she wanted us to start pulling them right away she had no idea what to do...
OOS aren't a big deal unless they are in a section with a small capacity like PLUG or IFUR where you know a majority of those have a capacity of 1.
I pulled several OOS batches this morning to test the app. They seemed useful in a way. Most of the freight went out. Several of them were legimate outs as well. Good and bad in a way. If we "actually had payroll" I'd say yeah team, please go ahead and flll you areas. But that's far from the case. A couple of the softines OOS batches were ridiculious!! Looks like I shall be going in early to get a jump on the Autos tomorrow!!!!!
Our backroom started move this morning, of course most of our backroom (at least the ones that pull the autos) have never even used the zebras and our backroom still looks like a hurricane hit it, so yes the call was made to let the autos roll. Should be some interesting days ahead for the store.
Aren't we supposed to be able to scan the CAF's cart and it'll create a path on Move to push it just like when we are picking? I was trying it yesterday and it wasn't working. Maybe it's going to be released in phases?

Yes this is how it works. I'll apply whatever batches I want at one time, it'll go in order for locations just like pulling for S4S. So I'll knock out everything in the applied batches for light duty and then it'll head down to bulk.

It's one nice feature to knock stuff out in one bang instead of exiting a batch and applying another
We were told that OOS batches were like forced manual drops. That we're not required to pull them, but if we have time and their not big, to go ahead and pull them with autofill and the cafs.

If the OOS batch looks huge like it was a Plano batch that feel into our pulls, then we leave it
Fillgroups kept dropping the whole day, well after auto fill times at my store.
Aren’t they supposed to populate as the day goes by and sales happen?

My stores issue is we’ve somehow gone through to triple letters and none of those are accepting any pulls.
My stores issue is we’ve somehow gone through to triple letters and none of those are accepting any pulls.

Triple letter vehicle issues should only happen if your store has more than 676 vehicles (26 different two letter combinations per starting letter). If you are trying to print new parent/child labels and getting triple letters, instead try using the reprint option instead and manually typing in two letter combinations you haven't used.

It's a giant pain in the ass to type everything in but allows you to label more vehicles.
Pull if you want, they're 'optional' batches that will disappear once you pull your CAFs.
I don't understand why we even have those batches at all. You just know some stores are going to freak and make sure you're constantly checking and pulling everything that drops, which means not getting anything else done all day. That was why we stopped having CAFs drop every hour for 8 hours in a row.

Yes this is how it works. I'll apply whatever batches I want at one time, it'll go in order for locations just like pulling for S4S. So I'll knock out everything in the applied batches for light duty and then it'll head down to bulk.

It's one nice feature to knock stuff out in one bang instead of exiting a batch and applying another
No, they were talking about using Move for pushing the batch on the salesfloor. That part was not working and is turned off for now.

Fillgroups kept dropping the whole day, well after auto fill times at my store.
As far as I can tell, it only seems to drop fillgroups when an OOS batch is created and the fillgroup didn't drop with the autofills. Like if there was no LUGG autofill, then at 10am an OOS-LUGG batch is generated, it will drop a LUGG fillgroup batch for the same item. I'm just guessing, but that's what it looks like to me.

Triple letter vehicle issues should only happen if your store has more than 676 vehicles (26 different two letter combinations per starting letter).
It's happening for no reason at all to some stores. We only went up to like F or G and it now skipped ahead to triple letters for us.
It's happening for no reason at all to some stores. We only went up to like F or G and it now skipped ahead to triple letters for us.

The solution is to manually reprint two letter labels from G or H forward so the triple letters aren't necessary. Just had to do it last week in my store. CSC didn't know how to fix the AAA issue so tried the manual reprint option and its worked perfectly for us.
The solution is to manually reprint two letter labels from G or H forward so the triple letters aren't necessary. Just had to do it last week in my store. CSC didn't know how to fix the AAA issue so tried the manual reprint option and its worked perfectly for us.
Thanks! I’ll pass that along in the morning.
Yea, I'm not really sure. My ETLLOG seems to think we need to pull them until the gun is clear. He doesn't seem to understand that they almost always regenerate with new items as soon as you finish pulling.
If you really want the floor filled, just drop ManCAFs.
Most of the time when an OOS appears after pulling fillgroup batches, it just wants the same stuff and is a glitch, at least at my store. CSC says it's a global issue being worked on.
Does the timing of a POG drop effect autos or CAFs? It seems like if a POG let's say a revision is tied and dropped before backroom has pull that auto the POG becomes a part of that fillgroups pull. Is that accurate or just my imagination?

Ours has a tendency to that if the POG is dropped around CAF time. As long as it is'nt dropped near those hourly CAFS, you should be fine.
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