Archived Any one ever had a Code RED?

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Seen 4 code reds. 3 were tm arson. Last one, the etl kept turning off the alarm until a guest calmly reported smoke pouring out of the stockroom door. Major damage with that one....

I've heard code pink used for 20 years. It means a female executive is having a melt down....
Closest we had to a Code Red was our Electronics Specialist called for one over the walkie at the fitting room. Myself and the current AP both grabbed a fire extinguisher and hauled butt back there. Turns out a kid had fallen out of the cart and she used the wrong code (still bad for the kid, but later he was fine so we all had a good laugh)
I wish I could go into detail about our one and only Code Red, but the circumstances would explicitly call out the store I worked at. Suffice it to say, we thoroughly enjoyed our 3 days off as they had the disaster recovery team come in and scrub the air of the store to remove the smell and repair the damage. No one was injured so we eventually were able to make jokes about it.
I wish I could go into detail about our one and only Code Red, but the circumstances would explicitly call out the store I worked at. Suffice it to say, we thoroughly enjoyed our 3 days off as they had the disaster recovery team come in and scrub the air of the store to remove the smell and repair the damage. No one was injured so we eventually were able to make jokes about it.
Great story involved with ours too, but then it would definitely call out the store.
Our most recent one was short, sweet & a good opp to single out the jerk TL.
we had a code red last year, a month before I started.

A guest set some stationary on fire.... half of B was destroyed, major water/smoke damage. closed the store for 1 day, then it re-opened, but it was bare for a while
Yes, when I was a TPS several years ago I responded to a Code Red. Some kids threw a lit cigarette in one of the outdoor trash cans in the parking lot. The whole thing ignited. I ran over to food ave and got some water. An exec reached it at the same time as me with a fire extinguisher.

At one point we had a considerable wildfire (unusual for my state) approaching the store in August, but it didn't reach us.

By far the worst event I experienced was a freak hailstorm that stripped the leaves off the trees. The rumbling of the hail and thunder shook loose the gas mains on top of the store, and the air intakes started sucking natural gas into the store! The guests started to panic, and we had to evacuate everyone into the storm (which was rain by then). It was unbelievable.
well hate to revive a dead thread but as of this morning yes yes we have, compactor caught fire. i'm prob going to get wrote up because i didn't go to my assigned location instead i followed instinct run towards the fire, grab an extinguisher and follow training on use. at least it's a good story to tell
well hate to revive a dead thread but as of this morning yes yes we have, compactor caught fire. i'm prob going to get wrote up because i didn't go to my assigned location instead i followed instinct run towards the fire, grab an extinguisher and follow training on use. at least it's a good story to tell
I think you did Right thing. I did same thing you did on a small fire outside of my store.
Yes. The cigarette receptacle outside TSC caught fire several times when I was working there. And always when I was a cart attendant lol.
I think you did Right thing. I did same thing you did on a small fire outside of my store.

This. Putting out the fire (or evacuating the building if it's a big fire) is infinitely more important than being in your assigned area. Safety first!
We had a gas leak and also our smoking thing catches on fire alot this past month. I think there is something flammable in it.
The mulch around the trees in the parking lot catches on fire regularly because of A-holes who can't be bothered to put out their cigarettes.
Be nice to charge them for the times the fire department has had to come or the cost of labor for when we've had to be a bucket brigade to put the fire out.
Our fire alarms went off early yesterday morning a few hours before the store opened... No idea why it exactly went off but someone did burn popcorn a few hours before the alarm. Maybe the odor finally hit a sensitive detector. We had to evacuate for an hour but thank God the pouring rain stopped around that time. We lost about 40 hours of productivity.
well hate to revive a dead thread but as of this morning yes yes we have, compactor caught fire. i'm prob going to get wrote up because i didn't go to my assigned location instead i followed instinct run towards the fire, grab an extinguisher and follow training on use. at least it's a good story to tell

Wonder how did a compactor catch on fire?
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No code reds, but one of the lights in the backroom became smoking and when I went to tell my TL and came back to my Isle it exploded.
Geez, my store is so boring compared to y'all's.. We've had 12 Code yellows and our electricity went off 2-3 times in the same day. The store was COMPLETELY BLACK. It was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop in the back room (I was on front lanes). Lol
No code red, but as a TPS I had to evacuate the store once for suspicious suitcases that myself and local police discovered by an emergency exit outside. Fire dept and bomb squad were called in. because of the size of the suitcases and the possibility of what was inside them there was a huge evac in a large mall across the street and every store in my shopping center. There were no explosives although there was gun powder residue found on the suitcases. bomb squad just blew them up after x-raying them... that was about 4 hours of "fun" haha

No root cause has been determined, similar incidents have been reported across the pyramid the best guess is that the cleaning crew had emptied hot ashes from the smoking deck into a regular trash can then proceeded to dump that into the compactor. sat there smoldering until it built up enough heat to ignite the trash. The best practices for the cleaning crew have been revised as "precautionary measures"
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