Not to gloat, but an advantage of being a man is that you don't have to touch the urinal when you pee, lol.If you are female, next time you lock a bathroom stall door, just remember that the locking mechanism was touched by someone who wiped themselves and had not washed yet.....someone who could have a yeast infection or an STD and now your hand will wiping your bare crotch and toilet paper isn't that great of a barrier.
(You're welcome for that graphic mental image. And automatic bathroom stall doors would be awesome.)
it is the or to be picky a flu virus for it to be immune to the effects of bleach and lysol would be highly unusual and extremely deadly for the meat sacks lumbering around this planetThere no proof that Clorox or lysol actually kills coronavirus
Our cart wipes are given out at Starbucks and Cafe I believe.Florida here. Out of just about everything from cleaning supplies to first aid to paper towels. Ppl started stealing our cart wipes once we were out of cleaning wipes. CHEM 1for1 was 350 tasks the other day. good times.
we have the stations will the giant tub if wipes that goes inside and people take them as they please.. The more senior guests just started shoveling bags full.Our cart wipes are given out at Starbucks and Cafe I believe.
My store those are gone as well. Our wipes are long gone and any we get in are gone by 10am.. Toilet paper is completely gone.Nobody wants that natural shit for the coronavirus.