I live in a state with a low population and no known cases of the virus (there are cases in nearby states though). I think the stock on cleaning supplies, paper products, and so on is still good at the grocery store I work at. Also, it looked good at Walgreens when I was there early Saturday evening. That being said we were told on Saturday to wash our hands more often than not and to make sure we cleaned our produce carts at least every four hours. We were then told to make sure we were cleaning ALL touch surfaces (including, but not limited to doors) at least once a day, if not oftener. Someone I knew from my time at Target told me that they felt that that was a bit extreme, but I then told them I ended with Strep throat and I could have easily gotten this at work, as another produce clerk had kids with strep last week. I was scheduled off yesterday and have a note excusing me for today. Also, I just texted my boss and the rest of the produce crew to let them know I most likely will be again out tomorrow.
Be safe, stay well, but don't go crazy.