Archived Anyone else do close-open shifts?

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I Clopen at least once a week, but we close at 10 and are rarely there past 10:30, so Clopening isn't too bad at my store.
Who hasn't closed then opened the next morning? It sucks, but I, along with just about everyone else in my store, have gotten used to it. It's not nearly as bad as being scheduled to close, then having to do truck or signing the next morning.

I think I had to do a 8 hour close in market, open ad sunday once..that sucked...hard... Got out at like 9 I think then back at 4am. I have done tons of CLOPENINGs though. Usually leave at 9 or so for Market and then have to be back at 6am which isnt too bad but I have a hard time sleeping until after 11. I usually always get about 5 hours of sleep every day
I used to clopen all the time as a cashier. It sucked, but it meant I was getting scheduled more than one day per week.
On this week's schedule, I'm closing pfresh one night and opening on a truck day. Fun.
Who hasn't closed then opened the next morning? It sucks, but I, along with just about everyone else in my store, have gotten used to it. It's not nearly as bad as being scheduled to close, then having to do truck or signing the next morning.
I've had a night I stayed to close , left at 11:15pm, got home around 11:45, and had to do AD a few hours later. Let's just say they let me go home earlier than my normally scheduled off time. My worst was closing Saturday Night, leaving around 2 AM(store closes at 11) and then having the ETL-HL ask if you can come in at 7AM(wanted 6AM). I was dumb and accepted. Worked 7AM til 5PM with almost no sleep lol
I once did a 38 hour shift. The other ETLs and I were pretty much shut in the store for that period doing final prep for a brand-spanking new, wet behind the ears RSVP that was visiting. Never again. One more reason I am glad I got out of retail management.
I actually love clopenings. I'm usually out by 01:00 and back in at 07:45. I do one or 2/week. A) I know what I am walking into and I make sure to close to minimize the recovery time in the am. And B) I leave at 16:00 on tues, and do not never to be back to work until 16:00 Wed. Those 24 hours make it all worth it.
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