Archived are any of your stores haunted?

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DMNDZ bruhh

Former Backroom Dayside
Apr 13, 2012
a lot of us have seen some weird things happening in my store, some of them are pretty crazy. I'm just wondering have any of you had a weird experience while on the clock?
I swear after we close, our Leap Pad and Mobi Go displays always go off even though no one goes in front of them. (they are motion sensored). It's creepy when I'm zoning..
Yes...our store is haunted.

We will have zoned areas all messed-up......but it happens after the store is closed. A pretty regular happening is in our shoe department. I used to be a shoe specialist and I'd have an area all zoned....all shoes off the floor.....and I'd walk by later to find shoes on the floor in a few aisles. At first I thought that it was me, but then others noticed it.

Also, with our glass doors, the inner door will often just open and close on its own. I know, maybe the sensor is broken....we've checked that out a few times. It is usually the inner doors....when the outer doors open and close it happens several times in a row.

While I'm not sure I believe in ghosts, I do believe that there is something that is in our store.
Yes...our store is haunted.

We will have zoned areas all messed-up......but it happens after the store is closed. A pretty regular happening is in our shoe department. I used to be a shoe specialist and I'd have an area all zoned....all shoes off the floor.....and I'd walk by later to find shoes on the floor in a few aisles. At first I thought that it was me, but then others noticed it.

Also, with our glass doors, the inner door will often just open and close on its own. I know, maybe the sensor is broken....we've checked that out a few times. It is usually the inner doors....when the outer doors open and close it happens several times in a row.

While I'm not sure I believe in ghosts, I do believe that there is something that is in our store.

Our doors open and close by themselves alot too
i guess after closing the only people in the store were the LOD and one of the AP tms, they were both in one of the stockrooms and heard a crash but they couldn't figure out what it was. so they went to check the cameras and noticed in soft lines that some of the cloths were moving back and forth, as if someone was brushing threw them.

in the same stockroom, my old ETL at the time was in there and according to him, he heard someone running down along it, even though he was the only one in there, and again he looked on the cameras and nothing was there.

as for me, I've seen someone standing behind rafters in our bike building stockroom but whenever i take a closer look it disappears, I've seen this happen about 3 times.
My first store is...

Supposedly the store was built on an old farm next to a creek. One rumor stated that a man years ago was drunk and depressed and hanged himself from a water tower, and on some nights CAs have seen a guy hanging outside beside the building in mid-air.

Backroom TMs have seen a child roaming in the back, and when they try to approach her, she would walk through the exterior wall toward the creek. Supposedly a little girl drowned in the creek years ago.

Overnight teams would be working the floor and hear items being knocked off the shelves but there would be no one working that aisle. Other overnighters would here someone talk to them and when they turn around no one would be there.

Some TMs have witness blue orbs floating down the aisles.
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i guess after closing the only people in the store were the LOD and one of the AP tms, they were both in one of the stockrooms and heard a crash but they couldn't figure out what it was. so they went to check the cameras and noticed in soft lines that some of the cloths were moving back and forth, as if someone was brushing threw them.

in the same stockroom, my old ETL at the time was in there and according to him, he heard someone running down along it, even though he was the only one in there, and again he looked on the cameras and nothing was there.

as for me, I've seen someone standing behind rafters in our bike building stockroom but whenever i take a closer look it disappears, I've seen this happen about 3 times.

Target prob. bought an old grave yard and built the store on it. LOL
i've heard of other things happening to other tms at my store... but i have not witnessed anything. when we did our pfresh remodel they changed the door to our compactor. it was one of those metal doors that rolls up and down like on the docks, they put in cinder block bricks and a huge regular metal door with a little glass window. so now there is this little "room" for the compactor. i have no idea why but it creeps me out now... reminds me of a room in a psych ward from a horror movie or something...
these are all pretty triply stories, as far as i know the target i work at used to be attached to a mall, but the mall no longer exists, but someone had said that someone died or killed themselves when it was there.

i was talking to my fellow TMs today about this topic and they said that one TM won't step into the bike building room because they saw someone look out at him from behind the rafter, I've seen some one standing behind them as well a few times like i said, me and my friend were in there and the lights went off and on really quick, i thought i blacked out because i was tired but my friend said he saw the same thing
The original SBS at our store stopped showing up for work one day. He was a very nice guy, if not distant/reserved. He was, however, incredibly dependable. Our STL finally contacted the sheriff to do a well-check on him after a few NCNS, and come to find out he had killed himself over the weekend. I'm actually not one to really believe in ghosts, but the maintenance cage in the back has creeped me out ever since. There were many times the motion light would be on inside it, or something would fall/clang that just scared the bejeezus out of me when I was BRTL.
The original SBS at our store stopped showing up for work one day. He was a very nice guy, if not distant/reserved. He was, however, incredibly dependable. Our STL finally contacted the sheriff to do a well-check on him after a few NCNS, and come to find out he had killed himself over the weekend. I'm actually not one to really believe in ghosts, but the maintenance cage in the back has creeped me out ever since. There were many times the motion light would be on inside it, or something would fall/clang that just scared the bejeezus out of me when I was BRTL.
My store isnt haunted --- I am
Our store is haunted by spirits of the past, namely pride in our company & a job well done. 🙁

:lol: sounds like my store too

Anyway I do believe in ghosts but I'm not 100% sure my store is haunted. There have been a few times recently I have felt like there was someone with me in an aisle when I was zoning/re-shopping I have even almost gone to the point of starting a conversation but then I realize that I am not only alone in the aisle but alone in the section. Then there is the occasional merchandise falling off the shelves at night. During the day you could blame it on possible blasting at the quarry on the other side of the mountain our store is built right next to(the entire store shakes due to blasting but during the night the quarry obviously isn't being operated. I'm not sure if there are any other incidents but I don't remember them if there were.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was haunted though the area in general was inhabited by Indians ages ago. In the town i live in(which is literally a couple minutes drive from the store) the it is said that an Indian chief approached the principal of one of the elementery schools in our town(obvisouly don't want to name the school since that would make it obvious where I work) asking him if to build doors on the north and south ends of the building so that spirits of the tribes that formerly occupied the area could pass through. Then there is the fact that George Wahingtons troops spent a night at a church in the town I live in during the revlolutionsary war so the area in general does have it's share of history.
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I've heard from a couple team members our store might be. I'm not 100% sure but I swear those motion activated toys go off on their own after close. Right before Christmas a team member and myself were zoning toys and it was just us two and one of the toy displays with little videos went off. We walk over and nothing was there. Kind of creepy. And I know a few team members that won't go in the back after close by themselves. My friend in softlines swear she's heard footsteps in the fitting room after close too. I believe in ghost, but not 100% sure we're haunted.
Remember a couple years ago when we had those dolls that giggled & cooed when you walked by them?

Toward the end of the season, we flexed in tons of them. They would all go off together for no apparent reason. I do not believe in ghosts, but those dolls gave me the creeps.
I used to work in the fitting room and I swear I would think there was a guest in the fitting room so I'd wait and wait and then realized no one was in there. I hear the doors shut or sounds of movement like things being shuffled around! :huh:
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