Archived Are stores allowed to limit how much of a certain item a guest can buy?

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I think this girl is single handedly responsible for why Shopkins fly off our shelves. I don't know how she manages to buy the entire shipper of Shopkins. I've never even seen one at my store, I only find them weird singular stragglers in go-backs. I looked her up way back when "The Wubble" was first introduced, because that was another thing that was just constantly sold out yet guests were always asking for. A few guests told me they saw it youtube from this girl.

yes, Leadership has the right to restrict the number of each item bought to a reasonable amount especially on items that are of limited quantity. Also if the person is Known to buy things in bulk to resell then the LOD can cancel the whole transaction and ask them to leave
Are LODS or other managers following people with lot's of one item throughout the store or something where you are wait for them to check out and then step in and cancel it? Who the F cares how many of something Joe Shmo buys.
Are LODS or other managers following people with lot's of one item throughout the store or something where you are wait for them to check out and then step in and cancel it? Who the F cares how many of something Joe Shmo buys.

Your Bullshit meter should be going off, that is how the GSTL or LOD gets involved.

When someone wants all 65 of some baby formula effectively cleaning out your store - you bet your ass, you deny that shit. Why? I don't want to piss off my regular customers who with their $250 basics trips every week, keep our store afloat. The customer base in my neighborhood don't bitch or complain they just walk. They disappear. There is a bunch of places that do what we do so they don't have to put up with that kind of BS of just walk. So we better keep it fair for everyone.
We now limit each household to six units of baby formula because here in SoCal (and worldwide) Chinese people come and buy baby formula in mass quantities to resell in China for a profit.

Most of the time they will comply but sometimes I catch some guys try to be sneaky come back in the store a second time and go to a different cashier to buy more baby formula.
we have an Asian man who does that too! he uses a lot of coupons and giftcards. he is legit buying but he comes in every few hours and goes to a different cashier, I think in one day I saw him 6 times with like 8 baby formulas
LOD or AP can deny any transaction for basically any reason. The quantity limit was recently mentioned as part of the reclarification on coupon policy.
we have an Asian man who does that too! he uses a lot of coupons and giftcards. he is legit buying but he comes in every few hours and goes to a different cashier, I think in one day I saw him 6 times with like 8 baby formulas

Same at my store! They all have coupons and gift cards to use for their purchases, and if we have a baby sale they flock to our store seeking free gift cards.
Same at my store! They all have coupons and gift cards to use for their purchases, and if we have a baby sale they flock to our store seeking free gift cards.
and what is crazier is when we try questioning him when it is clear it is him he pretends to not speak English. ugh...
Why limit sales because some future guest might be left in the cold? That is a failure on either the supplier or Target for not ordering enough to cover demand.
Replenishment of all items is aligned with corresponding sales trends in the area. When a guest "surprises" the system by buying a metric ton of something, we don't get replenishment for a long time. In this case, it's not the Target DC's or the supplier's fault that we're out of stock. The fault lands on whoever decided not to limit the asshole who wanted all the toothpaste in the store.
Yes lucy got in trouble, I think in France, and Lucy and Ethel on one end and few different people had to translate from English to Spanish to German to Italian to French to get out of trouble. Something like that. Reminded me of that.
That's hilarious!
idk if anyone elses store has the plastic containers (i believe 56q? maybe...) but theyre $1.78 and we have three different locations through out the store with them and they sell out within the day we put them out. we consistently get asked if they are really the price. people have bought ten of them at a time.
idk if anyone elses store has the plastic containers (i believe 56q? maybe...) but theyre $1.78 and we have three different locations through out the store with them and they sell out within the day we put them out. we consistently get asked if they are really the price. people have bought ten of them at a time.

Back to college cause the lids are a light aqua blue or peach? Check on hands, you probably have hundreds in the back. They are meant to be bought 10-20 at a time. People do use them to pack and move in.

If those are bins you will get orange ones for Halloween, red and green ones for X-mas. Also to be bought in numbers.. I have myself bought 12 of them at once.
Back to college cause the lids are a light aqua blue or peach? Check on hands, you probably have hundreds in the back. They are meant to be bought 10-20 at a time. People do use them to pack and move in.

If those are bins you will get orange ones for Halloween, red and green ones for X-mas. Also to be bought in numbers.. I have myself bought 12 of them at once.

haha we actually have an accurate number. we have like fifty and they're all on the salesfloor. none in back, or else we would have flexed them in somewhere. everything college and school related has officially turned into flex material. mini seasonal and seasonal is a mess at the moment. instocks has kind of taken control of it and makes sure it looks decent, so we constantly flex like minded material into it until its done.
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