Archived Are there any sd's that buck the system ,is it possible for any to think outta the box or are they handcuffed by corp

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Where are you working that seasonals were reliable? We hired 40 for SFS last year and literally zero made it to Christmas.
Where are you working that hires 40 people that couldn't make it to Christmas? I was one of only a few they hired seasonally October last year and I was able to cut it... though I guess a lot of seasonal people did get let go (fired) fairly early... and I did have Tls and ETLs fight to keep me. But still... going through 40 people hired just for SFS seems excessive.
Where are you working that hires 40 people that couldn't make it to Christmas? I was one of only a few they hired seasonally October last year and I was able to cut it... though I guess a lot of seasonal people did get let go (fired) fairly early... and I did have Tls and ETLs fight to keep me. But still... going through 40 people hired just for SFS seems excessive.

Can happen when they hire just for body count vs competency.
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Where are you working that hires 40 people that couldn't make it to Christmas? I was one of only a few they hired seasonally October last year and I was able to cut it... though I guess a lot of seasonal people did get let go (fired) fairly early... and I did have Tls and ETLs fight to keep me. But still... going through 40 people hired just for SFS seems excessive.

It's hard to hire 40 people for competency when you realistically only need them for a month. We run 3 packing stations 24/7 during peak weeks, so that's 30 shifts a day minimum.
There's too many socialists working for a multi billion dollar company. Sorry I like my job and respect the results I'm seeing lol.

If you want your socialism go move to Venezuela, see how that works for you.
The negativity on here is astounding. Target is literally enjoying their best financial results in this century right now. Modernization works! If it isn't working for you or your store...then you're doing it wrong 😂
It does work in low volume, 3-4 trucks a week stores. The higher the volume the less likely it is to work hence why stores should be able to tailor it to their needs. Probably around the 45-50 million a year stores is where it starts to not work. I know for a fact SD's at 100 million+ stores do not follow modernization. It just simply wont work.
We are a low volume store and it is not working for us yet. We're trying but it is a struggle to get everyone trained on everything they need to know. And morale sucks because of the resistance from TMs.
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