Not only that, but these type of terrorist attacks are almost always carried out by people who know they will not survive & their intent is to kill as many people as possible in as short amount as time as possible.
Storming a place with an assault weapon that can kill quickly is no match for someone carrying a handgun. This type of shooter isn't worried about being stopped - he/she has already managed to kill a large number of victims.
The robbery fund was eliminated about the time of smart fund banking.The Guest Service desk used to have a "Robbery Fund".. to hand over in case of a robbery. I don't know if it was killed off in every district, but.. It'd be smart to have at your store.
The Correct Answer... is to remain calm, and comply with demands. As soon as they leave, Radio for AP and a LOD.
Yup😉While you'll never see them as "BREAKING NEWS" There are many cases where tragedies and robberies have been thwarted by legal gun owners who have the means and opportunity to not become victims. Do a google search.
The fact that you used the phrase "assault weapon that can kill quickly" tells me that you are ignorant on the subject of guns, read a little. I would take any handgun over hopes and prayers in that type of situation.
I would never say that armed guards or police would have the ability to prevent or stop all mass-shooting type events, however, it very much COULD make a shooter think twice, which COULD prevent a massacre. Look up the word deterrent. Also, a good guy with a gun shooting back certainly could limit casualties or stop the threat completely. It's not the only solution to the problem, but why do nothing when we can do something?
While you'll never see them as "BREAKING NEWS" There are many cases where tragedies and robberies have been thwarted by legal gun owners who have the means and opportunity to not become victims. Do a google search.
I'm totally for gun guys with guns stopping mass shootings, but that's generally doesn't happen.
Again, mass shooters ambush their victims and attacks usually end quickly. When you're ambushed, you're ability to respond is greatly diminished.
So by the time you can collect your senses, shake the shock of being attacked, and reach the mindset that you can respond with your own gun, the shooter might have already committed suicide, fled, or surrendered to authorities.
The robbery fund was eliminated about the time of smart fund banking.
Funny how many states are adopting open-carry & trying to eliminate 'gun-free' zones but it's not going to make it any safer.
Only fools believe that 'an armed society is a POLITE one' because an nut-job or terrorist with a gun isn't gonna care who may or may NOT be carrying because they'll have the element of surprise - the same thing that killed Chris Kyle, et al.
Putting more guns out there only increases the chances of a gun in the wrong hands, be it an angry ex, a suicidal teen, a burglar, a reckless frat or a small child.
Possible, OR, somebody with the proper training and equipment could put an end to the situation before it becomes another tragedy. I'm not talking a mall cop who just gets handed a gun and gets told to be a hero if needed, but I'm also not talking about a James Bond license to kill type either.
Training, equipment, and mindset are key.
Think of all the wasted dollars that go into AP. I for one would much rather support those dollars going to an armed security guard(s) who not only play a limited role in actual merchandise protection (which is what they've already been reduced to), but are actually trained, ready, and willing to protect guests and team members from the very real threats that exist in today's society.
Guns are not the problem. What would stop an angry ex or a suicidal teen from using other means to carry out their will? A knife, a baseball bat, how about commercial airliners? Remember 9/11?
Those intent on doing harm will do harm with whatever means they have available to them.
I'm fine with trained armed guards, no disagreement there. But that still doesn't prevent the ambush factor.
If I'm a criminal going into a Target with the intent to kill, I could walk right by the guard unassuming (my weapon would be concealed), turn around seconds later, and shoot him in the back of his head.
Then what?
There's never been an attack with a knife or bat (as the sole weapon) as deadly as a mass shooting with a gun.
re: 9/11. Terrorist attacks using planes as actual weapons are very rare. The people on those planes that day had no idea what the hijacks were leading to (and claims after the fact of what was going to happen is Monday morning QBing).
A very real scenario. However, please re-read the definition of deterrent. If I'm the bad guy, I'd go to the place where I knew there would be absolutely no opposition, not somewhere that I'm forced to hope I can slip past an armed guard unnoticed before I start killing.
Are you serious? Google the Kunming knife attack, or the Tokyo Sarin subway attack.
Mass shooting events are statistically "very rare" too.
The guy who shot up a Planned Parenthood last week shot 5 police officers (killed 1), they were probably all armed. Two Vegas officers were shot a couple months ago, they were probably armed.
Gun free zone vs non-gun free zone is irrelevant. Mass shooters (shooters in general, actually) usually try to catch people by surprise. When a guy goes to a random place to kill large numbers of people, he doesn't care whether or not anyone there's armed (and has little way of knowing anyway), he's on a suicide mission. He doesn't care if he lives or dies, he just wants to kill and he usually succeed by ambushing them.
Slightly off topic, but think about Chris Kyle. He went to war and came home alive but...he was killed in the US by a random nutjob *at a gun range*. There were probably 100s of guns carried by good guys at that range, but that random nut killed Kyle cuz he caught him by surprise.
I'm not opposed to people being armed for safety reasons, but if a guy comes up and shoots you from behind or ambushes you some other way, your gun is worthless.
Unless it's a disgruntled BRTM that hates Target and their coworkers and comes in to go after the backroom specifically.....
.....not that I think there are any disgruntled BRTMs in this company (or on these boards).
There is one there, there's also one in backroom.
Better to have and not need, than to need and not have.
In theory, yes.
In practice? Not necessarily. Having but not needing is typically spending lots of $ that cold have been better spent.
The US spends nearly as much money every year on defense as the entire rest of the world combined. There are very seldom attacks on our soil, for the most part such spending is overkill and wasteful.
US spent $698 billion on defense in 2010. That's nearly $2,200 per person in the country. There are numerous other ways to spend that money that'd have a much larger impact on the overall standard of living of all Americans.
Of course folks, you realize that the chances that you will be killed by a someone who is falling asleep at the wheel of their car is much more likely than a terrorist attack.
In fact, your chance of being killed by a terrorist is 1 in 20 million while dying in a car accident is 1 in 100.
Your priorities are way off.
Which might explain why Spot doesn't have a plan in place for the event.