Archived Are we sitting ducks in a terror attack?

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From an attacker perspective, a store like most targets wouldn't be ideal. You have multiple exits, and you can't cover them all. You have a very large area with a lot of rooms and structures blocking field of view. Cops are often working closely with AP.

If your goal is to inflict the most damage, I'd say there are far better targets out there.

Sporting events, concerts, and office buildings would be the obvious candidates.

Then again, terrorism is about making people feel unsafe. If you're not safe shopping, where are you safe? At work, you have some kind of expectation of safety.

In the end, while I understand the general concern of people, the numbers don't justify it. I worry more about being killed by a drunk driver. All this worrying does is create prejudices and prevents us from solving the actual problem.
Everyone in this thread is posting their what if's and what they would do. But seriously. Look at your surroundings all the time. If you had a split second to drop and hide, where would you go? What would you do? Make a plan for yourself, make a plan for your families. I don't think waiting for anyone to make a plan for you is going to help if the "what if" situation does occur.
It used to all be called "going postal" yet saying something like that could get you fired at many companies. I don't know what it's called now, but everyone needs to be aware and know how to react/stay calm in a life altering situation.
It's a new world and we all have to adapt. One thing we all can do is get an app (there are many out there) to let friends and family know that you are safe and let them know where you are in an emergency situation.
Be safe. Be safe. Be safe.

And a little side note.
Today I was on the register at the company I work for now. A customer was buying black iron pipe, but not just one or two pieces, which is a common thing, but 6 3' pieces. 8 6" pieces. A box of caps for the pipes and also elbows. For a moment I thought, do I ask him what he is doing with these? Do I tell security? Do I not say anything? Am I being irrational? Will he tell me what he is doing with them if I ask? (I'm sure he will say, yes pink, I am going to be making bombs)
It ended up he was going to be making a desk for his workshop (at least that's what he told me)
I was still a little uneasy about the whole transaction. Though it may have been completely harmless or then again, maybe not.
Everyone, just stay alert at all times.
Take that shit to a Fox News forums , we have been sitting ducks ever since columbine with gun violence , not just now.

I for one have my great hiding spots in the back room , the same I use to hide from Guests and TM's.

And the best we've come up with since then is more "gun free zone" signs.

And to those saying the chance of an event is minimal, and that nonsense about more likely to die in a car accident, to you I ask: do you think those defenseless people in that San Bernardino office building had any reason to suspect that they'd be gunned down? Did the children at Sandy Hook think for one second when they woke up that they wouldn't be coming home?

In this instance probability and statistics are meaningless. The possibility is ALWAYS there.
Unless it's a disgruntled BRTM that hates Target and their coworkers and comes in to go after the backroom specifically.....

.....not that I think there are any disgruntled BRTMs in this company (or on these boards).

err… our BR folk are extremely disgruntled and they hate Target well the corporate bit but would more likely raid the liquor storage than anything else
their is a procedure for civil unrest. IIRC its basically barricade the main doors with pallets of heavy product/bails and pray to the deity of choice or wish upon a star for the zombie apocalypse to pass you by
I hate Target but I would never go on a rampage. It's wrong and not worth it. You're ruining families and lives when you do that barbaric shit. I have fired a gun a handful of times and it was scary and loud as Hell. Too much responsibility for me.

All Targets should have an armed guard/off duty cop. It should be a mandate. Make it so, makeitsoers.
We actually have a riot evacuation plan in place that could be activated if something like this were to happen.

TMs need to use one of two emergency exits (NOT the front doors) on a specific side of the store, and then head to a rally point a few hundred feet away. We can tell guests that the store is closed and we are evacuating, but are under no obligation to stop and help them or bring them with us.

We had to go over the general idea a while back as verbal instructions in numerous huddles due to a threat store leadership had been notified of.
Try to think of it like a fire drill, since that is more likely to have been described to you in your store. While your immediate goal is to get out, once safety is assured, collecting all team members to the area where a fire drill takes you allows LOD to know them and there that every team member is accounted for. Law enforcement will take care of the rest, but at least let your fellow employees and leaders know that you are safe.
And the best we've come up with since then is more "gun free zone" signs.

And to those saying the chance of an event is minimal, and that nonsense about more likely to die in a car accident, to you I ask: do you think those defenseless people in that San Bernardino office building had any reason to suspect that they'd be gunned down? Did the children at Sandy Hook think for one second when they woke up that they wouldn't be coming home?

In this instance probability and statistics are meaningless. The possibility is ALWAYS there.

You mock gun free zones as if they would have been allowed to bring guns into San Bernadino building or in an elementary school
I think the chances of a mass shooter targeting a Target store, are quite slim. But for what it's worth.... I think the absolute best thing you can do, is summon the Police by dialing 911 ASAP. Police have been trained well, and will respond very quickly in these situations

As for me personally.... Typically, I'd be in the AP Office, or near the back of the store... which is why, I'd probably lock myself in the AP Office. I'm surprised none of you mentioned the Fire Doors. That'd be my first thought... if something like this happened. Flee the store, and run for your life.

Side doors for me are fire doors 😉
Apparently there has been a few armed robberies at Targets in my general area. The LOD casually asked me what I would do in a situation like that. I though the he was joking, so I gave him a joke answer at first.
Apparently there has been a few armed robberies at Targets in my general area. The LOD casually asked me what I would do in a situation like that. I though the he was joking, so I gave him a joke answer at first.
It's an assessment question, just like you should know where to go in case of a fire or tornado. They're generally questions that could save your life 😉
Apparently there has been a few armed robberies at Targets in my general area. The LOD casually asked me what I would do in a situation like that. I though the he was joking, so I gave him a joke answer at first.

The Guest Service desk used to have a "Robbery Fund".. to hand over in case of a robbery. I don't know if it was killed off in every district, but.. It'd be smart to have at your store.

The Correct Answer... is to remain calm, and comply with demands. As soon as they leave, Radio for AP and a LOD.
You mock gun free zones as if they would have been allowed to bring guns into San Bernadino building or in an elementary school

I mock gun free zones as a whole because they are a foolish fantasy idea - and only serve to create soft and easy targets for nut jobs and terrorists.

Said nut jobs and terrorists would perhaps think twice if they knew that there was somebody inside who would be shooting back.
And for what it's worth... The in-store Pharmacy is much more likely to be robbed for Narcotics than the actual Guest Service Desk or Front Lanes for Cash.

It's a sad truth, but it's the world we live in these days.
About four or five months ago we had a group of people hold up a dozen different pharmacies in the area, including the Walmart 5 miles away and a Walgreens just a few blocks down the road. At one point we had 4 plain clothed detectives walking around the HBA area as we were the only one that hadn't been hit in a 1 mile radius.
About four or five months ago we had a group of people hold up a dozen different pharmacies in the area, including the Walmart 5 miles away and a Walgreens just a few blocks down the road. At one point we had 4 plain clothed detectives walking around the HBA area as we were the only one that hadn't been hit in a 1 mile radius.

In the case of Walmart, they typically have the Pharmacy right next to the doors. In the few P-Fresh stores in my district.. The Pharmacy is far, far back near Groceries.

Supers typically have there Pharmacy directly in the middle of the store, somewhat near the doors... Just past the check lanes. While some... have them oddly placed far in the back near seasonal.

My hope... Is that the idea of storming into a store and walking far into the back past countless eyewitnesses and team members is daunting, but who knows.

I'm glad you store wasn't hit. Crazy People for sure.
I mock gun free zones as a whole because they are a foolish fantasy idea - and only serve to create soft and easy targets for nut jobs and terrorists.

Said nut jobs and terrorists would perhaps think twice if they knew that there was somebody inside who would be shooting back.

I highly doubt that it would stop them. They know no one steps up and fires back when in that situation.
I highly doubt that it would stop them. They know no one steps up and fires back when in that situation.

Not only that, but these type of terrorist attacks are almost always carried out by people who know they will not survive & their intent is to kill as many people as possible in as short amount as time as possible.

Storming a place with an assault weapon that can kill quickly is no match for someone carrying a handgun. This type of shooter isn't worried about being stopped - he/she has already managed to kill a large number of victims.
I mock gun free zones as a whole because they are a foolish fantasy idea - and only serve to create soft and easy targets for nut jobs and terrorists.

Said nut jobs and terrorists would perhaps think twice if they knew that there was somebody inside who would be shooting back.

The guy who shot up a Planned Parenthood last week shot 5 police officers (killed 1), they were probably all armed. Two Vegas officers were shot a couple months ago, they were probably armed.

Gun free zone vs non-gun free zone is irrelevant. Mass shooters (shooters in general, actually) usually try to catch people by surprise. When a guy goes to a random place to kill large numbers of people, he doesn't care whether or not anyone there's armed (and has little way of knowing anyway), he's on a suicide mission. He doesn't care if he lives or dies, he just wants to kill and he usually succeed by ambushing them.

Slightly off topic, but think about Chris Kyle. He went to war and came home alive but...he was killed in the US by a random nutjob *at a gun range*. There were probably 100s of guns carried by good guys at that range, but that random nut killed Kyle cuz he caught him by surprise.

I'm not opposed to people being armed for safety reasons, but if a guy comes up and shoots you from behind or ambushes you some other way, your gun is worthless.
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