Becoming more satisfied...and also more frustrated, at the same time

Jan 8, 2021
So lately, like most other stores, things are tough. I've been without an ETL for a few long months (S&E) so lately my partner and I have been doing some of the ETL work for our area, without slipping tooooo much on service (we have slipped a little). Meanwhile there are tons of challenges keeping staffed and managing behavior in the team. What this has resulted in is a really big satisfaction with taking on more responsibility, succeeding at a lot of it and learning a ton and bringing the team up. Days where I'm legit excited to go into work and face what's next. But it is also causing me sleep issues where I have these mundane Target dreams of like, doing everyday work stuff. And not even wild dreams where a guest throws a baby at you or something. But like, processing a return on an unopened box of q tips, and getting somebody's pick up order. And moments of serious frustration where I feel like I should leave, and dread coming to work. I guess it's a bipolar attitude about my job, mostly positive on balance.

Is this what burnout looks like right before it hits? Or is this just what the job looks like for everybody the more you learn?
I know I've taken on too much at work when I start dreaming about what I am going to do the next day, planning it out no matter how mundane the task might be. It's like part of me thinks I might forget something so I'm doing a practice run. Repeatedly, all night.

And that's assuming my anxiety about it all let's me fall asleep to begin with.
I know I've taken on too much at work when I start dreaming about what I am going to do the next day, planning it out no matter how mundane the task might be. It's like part of me thinks I might forget something so I'm doing a practice run. Repeatedly, all night.

And that's assuming my anxiety about it all let's me fall asleep to begin with.
When I've got too much going on at work mentally I dream about it. Doesn't matter the job, it's a sign that the job is getting overwhelming.
I dream about flying a Cessna 172 WOT 20 ft AGL @ 140kt inverted. Time to take some time off from the Target gig. It's a bit much, don't allow your health to suffer.
Happened again last night ha. I have a vacation next month, probably will help clear the brain out a little. I want to try to change into being more stoic about accepting the way things are, and not letting all the b.s. get past the armor. You sound like somebody who's really good at that.
Response to N C Y yes, I am tolerant to a degree. I never took a job home and basically blew shit off. We had one disgustingly horrible TL who likely was a man-hater. She was a pig. We tolerated her for awhile. I was planning to leave anyway. She was just gone one day, never to return. Almost every other TL and ETL and Sr. TL was great. Well liked, worked with us and intelligent. The one I referenced was trash and stupid to boot. Nice mix.

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