You’re naive if you believe that a cashier or stocker or any entry level job at any major retailer deserves enough pay to support themselves while living alone and no other means of income just off of said retailer alone even if they’re working 40 hours.
Literally all they are doing is running barcodes over a scanner and being a bit friendly. They are going to be replaced by robots anyways and my point will prove itself.
If you don’t like that I’m sorry, it’s not my fault, life isn’t fair. So take it up with God or Mother Nature or shake your fist at the clouds... I don’t know. You sound like someone that doesn’t have a true appreciation for the fact that life isn’t fair.
We aren’t all as smart as Elon Musk or as physically blessed as LeBron James... life isn’t fair.
Working at a retail store is damn near the lowest common denominator because it’s sure as hell easier than working construction and beating your brains out in the sun, even if it is more emotionally taxing.
Almost all people that work hard do so because of pride and a drive to achieve... not because of their pay or lack thereof. The ones with the shitty attitudes about how unfair life is are the ones that sit on their asses complaining about the people doing the work... and said lazies are either being underpaid because they DONT want to work hard and earn it OR they don’t value themselves enough to do something else with their time.
So if I work 40 hours a week as an entry level anything, fuck me, better pick up another 20 hours elsewhere or find someone to mooch off of, because living alone is not an option? Huh. Nice.
What I said was ..... IF you can make ends meet
... I never said deserve. At least quote me correctly.
I bet they are called something nicer than "robots."
Give me 90 days training, and I can take your insurance adjuster job from you!. has to do with supply. And your wrong about the wages being too high. If they don't raise, then they won't keep up in hiring competition.Not mooch necessarily but share costs with yes.
You seem to think that life owes you something. It doesn’t.
Entry level positions at a Target store are not designed to be long term careers because they require minimal brain power to competently complete. That’s why they’re... entry... level.
When you can pull a 15 year old off the street and give them 90 days of experience to warm up with and they’re doing your job as well or better than you, you best believe that job isn’t going to pay a living wage.
You’re naive if you believe that a cashier or stocker or any entry level job at any major retailer deserves enough pay to support themselves while living alone and no other means of income just off of said retailer alone even if they’re working 40 hours.
Literally all they are doing is running barcodes over a scanner and being a bit friendly. They are going to be replaced by robots anyways and my point will prove itself.
If you don’t like that I’m sorry, it’s not my fault, life isn’t fair. So take it up with God or Mother Nature or shake your fist at the clouds... I don’t know. You sound like someone that doesn’t have a true appreciation for the fact that life isn’t fair.
We aren’t all as smart as Elon Musk or as physically blessed as LeBron James... life isn’t fair.
Working at a retail store is damn near the lowest common denominator because it’s sure as hell easier than working construction and beating your brains out in the sun, even if it is more emotionally taxing.
Almost all people that work hard do so because of pride and a drive to achieve... not because of their pay or lack thereof. The ones with the shitty attitudes about how unfair life is are the ones that sit on their asses complaining about the people doing the work... and said lazies are either being underpaid because they DONT want to work hard and earn it OR they don’t value themselves enough to do something else with their time.
Not mooch necessarily but share costs with yes.
You seem to think that life owes you something. It doesn’t.
Entry level positions at a Target store are not designed to be long term careers because they require minimal brain power to competently complete. That’s why they’re... entry... level.
When you can pull a 15 year old off the street and give them 90 days of experience to warm up with and they’re doing your job as well or better than you, you best believe that job isn’t going to pay a living wage.
Here's my counter to that. I'm going to avoid getting political.
There was a period in time where Americans could work on a farm, work at a gas station, work at a grocery store, and work literally anywhere and be able to pay for; College, a house, car insurance, utilities, house insurance, car loan, gas, etc, and still have money left over.
The thing that's wrong with the argument that entry-level retail workers don't deserve a higher minimum wage is that making $12.00/hr and not getting a consistent 40 hour week all year long is definitely not doable with all of these things. What once was no longer is. Things are much more expensive, look at the housing trends, college tuition trends, everything is expensive. The Government taxes the ever living hell out of everything. Oh, you bought a car you need to drive? Let us take an extra 30% of your total sale price. You need to register your car, but there's a $40 fee on top of sales tax! Oh, you wanna buy a house? Prepare to get fucked by your city's new property tax levy that increased from 15% to 16.5% last fiscal year. The government federally mandates you get insurance on literally everything or we're gonna fine you for all of your money or you risk a year of jail time.
The point I'm trying to make is it is expensive to be alive right now. It's definitely some people's faults for choosing to stay with multi-billionaire corporation Target, but that doesn't mean there are dozens of other companies and corporations paying full-time employees $11.50/hr.
My next counter to your entry-level jobs aren't career jobs is simply this; It's entry-level for reason, you're right, but you're not thinking about the bigger picture. Entry-level means you're at the bottom of the barrel, but that doesn't mean you can't work your way up and burst out of the barrel. I know plenty of people who started at Target as just a TM making $8.50/hr back earlier in the 2000's and made their way up to Sr. TL making damn near $30/hr. Entry level positions should be viewed as an opportunity to do better in a company, and thus can be a career job.
Current US Inflation Rates: 2008-2018 -
Inflation has been pretty awful, the recession in 2006-2007 until Obama's second term didn't help much either.
U.S. - projected inflation rate 2008-2023 | Statista -
The inflation rate isn't projected to be going down at all, either. The economy barely holds on because corporations and businesses have to pay employees less than a dime a dollar to keep products low.
The Inflation Calculator -
Play around with this thing, I typed in $1 for 1970 and in 2017 $1 is roughly $6.47 now.
In 1990, $1 costs about $1.90 today. Everything is literally 2x the cost it use to be just thirty years ago. I'll admit I don't have a whole 100% understanding of inflation and how it really works on the level of an expert, but it's something to think about. Sorry for the off-topic conversation.
LOL! I'm not saying life owes me anything. I'm literally WORKING for something lol. "Paying my debt to society," if you will.
But a job to which I'm committing my life to (by working 40 hours for it) owes me at least a living wage. Anything to which you're committing your life to (a working week in this country) owes you stability.
Am I asking for compensation above that bracket? No.
If I'm going to work at McDonald's for 40 hours a week, I will need to make life arrangements where I can afford things within my McDonald's wage bracket (a low-cost apartment, a low-cost method of transportation, a low-cost cell phone, etc.), but if I'm working 40 hours, an entire day, for this company, at least give me enough to afford the bare minimum.
Entry level doesn't mean you're supposed to treat people like shit and pay them accordingly. I promise you that 15-year old isn't going to be working 40 hours because, guess what, they're giving 40 hours to school, so, no, I refute your entire logic.
But the choice to work any job, even McDonalds or Target, at full time hours should pay well enough to cover all the necessities to live on one's own.You’re missing the whole part where you don’t have to work at McDonalds or Target for 40 hours a week. You are making a daily choice to continue doing so.
How many hours a week should one work, according to you, to make a living?You’re missing the whole part where you don’t have to work at McDonalds or Target for 40 hours a week. You are making a daily choice to continue doing so.
But a job to which I'm committing my life to (by working 40 hours for it) owes me at least a living wage.
It's good at least someone recognizes that. I hope to never have to witness the fall of the almighty dollar, that almost certainly means the end. We'll get bailed out by Russia or China and become their bitches. Either that or citizens decide to group together and form their own groups and create new borders within the USA. I know, I know, big conspiracy, it's fun to think about sometimes. 😎Yes the government is too big but way more importantly... the federal reserve is consistently robbing everyone of their purchasing power. They willfully print money so that the US government can continue to spend itself into obliteration which in turn rapidly devalues the dollar.
But the choice to work any job, even McDonalds or Target, at full time hours should pay well enough to cover all the necessities to live on one's own.
. I'm making plans to try applying to some other grocery stores, considering Aldis as a number one pick.
One advocate, Commissioner of Labor Statistics Isador Lubin, explained to the joint Senate-House committee that during depressions the ability to overwork employees, rather than efficiency, determined business success. The economy, he reported, had deteriorated to the chaotic stage where employers with high standards were forced by cut-throat competition to exploit labor in order to survive. "The outstanding feature of the proposed legislation," Lubin said, is that "it aims to establish by law a plane of competition far above that which could be maintained in the absence of government edict."
This! So much this.Here's my question. If retail is "low skill" labor then why are there so many people who can't do the job? Especially with this new modernization where you balance working freight, backstocking,assisting guests, doing go backs, etc? I can't stand idiots that think any idiot can do this job. If that was the case my life and others would be so much easier at Target 😂
So tired of hearing we have raised the minimum starting pay and now you should be working harder because of it. How about that you have been paying us too little and this is what you should be paying us.