Dear Corporate;
We know you watch this site. I left your company, and my new company has just sent me a survey to rate how the company is doing. Listen up, you will learn something.
First, an outside company was administering the survey. Not internal, no conflict of interest.
Second, the survey was not done on work computers. A link was sent and could be done at any computer, any location. Even your ex-girlfriend's little brother's best friend's computer. Makes the statement of anonymity a little easier to believe.
Third, there was no identifying information to tell which storefront I worked at. And the outside agency had a statement that all responses across the entire company would be compiled into one report before they are sent to my employer.
Fourth, at the end of the "rate from strongly agree to strongly disagree" there were four open ended questions.
- "What actions or behaviors have you observed that are inconsistent with the values of [company]?"
- "What do you like most about working for [company]?"
- "What about [company] causes you to withhold your extra effort?"
- "If you could change one thing, what it would be?"
You won't like the answers corporate, but if you listen and learn you will be much better for it, and Target will have a stronger future, with team members working hard because they feel happy and because the stress is a normal level, and clean, well-stocked stores, which will give a greater return on your investment than just beancount cutting.
Oh, and to make sure you pay attention - #union #strike