Archived Best Team Survey Time

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We have had no special treats the last few days. We rarely get any special treats anymore.
Pizza, requisitioned snacks at the end of the night....they didn't change the opinions I voiced "voluntarily" today....the only time I went above a neither agree or disagree was for my awesome TL.
We have had no special treats the last few days. We rarely get any special treats anymore.
Same here.

The only "treat" I noticed today in the breakroom was chips and salsa, but I think that was more for Cinco De Mayo than anything else.

My STL made sure to tell us person by person who our immediate supervisor was, not him/her. I guess he/she didn't want our imm. supervisor to get slammed. I also made sure to answer appropriately about my team. They are really a good bunch. However, when it got to the management section, well, there I made sure to express my extreme displeasure with them. Can you say Powerrrrrr Trip!! Ugh, they all make me sick.
I'm curious of those that are giving negative feedback on the survey, have you talked to your leads about your issues? Have you gone to your HR because your leads wont listen?

This might be the TL in me speaking but honestly how can they know your unhappy if you dont tell them. If you have told them and went through the proper channels and nothing was done, then by all means answer negatively on your survey. This year they mean business with these surveys some people WILL lose their jobs over them. I for one do not want to lose my job because some TM decided today was the day he wanted me to get it but everytime I have gone to them, "No problem all is good", if you have issue you should speak up. Some of the complaints I hear are things that your TL and ETL cant do a thing about, so why endanger their jobs over that.
An interesting comment by my HR - no response or neither + or - are considered to be negative responses and "count against us".
An interesting comment by my HR - no response or neither + or - are considered to be negative responses and "count against us".

They want you to leave it blank. They are looking at it that if you answer with no response or anything other then good or bad, its a negative because you couldnt answer the question and they should have made sure you could answer it. Leaving it blank the system doesnt even count it at all.
TLs not sticking up for TMs is what I've seen. You know I'm a good worker because every time I work in another area, the TLs and ETLs rave about me. Just because our ETL is a bitch, doesn't mean you have to question why something didn't get done. I always tell her to check the cameras if she wants to know why something didn't get done.
I'm curious of those that are giving negative feedback on the survey, have you talked to your leads about your issues? Have you gone to your HR because your leads wont listen?

This might be the TL in me speaking but honestly how can they know your unhappy if you dont tell them. If you have told them and went through the proper channels and nothing was done, then by all means answer negatively on your survey. This year they mean business with these surveys some people WILL lose their jobs over them. I for one do not want to lose my job because some TM decided today was the day he wanted me to get it but everytime I have gone to them, "No problem all is good", if you have issue you should speak up. Some of the complaints I hear are things that your TL and ETL cant do a thing about, so why endanger their jobs over that.

On the one hand you're absolutely right.
I would hope that people can recognize that things like how much their raises were have nothing to do with the TL.
Even the ridiculous expectations and lack of hours are not their fault.
You're also right that ii's important to communicate with your leaders, let them know what you need so they can help you.
But we're not talking about 'I wish you would give me more complete instructions.' or 'Can we spend a little more time working on this so that doesn't happen?'
What we're talking about is a 26 year old ETL with minimal work experience insulting a TM who has been working at the store for 10 years.
Our survey is a little odd. It's on our old STL (recently got a new one) so a good 20% of our team members weren't even here when she was present..
It really sucks that they took the comment section from the TM survey.. When they were on scantrons it was open season... I'd like to give them a piece of my mind. That's probably why they took that part out.... They probably heard too much of the truth... Question.... does everyone elses store "bribe" team members during survey time... you know.. leaders being extra nice.. and food?

It's Team Member Appreciation Week at my store where they give us all food.
I am so angry about this survey. I was pulled off cash just after I started today and my GSTL was sitting right beside me the entire time.
How can you answer honestly when they are sitting there breathing down your neck?
I just put neutral for most stuff.
My store has gone down hill in the past year or so. The TL's and ETLs/STL play favorites and it is noticeable by everyone, not to mention it is always obvious when they are talking bad about someone, they only give recongnition to themselves and to their favorite people. Personally I don't feel apart of a team at my store (due to the fact that my depart has gone back to it's old status of being the black sheep) and I don't feel appreciated by any of the TLs or ETLs, so you better believe I was honest when I took the survey.
An interesting comment by my HR - no response or neither + or - are considered to be negative responses and "count against us".
That's interesting. My stl said the same thing. Guess it was in their instruction packet. lol

"I was pulled off cash just after I started today and my GSTL was sitting right beside me the entire time.
How can you answer honestly when they are sitting there breathing down your neck?"
My stl was sitting right behind me talking to an etl. WTH? Go somewhere else!

"What we're talking about is a 26 year old ETL with minimal work experience insulting a TM who has been working at the store for 10 years."
OMG! Yessssss! They get younger and younger and have no common sense, no people skills, just the mumbo jumbo that college has given them. I'm glad I have a brain. I could never recite all that crap with a straight face to other people. The older I get the more I realize what's important in life and climbing the ladder of Target just isn't it for me.
I am so angry about this survey. I was pulled off cash just after I started today and my GSTL was sitting right beside me the entire time.
How can you answer honestly when they are sitting there breathing down your neck?
I just put neutral for most stuff.

I would have said something to the effect of "Isn't this supposed to be an anonymous survey?" and give the the GSTL a very hard look.
If thy didn't back off the next step is the hotline.
I did not get the email with an exclusive login information this year. That alone was a reason to not take it, as you could be tracked by your dynamic login as to what your responses were.
Team leads will get the email with the link on Wednesday I saw somewhere today.
I've only taken the TL survey once so I can't remember the questions or comment sections. I definitely need to spend more than 5 minutes on it like I think I did last year.
I did not get the email with an exclusive login information this year. That alone was a reason to not take it, as you could be tracked by your dynamic login as to what your responses were.
Team leads will get the email with the link on Wednesday I saw somewhere today.
I've only taken the TL survey once so I can't remember the questions or comment sections. I definitely need to spend more than 5 minutes on it like I think I did last year.

I spend about 30 seconds on mine, "strongly agree" everything.
Last year I refused to take the survey until after my review. Raised a few eyebrows. I then blasted them, for all the good it did...not.
So, does "Neither agree, nor disagree" count as "disagree"? Because that's what a lot of us were told....
I am so angry about this survey. I was pulled off cash just after I started today and my GSTL was sitting right beside me the entire time.
How can you answer honestly when they are sitting there breathing down your neck?
I just put neutral for most stuff.
That's not OK. you should be able to take the survey without anyone hanging over you!
I'm curious of those that are giving negative feedback on the survey, have you talked to your leads about your issues? Have you gone to your HR because your leads wont listen?

This might be the TL in me speaking but honestly how can they know your unhappy if you dont tell them. If you have told them and went through the proper channels and nothing was done, then by all means answer negatively on your survey. This year they mean business with these surveys some people WILL lose their jobs over them. I for one do not want to lose my job because some TM decided today was the day he wanted me to get it but everytime I have gone to them, "No problem all is good", if you have issue you should speak up. Some of the complaints I hear are things that your TL and ETL cant do a thing about, so why endanger their jobs over that.

If I have one GSTL who does nothing but praise me all year, and another GSTL who does nothing but rip me to shreds every time she gets a chance (no compliments, we can't have those, now can we) and the second GSTL does my review and has nearly nothing nice to say, then the communication is poor, at best. On top of that, the GSTL who does my review talks crap about everyone she doesn't like behind their backs. (Did it today on Facebook making fun of another TM's music choice) then there is no way in hell I can go to the TLs or anyone above without having her complain about me behind her back until I eventually get a new job. So no, I can't go to anyone about's the survey or nothing.
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