Archived Best Team Survey Time

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I am so angry about this survey. I was pulled off cash just after I started today and my GSTL was sitting right beside me the entire time.
How can you answer honestly when they are sitting there breathing down your neck?
I just put neutral for most stuff.
same. hr tm was behind my back the whole time helping out someone else but i felt like my answers were being watched closely.
I did my survey today. Didn't do it last year. I work in backroom but one of the GSTLs Sat down next to me while I was filling out mine and I made a comment about how I think we all know how these are going to end up and she just laughed and agreed. Everyone at my store is pretty unhappy and we are known throughout our district as a really really tough store. My question is how much do these surveys actually change things? Do they really improve anything in the long run?

Supposedly our former STL got booted as a direct result of last year's survey. I was told he got the lowest score in the entire company.
I did my survey today. Didn't do it last year. I work in backroom but one of the GSTLs Sat down next to me while I was filling out mine and I made a comment about how I think we all know how these are going to end up and she just laughed and agreed. Everyone at my store is pretty unhappy and we are known throughout our district as a really really tough store. My question is how much do these surveys actually change things? Do they really improve anything in the long run?

Supposedly our former STL got booted as a direct result of last year's survey. I was told he got the lowest score in the entire company.
Hmmmm.... we must be at the same store because if my STL (who got booted) wasn't the lowest, he should have been!
Was sent to to my survey today, even being behind on tasks, due to vibe.

I strongly agreed with everything about my store and team being positive, because they are, and strongly slammed corporate as being out of touch, not paying enough, and offering no benefits.

Seriously!? Can you believe they asked us if we were satisfied with our "benefits"? Unless you are full time, benefits consist ENTIRELY of a 10% discount, extra 5% if you get a redcard.

Wonder what we'll find out Gregg's benefits for leaving are. Probably $30M parachute, full healthcare for life, that sort of thing.

Fair's fair?

Try $68 million.
He obviously doesn't deserve $68 million, but lately in this country as soon as you get CEO in front of your name you are entitled to dynastic wealth. We're funding his family for generations to come.
So just out of curiosity, I've been asking TMs if they know the GTS is voluntary. I haven't talked to anyone that has ever been told it's voluntary. Do the leaders get a bonus for 100% participation? lol
No. But they get in trouble if they don't receive 80% participation (which includes people on vacation or LOA).
I have a feeling many of the TMs at my store (espcially hardlines and softlines) are going to give the TLs/ETLs a low score. As I said before my store is very high school and very clique with it comes to the ETLs and the TLs. They don't give recognition except for each other and it's over the dumbest stuff and its not even stuff THEY DO! I am interested in the results more then anything.
One of the questions started out with "given current circumstances....." I had to laugh. Current circumstances?? Really?
We've a CEO who's just left the company....we've had major health benefits cut....we're still trying to recover from the "data breach".......Target Canada has not had much of a chance at success....and this year's work reviews are two pages long and many of us got minimal raises...

I really wish that I had this question in front of me. My HR clerical said that she hadn't heard anyone laugh while taking the survey...and she wondered what made me laugh.
I did not get the email with an exclusive login information this year. That alone was a reason to not take it, as you could be tracked by your dynamic login as to what your responses were.
I got mine yesterday...all links went out yesterday.
I had one of the ETLs sit next to me while I was starting mine and I took a long time reading everything then click agree then as soon as he left I went back and changed most of my answers. Luckily the ones about my TL where first and he is awesome so I only had to go back once.
whose leg do I have to hump for a version with 'write your own comments?' .... also at the end of the survey I took there was some sort of contact us through the IH or through some other means ... anyone remember and/or have the info for the 'other means'?
I'd love a way to write a well formulated 'this blows ass' letter and not have it traced back so I end up putting my livelihood at risk.
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