Archived Black Friday 2017

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We had Famous Dave's BBQ on Thanksgiving, Bagels and coffee in the morning of Black Friday and I think Pizza starting at 2pm on Black Friday last year.
It's actually a Target policy that they have to offer team members 8 hours of off time between shifts. They have to ask for your permission to schedule you for something shorter.

I have been scheduled with less than 8 hours between shifts more times than I care to think. They have never once asked if that was ok.
I have been scheduled with less than 8 hours between shifts more times than I care to think. They have never once asked if that was ok.

Yeah we've discussed the chaos that is your store
Wristbands? Jesus... Im glad my store doesn't do that so I don't have to see everyone with wristbands on

So glad I'm backroom and we can take break whenever we want, just have to give a heads up.

We were given a note card that had our breaks and lunches on it as well as equipment that we were to get
Yeah we've discussed the chaos that is your store

This dates back long before that chaos started. The shortest time I've had between shifts has been ~4 hours back around 2000-2001. I was scheduled until 1am and it was 2am before we were released (there was no 1 hour after close rule, everyone stayed until the zone and reshop were 100% done). I was scheduled to come back in at 6 to scan in the ESV signing before the store opened. I slept under a desk in the TL office that night; driving home would have meant an hour less sleep.
I love the fact we are open at 6am, considering my store is in a state that can't open on Thanksgiving. I can SLEEP!! I work a 12-hour shift (by choice - I love BF) and when there is a six hour lull because every guest went home and went back to bed you PRAY that your deity of choice gets you through those times without curling up on a display chair and taking a little happy nappy. Anyway...

Here are my rules to live by on Black Friday from a GSTL who has seen so many.

- The line is going to be long once the store opens. Don't get hung up on checking price discrepancies UNLESS IT'S A LARGE AMOUNT. Just make it right and we can deal with it later. It holds everything up and the biggest priority is getting the guests in and out as fast as we can.
- BE. ON. TIME. Don't be late, and if you value your employment. DON'T. CALL. OUT. While your store can't necessarily term you for that, it doesn't gain you any ground. And if you DO have to call out, don't screw the store and call right before your shift starts.
- Stay on your register. If it's an emergency we can get someone to relieve you but don't just close without letting someone know. We depend on all registers open to move the line.
- I second, third, and fourth stand your ground. Don't break the stansions open and interrupt the line flow because someone has to use the necessary. Not your problem the guest downed two big gulps trying to stay awake in the line outside and now has to potty... go around.
- Please make sure you have enough stuff to get yourself through the mad rush in the morning: bags, receipt paper, pen, change, etc. I always spend Wednesday night getting ready and reloading all of that but sometimes we forget things.
- Take your breaks, take your breaks, take your breaks. You earn them that day and you need to get off the floor and take a rest for a bit and recharge your battery.
- Have fun! It's a fast paced day and a lot of times before you know it it's over. Everyone is extremely energized and you want to feed off of it.
How many hours did you all get? With the thanksgiving day overtime rule we have a lot of people at 44-48
How many hours did you all get? With the thanksgiving day overtime rule we have a lot of people at 44-48
What do you think the best way to explain the overtime rule to a leader is? My SrTL HR doesn't know this is a thing and I'm not sure how to explain it to them.
What do you think the best way to explain the overtime rule to a leader is? My SrTL HR doesn't know this is a thing and I'm not sure how to explain it to them.

On weeks with a Target observed holifay if a team member works on the day of the holiday those hours worked that day do not count towards the 40 per week before overtime goes into effect.
Last year was my first BF as a cashier and now I'm a GSA. I only worked opening Thanksgiving last year, but this year I'm off Thanksgiving and opening GS on BF. Which is worse? Thanksgiving or BF? And what will I probably be doing?
How many hours did you all get? With the thanksgiving day overtime rule we have a lot of people at 44-48

Only 32.5. I have to cut Thanksgiving short for a 5 hour shift in the fitting room. I'm scheduled at exactly 6 for Thanksgiving and I think it's kinda not the best idea. Think she was trying to avoid meals. But based on my past experience, there should've been a buffer so I'd have less chance of running in at the same time as the guests and I could get any supplies and break schedule with a little time to spare
I didn't get scheduled against my availability can't believe it will they possibly call me to go in? I have Thanksgiving off but I have a 9 hour shift on Black Friday they also extend it by 1 hour against my availability. My hours are only 37.
I didn't get scheduled against my availability can't believe it will they possibly call me to go in? I have Thanksgiving off but I have a 9 hour shift on Black Friday they also extend it by 1 hour against my availability. My hours are only 37.

No one can guatentee they wont call you but you don't have to go in so just plan on the day off.

Also stores are required to overstaff Thanksgiving to account for callouts anyways so I doubt anyone is going to have time to call you in the midst of such chaos.
Last year was my first BF as a cashier and now I'm a GSA. I only worked opening Thanksgiving last year, but this year I'm off Thanksgiving and opening GS on BF. Which is worse? Thanksgiving or BF? And what will I probably be doing?

Lots of order pick up. If you cover for gstl you will be running the line. Usually stores set up a que and you will send people to open registers.

It's hard to say what will be worse. Since we are closing for the first time in a long time you might get a rush at 6am. You'll have to wait and see.

I personally feel because we are so staffed on black Friday it's not that big of a deal.
How many hours did you all get? With the thanksgiving day overtime rule we have a lot of people at 44-48
Somehow I'm getting less hours than a regular week with 32. Though I guess the dock is open this Black Friday because I get a whopping 8 hours in receiving Friday.
Only 32.5. I have to cut Thanksgiving short for a 5 hour shift in the fitting room. I'm scheduled at exactly 6 for Thanksgiving and I think it's kinda not the best idea. Think she was trying to avoid meals. But based on my past experience, there should've been a buffer so I'd have less chance of running in at the same time as the guests and I could get any supplies and break schedule with a little time to spare

I'm at 47
On weeks with a Target observed holifay if a team member works on the day of the holiday those hours worked that day do not count towards the 40 per week before overtime goes into effect.
I was scheduled 40h, not on there a place on Workbench or eHR to show someone in case I want to pick up a shift on Thanksgiving (I'm currently not working). Then again, I'm coming in at 4am Friday to do the Market truck so it depends on how much I hate myself, lol...
I was scheduled against my availability on Wednesday and I'm also scheduled for SL unloading which I've never done before. But heck, if I don't have to deal with guests i'm all for it.
21.5 which isn’t bad. I’m not sure what they have for my desired hours (it’s a second job). I originally said 20 but said no more than 25 for sure.

I work 5:45-midnight on Thanksgiving and 6-10 pm Black Friday (I think they may have assumed I work at my FT job but we are closed). Then off Saturday. I will take it!
I was scheduled against my availability on Wednesday and I'm also scheduled for SL unloading which I've never done before. But heck, if I don't have to deal with guests i'm all for it.
Other people have said most stores ignore your availability on Thanksgiving unless it’s known to be due to another retail job.
Only 31.25 hours. Only one day off that week but lots of short shifts. Which I’m pumped for, I hate long shifts. Also not coming in until 2pm on Black Friday. Will it still even be busy?
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