Archived Black Friday 2017

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Can anyone tell me what the numbers mean before my shifts? My other days don’t show that


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My store's schedule is out, but I'm not on it at all. Although, I am able to login to my schedule again, just checking my eHR account, doesn't look like I can get into that yet. Some people are scheduled to start way before 6pm at my store, though. Almost as early as 3:30, and I think I was looking at Black Friday but I could have swore I saw someone starting at 9am thanksgiving too, so kind of confused, since I thought stores open their doors at 6pm.
If your store is SFS, that could be why. My store has people as early as 4 am on Thanksgiving. If not, it could be last minute setup/filling the floor.

Can anyone tell me what the numbers mean before my shifts? My other days don’t show that

Could be register numbers if you're a cashier, since most if not all registers will have cashiers.
My store only has 1 AP -- I'm really curious how BF will work? Not only with crowd control but someone's gotta be watching the cameras too. Do you think ETL's will help or I wonder if we'll contract security?

My store only has 1 AP as well. During past black Fridays he's usually been up at the front of the store with two police officers and then will make his rounds back to the electronic line and keep an eye out
My store only has 1 AP -- I'm really curious how BF will work? Not only with crowd control but someone's gotta be watching the cameras too. Do you think ETL's will help or I wonder if we'll contract security?
My store has a single APTL. He comes in a few hours before opening for crowd control and stays outside until after opening and there is no more line outside. Then he disappears and I'm assuming he's in his office watching the cameras. There are tons of police in the area that night so they respond quickly if called.
Only 31.25 hours. Only one day off that week but lots of short shifts. Which I’m pumped for, I hate long shifts. Also not coming in until 2pm on Black Friday. Will it still even be busy?
no, it won't. It just be stragglers who think there will be something other than bones left.
I work 11:30 am - 5:00 pm on black friday. and then the saturday after. anyone wanna let me know how crazy those will be? thanks in advance!
Black friday will be petering out by 11 am so it will morph into into a busy weekend.
doing 5 trucks this week this store only done 4 trucks for black friday since 2007
I helped unload those damn barricades today.

For the second time...
There is NEVER a year they isn't a huge line outside. What do you think the rails are for?
Well, there will be a much bigger line Thursday night than Friday morning... by 6 on Friday won't most of the actual good good deals be gone? I think he's got a point that there might not be a much of a line
Well, there will be a much bigger line Thursday night than Friday morning... by 6 on Friday won't most of the actual good good deals be gone? I think he's got a point that there might not be a much of a line
My store is starting a truck unload at 2 am on friday, so in theory, we should receive replenishment on a lot of stuff we might be out of, so we'll definitely encourage people to come back if they didn't find something
My store is starting a truck unload at 2 am on friday, so in theory, we should receive replenishment on a lot of stuff we might be out of, so we'll definitely encourage people to come back if they didn't find something

This isn't a bad thing to do, but what will be on your truck is going to be your regular replenishment for the week. You'll likely get *some* items in stock, but doorbuster deals you will remain out of as that's merchandise we get only for BF.

I'm scheduled to help do set up Wednesday. Other than ad set after close, any idea what I should expect to be doing?
This isn't a bad thing to do, but what will be on your truck is going to be your regular replenishment for the week. You'll likely get *some* items in stock, but doorbuster deals you will remain out of as that's merchandise we get only for BF.

I'm scheduled to help do set up Wednesday. Other than ad set after close, any idea what I should expect to be doing?
Probablt setting up lines in the store, moving merchandise to the floor, doing a deep zone, restocking everything in spill stations, etc.
A couple questions about Thanksgiving and Black Friday pay.

I understand on Thanksgiving that pay is time and a half.

Is the extra $1 per hour given on Thanksgiving until 8 am on Black Friday included in the time and a half or is it just $1 added on?

Is the the overnight extra $1 per hour for 3 or more hours worked from 10 pm to 8 am included in the time and a half or is it just a $1 added on?

Do you get the overnight extra $1 per hour for 3 or more hours worked from 10 pm to 8 am if you close on Thanksgiving and open on Black Friday or does the hours have to be on one continuous shift?
I work on Thanksgiving from 5:45 PM - 1:00 AM. I have Black Friday off. That's two years in a row that I will have Black Friday off.
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