Archived BTS 2018

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So just playing devils advocate here, but has anyone actually told an etl they there is an issue? Has anyone communicated to anyone that they claim on here to be scoring so low that there is a legitimate problem?

Part of the issue is we can’t fix something we don’t know about and if you wait all year to roast it only makes your lives worse because we could’ve at least tried to fix it the whole time. Granted I guarantee you there are a lot of trash ass leaders out there, but if you don’t at least try you have no reason to bitch.

For example if you find you HR to be unapproachable has anyone told the STL?

Granted everyone acts hard over the internet. 9/10 of you put “agree” for every question, took a piece of candy, and left the area. Bet.

How many people see the STL and HR etl do zilch every year after said results come out?
I wonder if answering your sex as transgender voids the survey.
At our store if you put down, “white” they’ll know who you are immediately
same with my store haha even just putting my race and gender after specifying my workcenter would have had me pegged immediately
I really sometimes wonder how so many poster’s DTLs still have jobs...are your STLs and ETLs not sharing anything with you? BTS results are anonymous. There is no way I know who scored what. The most I can know is what teams scored what. If you are on a small team, like less than 4 in your subgroup, then I don’t even get detailed results for anything...just high level engagement scores. I share those scores with my team during feedback sessions where we come up with ideas to implement and address our team’s concerns. BTS results are no big secret and I don’t know who individually wrote what. You can sometimes assume who might’ve scored something low if percentage wise only one person scored a question negatively and that person is vocal about what they think the rest of the year, but there’s no retaliation or anything like that. Just what can we do as a leadership team to make this store the best workplace?

I really feel for y’all that have some awful leaders. We’re not all like that. Poor BTS results are a reflection of the culture that exist for 365 days of the year. TMs aren’t stupid and will not forget about poor leaders just because they got s’mores in the break room for BTS kickoff.

On the flip side though, if you haven’t talked to your leaders about issues or concerns in the store at any point, then the BTS is not the time to rip them a new one. Surely there is an ETL or TL in the store that you feel comfortable talking to. If not, then be an adult and have a difficult conversation with your leader face to face. You might be surprised what comes of it. Hopefully it will be constructive but I’m not naïve enough to believe that every hard conversation will end well. If after talking to your leaders and you still see no change or have your concerns addressed, then by all means use the survey as a way to provide that feedback, but don’t wait all year to blast your leadership on the survey simply bc you don’t like them.
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So just playing devils advocate here, but has anyone actually told an etl they there is an issue? Has anyone communicated to anyone that they claim on here to be scoring so low that there is a legitimate problem?

Granted everyone acts hard over the internet. 9/10 of you put “agree” for every question, took a piece of candy, and left the area. Bet.

Yea. I'm pretty vocal. And ive helped other tms who arent, bring up issues. Unfortunately, people tend to get tired of bringing up the same issue over and over again. Idk why anyone would agree on everything unless they were in a rush? You can't even answer some of it in my store. Vast majority of us haven't talked to anyone above store level. N/a for all those questions unless you're a liar. The survey is on the internet though so... Act hard when you take it. I think that's literally the point of the survey. It's an opportunity for people who are too afraid to speak up face to face...

So who has seen results from this “survey”?!?

My store was a focus store one time and they got rid of a million execs back to back. I mean they "left the company to explore other opportunities." Back then the survey was a little more in depth and there was a comment section. Then another time (with the current survey) we had chat sessions and then a second "pulse" survey. Nothing changed.
Have any stores in the first round of surveys heard about any results? It's been 2 months for those stores. We have usually heard by now. I'm not expecting anything stellar.
I was invited a week ago to a chat session with 4 other folks and they asked us questions about if we knew what the hotline was, if we feel comfortable in going to HR or hotline without fear of retaliation, are their opportunities to develop for you, do you feel well compensated for the work done and what could be done better. Apparently the reporting problems without fear of retaliation from leaders scored very low.
Still no word on our results but our dtl has pitched a tent in the stls office so I guess we can assume some things. I honestly could care less not a single current leader has been at our store more than a year so they will chuck the results and tell the etls to be nicer. Same store different year. We havent kept and etl passed two years since I started a decade ago. Our store is where careers go to die its a matter of time. In the meantime I have tables to fold and old ladies to help.
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TL results were a blood bath resulting in chat sessions with the DTL and above, TM's are next cause they were just as bad.
We all know these scores are not a surprise. Now, what does Target plan to do about them? A lot of the issues and stressors going on in the stores are the direct result of policies that corporate has put in place. Right now the stores involved with modernization are struggling because of this plan corporate has implemented. E2E is another stressor that corporate put in place.
We all know these scores are not a surprise. Now, what does Target plan to do about them? A lot of the issues and stressors going on in the stores are the direct result of policies that corporate has put in place. Right now the stores involved with modernization are struggling because of this plan corporate has implemented. E2E is another stressor that corporate put in place.

Well many of plans are actually good ideas. I feel like the problem is there is no corporate support. You need equipment and hours to make these changes. You need to have the dc's send us product in a format that is most efficient. Until corporate spends the necessary $$, even if it means a couple of quarters with little profit, or even a loss, we are never going to attain the goals that corporate wants. Plain and Simple.

Hey corporate, do what's right for the long term sustainably of Target, not short term profits!
Well many of plans are actually good ideas. I feel like the problem is there is no corporate support. You need equipment and hours to make these changes. You need to have the dc's send us product in a format that is most efficient. Until corporate spends the necessary $$, even if it means a couple of quarters with little profit, or even a loss, we are never going to attain the goals that corporate wants. Plain and Simple.

Hey corporate, do what's right for the long term sustainably of Target, not short term profits!
Yup, if they put these in place then they should be supporting them with hours to get the work done. I walked into our BR the other day and the amount of softlines push was staggering. If you don't spend the money on hours then this will not get to the floor so the guest can purchase.
Well many of plans are actually good ideas. I feel like the problem is there is no corporate support. You need equipment and hours to make these changes. You need to have the dc's send us product in a format that is most efficient. Until corporate spends the necessary $$, even if it means a couple of quarters with little profit, or even a loss, we are never going to attain the goals that corporate wants. Plain and Simple.

Hey corporate, do what's right for the long term sustainably of Target, not short term profits!

This cause right now they are screwing over the source of the money. The customer..
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