Archived BTS 2019, This Time with Feeling

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I want to keep taking the survey multiple times up to and beyond the stores headcount. just so I can see the aftermath of all the visits that would happen from all those bogus surveys.

it would be oh so wrong but oh to see the "leadership" frog marched out of the store would be an amazing thing.
Been through the BTS rodeo before, at least they didn't ask the question, "if another store offered you are comparable job at the same pay and benefits, would you leave Target?"
No, but they asked something similar enough that I got a follow-up question about why I'd consider leaving. Can't remember the wording - maybe something like "do you see yourself at Target a year from now?" I feel lots about about my TL this time around, and maybe modernization will work out, but I'm not counting my chickens just yet and they shouldn't be either.
I had problems answering the survey because store level my leadership is supportive. It was hard to tell corporate exactly how stupid they are being when the people between me and district are clearly doing the best they can with the insane demands.
In hindsight, I wish I had written in the comment area about questions that I'd like to see on future surveys, "Could we please have open-ended questions? It's easier to say exactly where the issues are than to just say we're dissatisfied, and hope you can figure out why."
Legit told them I took it without actually taking it.
I totally did the same thing. Mainly because I had a TL say something to me about the results last year (I guess they didn't like the results and thought it was all my fault). Also, I see no point in it. Spot is like the stupid little kid who keeps eyeing the hot stove and someone is telling them not to touch it, but we all know the little dumbass is going to do it anyways no matter what we say. So go ahead Spot, burn the shit out of yourself.
I gave them a good roasting myself the other day.

Do you enjoy working at Target? No

Are you proud to work at Target? No

Do you have the equipment you need to work? HELL NO

I wrote in a note that they ought to ask "is the backroom safe" in the next survey because of how unsafe it is on a daily basis. Surely someone would pay attention to that.

I got my cashier training the other day and am now told I have to wear a walkie when I clock in. But what if there aren't any? I can only do so much in a 5-6 hour shift, and I'm feeling pulled in 50 directions as it is. Who is getting the work done when I have to take 15-30 minutes to ring customers up during a rush? When do you leave the register after being called up? I'm just worried this is going to be another way to screw people over.
I got my cashier training the other day and am now told I have to wear a walkie when I clock in. But what if there aren't any? I can only do so much in a 5-6 hour shift, and I'm feeling pulled in 50 directions as it is. Who is getting the work done when I have to take 15-30 minutes to ring customers up during a rush? When do you leave the register after being called up? I'm just worried this is going to be another way to screw people over.

Check to make sure it's the way to do things at your store, but when we don't have a walkie, we use GS' walkie to announce arrival, breaks and departure. If you are specifically expected to have a walkie, when you check in tell the LOD that you don't have a walkie because there were none. If it's omg critical they will have someone else give up theirs to give to you. When backup, at some point the GSA/GSTL or higher will likely turn off your light, at which point you are closed, you finish up with the person in line when your light was on and then leave. And as far as who is getting the work done, no one. That's the hard truth.
Our percentages are low. We're being bribed with food.

I took it, login and all. Let the chips fall, etc. You want to know what's going on? Well, I'll tell you ... good and bad. (And yes, I suggested a question. With the title changes, it's difficult to determine who you're evaluating: Leads (TLs) or Leaders (ETLs)? So, I said I'd either like the option to evaluate both or that I'd like for them to clarify their wording. (They'll know that's me. C'est la.)
so im not getting to do a bts or even a exit interview/feedback. i tried to and my tl came by to use the pc for schedule checking. he said i didnt have to do it. i said im still a tm. he said nah, just go back to work. (i got a 4 hours shift to cover for the idiot they got to replace me, he gave up in 2 days! ha ha). the back ass logic is hard to fathom. not good enough for a bts...but good enough to cover for my idiot replacement? wtf.
the back ass logic is hard to fathom. not good enough for a bts...but good enough to cover for my idiot replacement? wtf.
You're leaving, you have nothing to lose by excoriating everyone and everything in the survey. You're reliable, they have every reason to dangle the carrot by giving the impression that they will give you plenty of hours if you were to return.
I gave them a good roasting myself the other day.

Do you enjoy working at Target? No

Are you proud to work at Target? No

Do you have the equipment you need to work? HELL NO

I wrote in a note that they ought to ask "is the backroom safe" in the next survey because of how unsafe it is on a daily basis. Surely someone would pay attention to that.
Oooh, that's smart.

"Is the backroom safe?"
"Is the fixture room safe?"
"Does your store keep product or fixtures in the fire aisle?"
Guys ,did everyone miss the little disclaimer in the right upper corner of the browser before the survey started?
It said something like “to accommodate individual needs, this year BTS is not anonymous”
I wish I came across this thread earlier, I would’ve warned you guys.
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