Archived Buying stuff off the clock

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Limited run little pieces of plastic used with Nintendo video game systems. 😛


People go nuts over them, we'll probably have a rush of 30 people for the 8 we'll get.
Depends on your management really, I know people who buy stuff ON the clock, even go next door to grab lunch before clocking out and they have been doing this for years.
I'd go to another store if possible. If you wait in line you shouldn't have to wait 15 minutes. I thought it was 20 minutes something had to be out though, but if it's on the floor and a different color, character or size of something is available in the back, it can be pulled for you because we'd do the same for a guest. I asked an etl that question in the past because curious, but I guess asants and all that. Also we don't even have that group of leadership anymore so I dont even know if that would still fly at my own store lol
My guess is your STL is just being super cautious. We rarely have this issue, and I've rarely seen anyone violate the rules (the ones actually in the TM handbook-not arbitrary ones from the TLs). In fact I sat in line for the PS4 launch after closing, because I knew how few we had for the people who didn't pre-order like my hubby. Po-po stopped by and didn't even hassle us cause they know me and I work for spot....and it was pretty lonely most of the night.
The 15 min rule on applies if you're working at the time the product hits the shelves. If you're not scheduled the whole day or scheduled in a later date (products on the floor at 8am, you work 9), it's a free for all.

Make sure you're not wearing any target related clothing
Not true. People have been written up at my store for it.
We have had employees get fired for putting marked down items a bit hidden. Then purchasing them as soon as they got off the clock.

I also had to talk to a new cashier and a tm in electronics. The electronics tm put a high demand toy on the side for the cashier until she got off the clock. She didn't know that wasn't allowed (maybe they didn't go over it in orientation. Or she didn't pay attention) and I don't think he thought out what she was asking. Or that he even noticed what the toy was when he put it on the side. When I told them what the problem was about what they did. They both were genuinely shocked. And I don't think either will do it again
Wow. You all have crazy strict stores. My store is a free for all when it comes to TMs buying and holding stuff. For a long time we had a TM who would hold clearance stuff she found on the clock for weeks on end waiting for it to go to a lower clearance price before buying it. And no one ever said a word to her about it.

But interestingly enough, for about the past month, the only stuff she has put aside to buy has all been full price I don't know if they reigned her in, or what...but of course that doesn't stop other TMs and TLs from finding clearance stuff on the clock and stashing it to buy later.
For a long time we had a TM who would hold clearance stuff she found on the clock for weeks on end waiting for it to go to a lower clearance price before buying it. And no one ever said a word to her about it.
Yeh, we had some GSTMs termed for that. They were stashing stuff way back under the counter waiting for it to go to final.
In some instances they took an additional.
Wow. You all have crazy strict stores. My store is a free for all when it comes to TMs buying and holding stuff. For a long time we had a TM who would hold clearance stuff she found on the clock for weeks on end waiting for it to go to a lower clearance price before buying it. And no one ever said a word to her about it.

But interestingly enough, for about the past month, the only stuff she has put aside to buy has all been full price I don't know if they reigned her in, or what...but of course that doesn't stop other TMs and TLs from finding clearance stuff on the clock and stashing it to buy later.

Yeah, it seems most our stores are strict about these things, mine included. It really seems to depend on your STL and ETL-AP's attitude about it. Our previous AP did not care about TMs holding clearance or what have you, but since the current ETL-AP started, TMs are barred not only from holding clearance, but from holds altogether. We are absolutely not permitted to hold any items whatsoever for ourselves or other TMs. We are also not allowed to Guest Price Challenge items, even if we have 100% proof that an item was signed differently than it is ringing.
There's a lot of confusion abouts the Amiibo launch in general. The ad says Limit 2 per guest but doesn't specify whether it's 2 per character or 2 total amiibo. Corporate clarifies it's 2 per character in last week's Vibe in E&E, but it seems to be the rules are changing store to store. One of the few situations where I think we could actually use a strict corporate game plan tbh.

As far as other merch at my store it's no holding high demand merchandise, and wait 15 minutes if you're on the clock. After you clock out or before your shift though you're just another guest. No one really monitors it though.
There's a lot of confusion abouts the Amiibo launch in general. The ad says Limit 2 per guest but doesn't specify whether it's 2 per character or 2 total amiibo. Corporate clarifies it's 2 per character in last week's Vibe in E&E, but it seems to be the rules are changing store to store. One of the few situations where I think we could actually use a strict corporate game plan tbh.

As far as other merch at my store it's no holding high demand merchandise, and wait 15 minutes if you're on the clock. After you clock out or before your shift though you're just another guest. No one really monitors it though.

I think it's a store-by-store basis on whether they want to go further and enforce a 2 per guest. I know my store is 2 per guest because with each amiibo launch, we get large Asian families who come in to resell it.
My store is allowing one of each character per guest which will give the 2 limit. There's only two right??!! We have a line outside my store since around 3pm today.....
My store is allowing one of each character per guest which will give the 2 limit. There's only two right??!! We have a line outside my store since around 3pm today.....

A line for a plastic figurine?
Yeah, it seems most our stores are strict about these things, mine included. It really seems to depend on your STL and ETL-AP's attitude about it. Our previous AP did not care about TMs holding clearance or what have you, but since the current ETL-AP started, TMs are barred not only from holding clearance, but from holds altogether. We are absolutely not permitted to hold any items whatsoever for ourselves or other TMs. We are also not allowed to Guest Price Challenge items, even if we have 100% proof that an item was signed differently than it is ringing.

Do they at least let you use Flexible Fulfillment?
I asked my STL about this once. When the Jason Wu came out for Target I saw online there was a black cat tote. I had to have it. So I went to Target that Sunday, I was off, and waited in line outside for an hour. It was actally fun, we all said what we really wanted and why and chit chated. When the store opened there was a mad rush I thought wow ok all bets are off as one lady grabed both of the totes, we only had two, but then she turned around and gave me one.

My STL was fine with that since I had no advantage over regular guests, like I said ASANTS.
are you working before opening? I could see the STL wanting you to wait the buy it 15 mins after the store opens.
We have had employees get fired for putting marked down items a bit hidden. Then purchasing them as soon as they got off the clock.

I also had to talk to a new cashier and a tm in electronics. The electronics tm put a high demand toy on the side for the cashier until she got off the clock. She didn't know that wasn't allowed (maybe they didn't go over it in orientation. Or she didn't pay attention) and I don't think he thought out what she was asking. Or that he even noticed what the toy was when he put it on the side. When I told them what the problem was about what they did. They both were genuinely shocked. And I don't think either will do it again

If we're on a break, we're allowed to do this because at that point, we're a guest just like any other guest.

And in my store the 15 or 20 minute thing only applies to the initial placement on the floor. Not if we run out and the caf didn't drop yet. You guys all have strict stores. We're not supposed to hide anything, but everyone does it including my TL. There's a legal precedent about that so if they fired anyone for it, they could mention that everyone else does it and there's a culture of it. But I don't think anyone would actually go that far lol. I've just thought about it in case I ever need to defend myself from being pink slipped over hiding $2 online dresses... And $6 beige pants.
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