My Time is absolute shit. Is my life, my humanity, so meaningless to this corporation that my schedule has to be made according to the habits of greedy, impatient, pushy shoppers? The short answer is "yes."
It's a system that doesn't even work properly. Our underage cashiers have to go to school. Duh. Does My Time take that into account? Nope. Not at my store, anyway. One of our girls was fired because she had too many call-outs. So rather than violate the law by missing class, she now has to apply for future jobs with a smudge on her work history. Way to go, Target Corp!
My Time is consistently pumping out schedules with break/lunch times that make no sense. Clock in at 12:00pm, first break at 12:45. What? Scheduled to work eight hours, go to lunch after the first three...leaving five full hours on the second half of shift. Gee, I hope I can make it all the way across the store to TOC in time to aw fuck I just violated.
This shit happens regularly. To the point that my GSA/GSTL's are making up their own break/lunch times on the fly.