Bye Bye Receivers

My prediction:

Target leadership at the low level says "you need to manage vendors and let them know they can only arrive between xyz times - because this awful new process is inconveniencing us"

Completely missing the point that most vendors serve like...5-7 Targets that are trying to enforce the same shit on them.
A store in our area wanted to try to get all large format drink deliveries (milk, Pepsi, Coke and DPSG) to show up only between 5-7. How the hell was that supposed to work? Luckily the drivers struck that down really freaking fast.

I've told my vendors that if they want to make sure to get received quickly and painlessly to just make sure to get there while I'm still in receiving. That gives them a 3 hours window to get there. I've had a few people adjust their routes to do this but it was just a suggestion from me, not a rule. If they get there while I off doing my other stuff then it is a crapshoot how well it will go for them, it really depends on which person gets sent back to help them.
A store in our area wanted to try to get all large format drink deliveries (milk, Pepsi, Coke and DPSG) to show up only between 5-7. How the hell was that supposed to work? Luckily the drivers struck that down really freaking fast.

I've told my vendors that if they want to make sure to get received quickly and painlessly to just make sure to get there while I'm still in receiving. That gives them a 3 hours window to get there. I've had a few people adjust their routes to do this but it was just a suggestion from me, not a rule. If they get there while I off doing my other stuff then it is a crapshoot how well it will go for them, it really depends on which person gets sent back to help them.
I admit that if this was to roll out and I was doing my "3 hours" in receiving for "reverse logistics ." I would have a really hard time not taking vendors. I think I would have to do Gm stuff first. Than the 3hrs could start as soon as unload is complete for the sweep. That's usually 11 if I'm lucky. I would do my best to stay away from receiving during early dock hours and let the rollout process proceed the way people in HQ believe in.
I admit that if this was to roll out and I was doing my "3 hours" in receiving for "reverse logistics ." I would have a really hard time not taking vendors. I think I would have to do Gm stuff first. Than the 3hrs could start as soon as unload is complete for the sweep. That's usually 11 if I'm lucky. I would do my best to stay away from receiving during early dock hours and let the rollout process proceed the way people in HQ believe in.
I think this is technically how it is supposed to work if we were following the pilot exactly. I should not be touching anything vendor-related and just calling back Market or a TL each time someone needs to be received but that is definitely not how it is working. It actually makes me feel bad that my vendors have to deal with subpar people helping them when I am officially out of receiving, but it would really hurt to just stand there working on other things while my vendors wait for someone to come back and help them.
I think this is technically how it is supposed to work if we were following the pilot exactly. I should not be touching anything vendor-related and just calling back Market or a TL each time someone needs to be received but that is definitely not how it is working. It actually makes me feel bad that my vendors have to deal with subpar people helping them when I am officially out of receiving, but it would really hurt to just stand there working on other things while my vendors wait for someone to come back and help them.
Yeah I get that. I can get them in and out efficiently. You have probably heard how the vendors complain about issues they have at Walmart and other companies but they truly appreciate how I run receiving.
No that doesn’t include in the receiver core role , signing is to be sorted by the vml or signing person , and supplies by cart attendant
Actually Workbench has it under Receiving/Inbound (and specifies both receipt snd sorting of the pallet) and there is nothing in any VM core role paperwork that says VM owns the signing pallet. Our District VM let us know this and we were able to find the info on Workbench afterward.
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Actually Workbench has it under Receiving/Inbound (and specifies both receipt snd sorting of the pallet) and there is nothing in any VM core role paperwork that says VM owns the signing pallet. Our District VM let us know this and we were able to find the info on Workbench afterward.
You have to look harder because I am pretty sure that over a year ago it was a communication on workbench about vm being in charge of all non-pog signing which is most on the pallet unless you have a transition .
And here sorry to break it to you
Organize and set all non-planogram ISM elements throughout the store
Organize and set all non-planogram ISM elements throughout the store
Maintain backroom ISM space organized and up to date with current signing tools and signing fixtures
Receiver will receive it but there’s nothing in the core role for the receiver to sort the pallet .
Reverse logistics
Process all inbound store transfers and deliveries using the receive application to ensure inventory accuracy.
Accurately handle all outbound freight shipments related paperwork; make shipping arrangements when necessary.
Execute donations, CRC, electronics recycling, transfer orders (store to store and sweeps), salvage and inventory removals (MIR’s) in compliance with all DOT regulations and best methods.
Identify and handle environmentally sensitive item management (ESIM) in the reverse logistics area in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Complete the ESIM weekly log.
Process credits and damaged/defective items accurately and in a timely manner to minimize shortage and compliance risk.
Handle merchandise returns according to company and vendor guidelines.
Responsible for maintaining all invoices and documentation per record retention guidelines pertaining to deliveries, ESIM waste pickups and all outbound
Follow processes accurately with attention to detail.
Provide service and a shopping experience that meets the needs of the guest.
Demonstrate a culture of ethical conduct, safety, and compliance.
All other duties based on business needs.
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You have to look harder because I am pretty sure that over a year ago it was a communication on workbench about vm being in charge of all non-pog signing which is most on the pallet unless you have a transition .
And here sorry to break it to you
Organize and set all non-planogram ISM elements throughout the store
Organize and set all non-planogram ISM elements throughout the store
Maintain backroom ISM space organized and up to date with current signing tools and signing fixtures
Receiver will receive it but there’s nothing in the core role for the receiver to sort the pallet .
Reverse logistics
Process all inbound store transfers and deliveries using the receive application to ensure inventory accuracy.
Accurately handle all outbound freight shipments related paperwork; make shipping arrangements when necessary.
Execute donations, CRC, electronics recycling, transfer orders (store to store and sweeps), salvage and inventory removals (MIR’s) in compliance with all DOT regulations and best methods.
Identify and handle environmentally sensitive item management (ESIM) in the reverse logistics area in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Complete the ESIM weekly log.
Process credits and damaged/defective items accurately and in a timely manner to minimize shortage and compliance risk.
Handle merchandise returns according to company and vendor guidelines.
Responsible for maintaining all invoices and documentation per record retention guidelines pertaining to deliveries, ESIM waste pickups and all outbound
Follow processes accurately with attention to detail.
Provide service and a shopping experience that meets the needs of the guest.
Demonstrate a culture of ethical conduct, safety, and compliance.
All other duties based on business needs.
You realize that what you quoted for VM also doesn’t say anything about sorting it, right? “Organize” is not “sort”, that refers to actual organization and storage, not breaking out and distributing. So it looks like you actually need to look harder. Additionally, most of the signing pallets are definitely NOT non-POG signing, which I know because the packages explicitly say which work center they go to and the majority of the ISM are tied to specific POGs. I’ll go by what my VMD said, not someone who I routinely see get called out for being wrong or thinking their store is how all stores are run.
It’s a disaster at my store. F&B have to keep running back and forth everytime a vendor comes. It’s so messy now due to the fact no one is doing what we did all day. Separating repacks, doing ESIMs, making Salvage/CRC pallets and just the basic keeping everything clean and organized. They want the F&B team members to learn something in a couple of hours as opposed to us having a week in training. It’s ridiculous!!! So many complaints from vendors and even our own Offsite people. Whats the point of having the position of Receiving and what your getting paid for and not actually doing it?
Our poor receiver is so under appreciated it’s insane. I was never close with her before all this but I was a receiver at my job before this so I know she was always doing a good job before. I’m just a lowly TM but try to tell her whenever I see her that I *see* her doing her best. She’s always been helpful with new people, always conscientious and humble. I don’t think she has a lot of job options so she’s stuck here and it’s just miserable watching this pilot.
And our food and bev TL is not under any illusions about this either, he knows he’s not being paid enough to be a receiver and that he simply doesn’t have time to do the job on top of his normal responsibilities.
You realize that what you quoted for VM also doesn’t say anything about sorting it, right? “Organize” is not “sort”, that refers to actual organization and storage, not breaking out and distributing. So it looks like you actually need to look harder. Additionally, most of the signing pallets are definitely NOT non-POG signing, which I know because the packages explicitly say which work center they go to and the majority of the ISM are tied to specific POGs. I’ll go by what my VMD said, not someone who I routinely see get called out for being wrong or thinking their store is how all stores are run.
Without being too mean about it, organizing would be sorting in this situation.

I ran it by some other people and they all said the same thing. To organize it would be reasonable to conclude that it would be to put/group in such away for distribution/storage.
It essentially breaks down like this. Even though Receiving is integral to the "operation" of a successful store the only employees Corporate wants to see getting a paycheck are the ones playing pocket pool with the guests and taking their wallets. Anyone not doing that is a drain on resources, I wonder how they justify their own payroll and bonuses, oh right....
They've been telling my position is going away since I got hired 11 years ago, then I go on Vacation and somebody breaks a state liquor law and several federal ESIM regulations and I'm jokingly told I can never leave again..... Never gonna happen, even the SDs don't know the shit we do....
Same lol
Actually Workbench has it under Receiving/Inbound (and specifies both receipt snd sorting of the pallet) and there is nothing in any VM core role paperwork that says VM owns the signing pallet. Our District VM let us know this and we were able to find the info on Workbench afterward.
It is 1000000% percent under vml role. They are looking at older documents on work bench then. It has been a thing since signing specialists were removed. They break it down and sort it into the planogrammed spot that was made to sort signing and take care of non-pog signing.
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Well, we are into week two and this isn't getting any better. TLs are always being called back to receive constantly and I am still getting called back to answer questions. Vendors are getting held up at every Target in our area which is making their days longer. They have messed up several things at my store, luckily they are easy fixes but I dread to see what bigger issues present themselves. I've trained multiple people to do all the things that I used to do. Why have one person do 10+ tasks efficiently in a day when you can have 7+ people do one or two of those tasks poorly, and that doesn't take into account all the tasks that aren't getting touched.
At our store we still have a receiver. With how our backroom is set up it’s just not possible for the FBTL to come check in vendors. Our GMETL knew this just wouldn’t work and just allocates the the same GM hours I would have and have me stay as receiver.
How are other stores doing sweeps, esim and salvage by the way, as well as IRs. I spend most of the morning loading a sweep and checking in vendors. I don’t know how that would be done without a receive.
Yes we need an update guys 🙂
We have an Inventory scheduled for the 28th. Our SD and ETLs have been on edge. FBETL just left. Today 8 pallets of style salvage was sent out still have about 8 more gaylords full and our style backroom aisles are a pit. So I’ll let you know how that goes.
We still have the receiver position so I do spend some time telling my vendors about the inventory. Most are good and work it so they have no backstock then just bring in big loads the day after. I’m nervous about Redbull and Mission though because they can load up some backstock. Capitol as well, oh how I could vent about our Capitol sales rep. I will just reject orders that day or two before so there is as little as possible.
Receivers can be under appreciated because many tms do not understand what they do the majority of the time. But ill say it it is not a 40 hour a week job anymore. I think most receivers probably deserve 40 hours a week but thats because they should be helping out around the back room and most of them are pretty veteran tms. They play an important role but many functions have been streamlined since the days i did recieving and even then it wasnt a difficult job. Some weeks you will have more time then others but if i had to choose a job in target as a tm again that would be it.
Receivers can be under appreciated because many tms do not understand what they do the majority of the time. But ill say it it is not a 40 hour a week job anymore. I think most receivers probably deserve 40 hours a week but thats because they should be helping out around the back room and most of them are pretty veteran tms. They play an important role but many functions have been streamlined since the days i did recieving and even then it wasnt a difficult job. Some weeks you will have more time then others but if i had to choose a job in target as a tm again that would be it.
Yeah most of my core role responsibilities are completed in the first 2 hours in the morning and weekly tasks are done by Tuesday. Definitely doesn't take 40 hours to get it all taken cared of. Not that I'm complaining lol. Usually I just work on other vendor products or set things in market to pass the time. Otherwise I'd just be at the back sitting waiting on someone to ring the bell.
Our receiver usually gets scheduled 3 hours a day in receiving and then goes to fulfillment afterwards. Food and Beverage TLs have to check in most vendors and if one of them aren’t there, it’s a really hard time trying to find someone to check them in. Some consumables TMs will do it, but most claim to not know how to do it/ remember how. We also have a lot of vendors calling the store or going in the main entrance and up to GS because they’ve been waiting in receiving for so long.

The vendors are definitely unhappy with the change as are our receiver (hours are cut, but they still expect him to finish all his work) and market TLs and TMs are annoyed.
I have been allowed to spend more time back in Receiving during the day instead of the few hours I had been doing. My SD said that it was just pulling TLs and ETLs away from their jobs too much to receive. The way our store is set up makes it difficult for Market to come back to receive, its pretty much the complete opposite corner of the store. And since the Receive app got discontinued I have to retrain everyone on it, so that will be fun.

My vendors are happy because I can get them in and out quickly and they aren't getting hung up with waiting for someone to come to help them or people being super slow while receiving. But I have to keep reminding them that me staying in the back for longer probably isn't permanent and once corporate takes this thing out of pilot it could potentially get worse than what it was while we were closely following the pilot.

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