Archived Can anybody any TM write a Target Vibe card?

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I like the vibe cards for the most part. Then you see five cards with exactly the same thing from the same person to five different people. Not a fan of writing the cards just to write them.
I'm guilty of this if it's a very specific team effort. De-merch in pfresh, freshness Friday, setting seasonal/mini-seasonal...hard to think of six unique things to say. So normally "thanks for helping with_____today. Your effort was appreciated"
I like the vibe cards for the most part. Then you see five cards with exactly the same thing from the same person to five different people. Not a fan of writing the cards just to write them.

There's literally at least 15 cards at my store all from the same TM that just say "Team Lift" to a bunch of different people. That being said, there haven't been any blank cards at my store for weeks. Wonder why...
I've never written one. I should, but I don't want to come off as disingenuous.
In my personal opinion, Vibe cards are lame. I really liked the Great TM cards they used to have, but I just don't get with the Vibe. It rubbed me the wrong way.
It used to be a heavily promoted thing in my store to write these to other team members to promote a 'team' culture. We would fill up our board every month and if you received a vibe card from another team member you would have it attached to your check. You could then purchase target shirts and Spot dogs with the cards you accumulated. A couple years ago the HR team just started throwing them away, so team members stopped writing them. Seems like a pointless activity now
I despise them as my store used to require team leads to write a certain number of them every day. I feel they are disingenuous and impersonal when handled like that.
That's fucked.
Never really understood why. The vibe board is just filled with a bunch of generic 'thank you' cards, most people date them and if the DTL ever actually read them, she would notice they were all wrote on the same day.
At my store it's encouraged for TM's to write vibe cards. We even have a vibe basket a TM can win at the end of the month with the most vibe-tastic moment.
In my personal opinion, Vibe cards are lame. I really liked the Great TM cards they used to have, but I just don't get with the Vibe. It rubbed me the wrong way.

At my store, we pretty much do the Vibe cards the same way as the GTCs. As far as we're concerned, all that changed was the look of the cards.
At my store, we pretty much do the Vibe cards the same way as the GTCs. As far as we're concerned, all that changed was the look of the cards.

Alas, my store did not, and they wanted to use them their way, so I didn't write any Vibe cards.
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