I've had an issue doing a return for a guest who had a missing DU bag. She called yesterday and said she was missing one of her bags that had some berries in it. The guest did not want to come back because she had two kids or something so I offered to return it over the phone. When I pulled up her order on the Pickup app, it had the barcode. I was processing her return, typing in all the information, etc. and then on the return screen, it said the refund amount and then "Target Credit". The mistake that I made was that I told the guest the refund would be going onto her red card and I hung up the phone. I did not press "recommended refund" until just after I hung up. The POS wanted me to have the card inserted into the reader. I did not get her phone number or any contact information.
So I ended up trying the return today thinking that it'd go right back onto the card since it's no longer a same day return. However, the recommended refund is now gift card, not Target Credit. When I press override, it has the option to put it on the red card but it still wants the card inserted. I try to override that, it wants the refund on a gift card. No longer has the option to put it on the red card.
Im stressed out about it because this guest probably assumes that she has been refunded when she has not and it won't let me refund her card without her being in the store with it. I have no way to contact her unless she happens to call the store back. I'm not in until Sunday. Would it let me do the return at that point without needing her card?
another thing too: just after I was on the phone with her, my TL was on the phone with another guest with a similar problem. She did the return over the phone and it didn't let her refund it but I did it today and it let me refund the Visa card without needing it inserted. How come it won't let me do this other order when it's literally on a TARGET RED CARD?!? The POS should never need a Red Card to be inserted unless it is a same day return. I tried several times throughout the day and it never let me put it back on her card. Thankfully I did write a note with all the numbers I need. Hopefully no one gets rid of it!