Archived Cash Cart

Do you use the cash cart to close

  • Yes it sucks

    Votes: 16 88.9%
  • No I just use the bags

    Votes: 2 11.1%

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Seems kinda like a proprietory question to be asking.
Yeah, but it doesn't suck?
Just asking because stores around me do it differently. They just use the bags and do a couple at a time throughout the night instead of dragging the cart around.
It was much easier when the cart had handles.
As the rumor goes, a GSTL got in trouble for sanding the wheels smooth and spraying WD40.

As I type this, the GSTL I overheard this from does seem the type to believe and spread old wives tales.
I actually go halfsies on the cart (well, when I had to use one, anyway). I'd close all the peripheral registers (RX, Sbux, Cafe, Service Desk) without it and i would use it when I went down the line and closed the regular registers. Our AP never said boo about it, so I guess it was okay. The one that was in my old store was great! Rosie, as she was so aptly named, would glide across the checklanes with ease and wouldn't make sudden moves. The ones in my training stores I have been in, on the other hand, suck. Can't turn them, and God help you if you had to stop short it would go with you.
Its been explained to me that the carts are loud on purpose to dissuade theft. The cart can't sneak away if its obnoxiously loud.

We got a new one because the old noisy rickety one was literally falling apart. New one rolls smoothly and quietly.
Yes, I do. It's loud, bulky and has a mind of it's own. I will admit there was a couple of times, where the cash cart decided to ram into the wall and take off red paint. 😳
Luckily my PMT loves me.
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