Archived Cash office

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Off topic, but cash office is called 239, correct? Why does everyone at my store call it 3239? Just seems weird they added a number.
3239 is the phone extension of the cash office, sometimes it is shortened to 239.

It depends on which phone system you have. If your store uses the 33/34/35 system, it's 239. If your store uses the 2280/2281/2282 system, then it's 3239.
Does anybody know if there is a rule against a minor knowing how to do CO? Also is it ok to ask to learn it?
I would think there'd be a rule against it more for liability. Minors are much harder to get charges to stick to (and trust me, you try and walk out the CO with $100,000 and they will sue your ass off).
Off topic, but cash office is called 239, correct? Why does everyone at my store call it 3239? Just seems weird they added a number.
3239 is the phone extension of the cash office, sometimes it is shortened to 239.

It depends on which phone system you have. If your store uses the 33/34/35 system, it's 239. If your store uses the 2280/2281/2282 system, then it's 3239.
Gotcha, we use the 2280/2281 system. Just wanted to check since I had always heard 239 on here.
LMAO! Target more worried about not being able to press charges against minors than violating child labor laws. So sad but that's Murica for ya.
Off topic, but cash office is called 239, correct? Why does everyone at my store call it 3239? Just seems weird they added a number.
3239 is the phone extension of the cash office, sometimes it is shortened to 239.

It depends on which phone system you have. If your store uses the 33/34/35 system, it's 239. If your store uses the 2280/2281/2282 system, then it's 3239.

Did not know that! TIL
At my store we have one lady who does the cash office four mornings a week. We used to have just one TM in the CO on the other days....but that TM is off on LOA and tends to call-off.
Right now there are two other people who are in the CO...they learned to do the CO when they were GSAs or GSTL. Oh, they are also starting to train a front end person to do CO.

How many days of training do you have?
In my store it seems to be 2 or maybe 3 days of training and then the TM is on their own. Maybe people in my store don't like the CO because of the lack of training and having to figure out a lot of stuff on their own.
According to spot it takes 24 hours of training per the learning plan for GSA to be proficient in the CO. In real life I got 3 shifts amounting to about 6 hours. 25% ain't so bad I suppose.
Off topic, but cash office is called 239, correct? Why does everyone at my store call it 3239? Just seems weird they added a number.
3239 is the phone extension of the cash office, sometimes it is shortened to 239.

It depends on which phone system you have. If your store uses the 33/34/35 system, it's 239. If your store uses the 2280/2281/2282 system, then it's 3239.

OMG are there still stores that have the 33/34/35/36 phones?? I have not seen this since 2000 or maybe 2001!
At one point my store was having CO come in at 9:45 and start at 10 after covering the GSTL/GSA break, then go to guest services from 12:30 PM to 4.
At one point my store was having CO come in at 9:45 and start at 10 after covering the GSTL/GSA break, then go to guest services from 12:30 PM to 4.
So does your GSA/GSTL go in with the opening LOD to retrieve the adv fund & bags for Rx, etc?
I'd hope they do the opening safe count before pulling coin for the adv fund at least.
At one point my store was having CO come in at 9:45 and start at 10 after covering the GSTL/GSA break, then go to guest services from 12:30 PM to 4.
So does your GSA/GSTL go in with the opening LOD to retrieve the adv fund & bags for Rx, etc?
I'd hope they do the opening safe count before pulling coin for the adv fund at least.
They usually wait. If early then no. Makes life interesting.
My store does.

Lucky, that phone system was so much better!

I agree. I had no problems putting calls on hold with the 33 system, but I can't do it correctly on the 2280 system to save my life. And we've had so many problems with the phones since we switched. Half the time, I can only pick up calls on the cordless at electronics because the red phones don't work.
At one point my store was having CO come in at 9:45 and start at 10 after covering the GSTL/GSA break, then go to guest services from 12:30 PM to 4.
So does your GSA/GSTL go in with the opening LOD to retrieve the adv fund & bags for Rx, etc?
I'd hope they do the opening safe count before pulling coin for the adv fund at least.
They usually wait. If early then no. Makes life interesting.

They do retrieve the advance fund, and sign off for receiving it. Opening safe count is done by the GSA doing CO whenever they come in, which was always at least 15 mins after the opening GSA (unless they were the same person, then we'd come in at 7).
I've definitely taken being asked to learn CO as a complement if they are trusting me to be alone with the store's money.
I wouldn't take it as that big of a compliment, honestly. We're all given access to money through the registers, and if there's shortages in the cash office, I would figure they are going to be picked up on pretty quickly. There are too many cameras and outside audits to catch stuff.
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