Archived Dear Plano

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In general I love my backroom team but priority pulls in theory shouldn't have backstock.

As far as this being a s--- on Plano thread. My stores has a pretty good Plano team. My only issue is you guys are the only ones getting 40 hours while the rest of the store is working with a skeleton crew. Don't act like backstocking your stuff is a pain. No one else has the hours to do it.
Research not going out is a instocks, SF or plano problem. Plano should set the companies right, instocks should make sure overpush isn't in the way and that the on hand counts are right. Sf should push the items to all its locations.

BR can only overpull the item to cause that, which no one would do because it's more work unless they pull a casepack instead of from a waco
I'll tell you something, Plano gets massively screwed by corporate on measurements. All the time. I can't tell you how many times some lazy POS who made a pog and sent them out just didn't bother to give an item any measurements at all. So it just defaults to 1 inch wide. Can wreck that shelf all the way down the aisle.

That's not even getting into things like items that sit between two shelves not having room to fit because of the shelves support brace is, well, there.
That explains so much. Plus miniscule packaging changes ( not to mention "Now 30% more!"). 😛
In general I love my backroom team but priority pulls in theory shouldn't have backstock.

As far as this being a s--- on Plano thread. My stores has a pretty good Plano team. My only issue is you guys are the only ones getting 40 hours while the rest of the store is working with a skeleton crew. Don't act like backstocking your stuff is a pain. No one else has the hours to do it.
I wish they would make our pog team bs their stuff. When the pog teams hours are tight we ( backroom) have to pull their pogs for them. That's all well find and good. However, when our ( backroom) hours are cut or we have to leave exactly on time...and its the middle of a big set week ( ie mini seasonal , rear seasonaly) the pog team doesn't help bs. Would be nice if they could help a little ...even if all of them jumped in for 10 minutes at the end of the day. They might could clear up a couple tubs or a tub ...hell just the effort would be appreciated .
I wish they would make our pog team bs their stuff. When the pog teams hours are tight we ( backroom) have to pull their pogs for them. That's all well find and good. However, when our ( backroom) hours are cut or we have to leave exactly on time...and its the middle of a big set week ( ie mini seasonal , rear seasonaly) the pog team doesn't help bs. Would be nice if they could help a little ...even if all of them jumped in for 10 minutes at the end of the day. They might could clear up a couple tubs or a tub ...hell just the effort would be appreciated .

If it's a big set week, then where exactly are they supposed to get the time to help backstock?

Dear Plano
Do your fucking Signing, and let me know when we are light on something.

- Signing Guy.

I'm okay helping my plano people do their signing, I just want the softlines people to do theirs.
Not overpull, we have a TMS who always goes one over

(I just realized how hostile some of this sounds- I hope you know the frustration wasn't directed towards you, HRZ- but rather towards the situation at my store. My flow team is full of so many LAZY people who look for absolutely any excuse not to push an item)

I'll overpull sometimes if it'll clear out a waco, or if it doesn't clear the waco out entirely it'll allow me to get all of a DPCI out so I can combine it with another waco location I've seen that dpci sto'd in. But honestly, that's such a minor thing- it might account for like 5 pieces of backstock, if that. If someone is coming back with a lot of backstock from a priority pull there are either capacity problems, zoning problems, or the pusher isn't taking it to the double location.

One problem my store has is like a box of granola bars towards the very back ends up being nudged and now sits diagonally, thus not allowing the boxes in front of it to sit properly/push all the way back. Over time this will actually cause a LOT of backstock, because it inevitably spreads. Whenever I get a lot of granola bar or cereal backstock I always go out and repush it and a lot of the time it's something stupid like that. Sure, if the person pushing the pull pushes on the granola bar box, it seems like the location is full because the box doesn't budge. But a little bit of common sense needs to be used- "hmm...this is a priority pull, meaning the system REALLY thinks it should go on the floor. Is there anything I'm missing? Second location? Multiple facings? Is this zoned properly?" like...god forbid someone takes .2 seconds to bend down and see if the shelf is tidy- I've been able to fit entire casepacks out simply by organizing/tidying up a shelf. 😡 ( was a long day, and I dealt with this specific issue for the last half of my shift. It's a problem that just doesn't seem to be getting better, and it drives me CRAZY. Leadership has had numerous talks with our pushers, and yet nothing changes)

[/rant] 😳😳
In general I love my backroom team but priority pulls in theory shouldn't have backstock.

As far as this being a s--- on Plano thread. My stores has a pretty good Plano team. My only issue is you guys are the only ones getting 40 hours while the rest of the store is working with a skeleton crew. Don't act like backstocking your stuff is a pain. No one else has the hours to do it.
Plano has the hours now because the workload is huge wait a few weeks and the hours will go away for awhile. Our hours are based on workload not sales. We will never receive the hours to pull and backstock.. Sorry thats a backroom job.
(I just realized how hostile some of this sounds- I hope you know the frustration wasn't directed towards you, HRZ- but rather towards the situation at my store. My flow team is full of so many LAZY people who look for absolutely any excuse not to push an item)

I'll overpull sometimes if it'll clear out a waco, or if it doesn't clear the waco out entirely it'll allow me to get all of a DPCI out so I can combine it with another waco location I've seen that dpci sto'd in. But honestly, that's such a minor thing- it might account for like 5 pieces of backstock, if that. If someone is coming back with a lot of backstock from a priority pull there are either capacity problems, zoning problems, or the pusher isn't taking it to the double location.

One problem my store has is like a box of granola bars towards the very back ends up being nudged and now sits diagonally, thus not allowing the boxes in front of it to sit properly/push all the way back. Over time this will actually cause a LOT of backstock, because it inevitably spreads. Whenever I get a lot of granola bar or cereal backstock I always go out and repush it and a lot of the time it's something stupid like that. Sure, if the person pushing the pull pushes on the granola bar box, it seems like the location is full because the box doesn't budge. But a little bit of common sense needs to be used- "hmm...this is a priority pull, meaning the system REALLY thinks it should go on the floor. Is there anything I'm missing? Second location? Multiple facings? Is this zoned properly?" like...god forbid someone takes .2 seconds to bend down and see if the shelf is tidy- I've been able to fit entire casepacks out simply by organizing/tidying up a shelf. 😡 ( was a long day, and I dealt with this specific issue for the last half of my shift. It's a problem that just doesn't seem to be getting better, and it drives me CRAZY. Leadership has had numerous talks with our pushers, and yet nothing changes)

[/rant] 😳😳

No offense taken. That's a good point backroom has to backstock overstock so obviously they don't do it on purpose.
Plano has the hours now because the workload is huge wait a few weeks and the hours will go away for awhile. Our hours are based on workload not sales. We will never receive the hours to pull and backstock.. Sorry thats a backroom job.

I am not saying Plano doesn't deserve their hours but realize you have a full team when no one else does.

Pissed me off seeing our Plano folks sit on the lawn chairs while their TL was on break yestersay.

At my store Plano doesn't backup ever and since they are setting an aisle they are rarely interrupted by guest. I don't buy that your team can't help backstock anything, especially when someone is pulling your stuff for you...
If anything, plano could at least bring back the BS as they are pulling it off. Not wait until 2:30pm to bring back 6 tubs of bs as the 3pm cafs are about to drop
Dear backroom, quit bitching about pulling plano pulls. You are scheduled under plano this week, its your job
Dear backroom quit throwing random shit on plano pull tubs
Dear sales floor team put your crap away in the fixture room. The sign holders don't go on the floor, your soda can does not go on the computer desk and your Entertainment Weekly magazine doesn't go on the desk either
Dear sales floor team, we did measure the damn shelves, we had to reset it when the product came out because the boxes don't fit.
Dear sales floor how about zoning an area. We pulled 6 starbucks cups out of one aisle 3 were moldy and had been their for awhile obviously
Dear backroom, how about you locate some stuff instead of just shoving it on a shelf. We are not about to go on a hunting expedition in the backroom looking for products just because you can't locate them.
Dear backroom put the right clips on the pulls.Putting plano clips on research pulls does not make them Planos responsibility
Dear sales floor team, we are not going to zone your entire aisle when we do a revision. If you don't care neither do we
Dear flow team don't shrink wrap repack boxes for transitions. Sorry you have to actually open the boxes to see whats in there and then get it back stocked unless you have the time to sort by POG
Dear store team unless you have worked plano, STFU! Every single work center has areas they can improve upon. Every single log and revision in our store last week had to use research to pull all products for the fill. The regular pog fill didnt work, the manual pog fills didnt work either. We had to do research pulls on every damn thing last week. Do you have any idea how long that takes? Sales floor team leads if you don't know what your doing, keep your hands off the POGS, Teamlead set a standard aisle in reverse to get ahead.....
Pulling pogs is included in the hours given to Plano.
Plano does more guest service than you think. They are often taking guests to and item, helping with a registry etc. I will not send any of my team to back up at the lanes when the GSTL is standing at Starbucks talking about some guy she screwed the night before.
Every single log and revision in our store last week had to use research to pull all products for the fill. The regular pog fill didnt work, the manual pog fills didnt work either. We had to do research pulls on every damn thing last week. Do you have any idea how long that takes? Sales floor team leads if you don't know what your doing, keep your hands off the POGS, Teamlead set a standard aisle in reverse to get ahead.....

Yeah, that was silly, with batches not dropping on ties and pog fill batches still not getting everything out of the back. I did find it was faster to manually enter the missing DPCIs into a myDevice so I could just go down the list pulling that way, instead of going back and forth with one item at a time.
Pulling pogs is included in the hours given to Plano.
Plano does more guest service than you think. They are often taking guests to and item, helping with a registry etc. I will not send any of my team to back up at the lanes when the GSTL is standing at Starbucks talking about some guy she screwed the night before.

You are wrong. Maybe at your store, extra hours are scheduled to pull. But it is NOT in the best practices per Target for POG to pull batches or backstock.


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You are wrong. Maybe at your store, extra hours are scheduled to pull. But it is NOT in the best practices per Target for POG to pull batches or backstock.

That "cleaning time" is a joke. Tell me there's the correct amount of time for cleaning on any pog with shelves that use adhesive dividers heavily.
Label strips are in correct direction. The problem is section 2 is before section 1. Its really stupid, because the rest of the aisle is correct, it's just the last 2 sections that are fucked up.

I have no idea what you are referencing. The original post I quoted said that ALL sets start from the main aisle, which is not true. Cosmetics, which by the way don't have label straps, do not set as reverses. Neither do dvd's.

So when you go to an aisle of cosmetics that is on the right side of the aisle, it is not a reverse. It will set as a standard and still run left to right instead of right to left.
Dear backroom, quit bitching about pulling plano pulls. You are scheduled under plano this week, its your job
Dear backroom quit throwing random shit on plano pull tubs
Backroom doesn't get scheduled under Plano and if they are they aren't backroom

Also if you pushed your shit nothing extra would end up on it but nope, you guys wait and the lod starts combining carts because salesfloor is forced to do it because you guys think it's a good idea to set an asile before you leave for the day
Dear backroom put the right clips on the pulls.Putting plano clips on research pulls does not make them Planos responsibility

There aren't any Plano clips

Also stuff not being located doesn't affect you. Its something that happens that from a various of ways that isn't just putting shit in wacos
Daaaaamn! That's a ton of re-work!

Just grab your sft and pull the entire pegboard out and move it over one. This is how I always handled major space changes with lots of pegs when I was a plano TL.

Section 1 moving to section 6? Lots of pegs? Rip that bitch out of the top and move it over.


Also, if your plano TL isn't working time to pull batches into their plan then they're not very good. No, the hours aren't included, but its idiotic from any logical standpoint to set the POG and not fill it. It's counterproductive to the entire process and any leader with half a brain should plan for this.

For really awful sets, I would drop them the day before and ask backroom to pull them over the course of the day. They would normally pull 10 minutes or so an hour over the day and at the end of the night if any were left, my team would pull the rest.
Items that are not located does affect POG. Spending time hunting down merchandise in the backroom that didnt pull is a time waster. We know its back there somewhere because we have on hand counts but the floor is empty and there is no location.Stares may vary where they put endocap shippers or sidecap shippers but ours throw them where ever and do not locate them. Repacks are thrown up into transition without being opened and everyone knows anything can be in those boxes.
Unknown, please gove me a date on the workload pull report you posted. I give the backroom 30-40 hours of my plano hours every week for pulling. My team is 100% every week but its a real struggle and I could really use those hours. The last one I had seen said plano pulled their own sales plans and PGSs. Currently we work all the clearance we pull out too.I would love to print that out to get for some relief
Plano clips I have worked at 4 stores to date and all have used a combination of a pull clip and research clip to designate it was a POG pull. I assumed everyone did that?
Most of this frustration on POG this week I would bet comes from the large sets that were due. When they stuff seasonal with dually located product, resets can be a bitch. We always untie the week before to kill it a little. All of the patio furniture coming out along with all of the easter is a pain for the backroom and we feel your pain. We really do. I cannot imagine trying to play Jenga with freight each day when there simply isn't anywhere to put things. There are 2 sides to every coin.Last week Valentines didnt even go salvage u until Friday in some stores and Easter mini was to be completed. Depending on your store you may have had to wait to complete it until then. With the seasonal flat when gondolas are taken down and/or moved what lies beneath them on the floor is disgusting. There is stuff that only the cleaning crew and their arsenal of chemicals can clean. That will back you up with the set. There are lazy people on every team but I really really get tired of Flow being the scape goats along with plano for all that goes wrong in a store. When you have leaders that disperse hours at their whim of course things are going to get missed and shortcuts taken. Plano workload is a perfect example. Some stores get the hours to do the pulls and some don't. Some stores get the amount of hours they need to actually stock a truck and some don't. Flow is a beast of a department you never know what your workload is. But you get the same amount of people to process if its 1500 with 150 repacks or 2900 with 300 repacks. Setting plano is the same way. You know what the workload is however demerchandiseg complete aisles that move to the other dam side (H&B) takes 6 hours? Are you kidding me?We needed to move 4 of those aisles at the same time because 12 moves to 9, i moves to 7 etc. Hours for each POG is so random. 7 hours to do a sheet aisle? Only if your blindfolded and can use 1 hand. Still you could do that in 3 hours complete with pulling back stocking reworking clearance and putting up all new label holders. What plano has to clean on some shelves should require a hazmat suit. Tobacco chew, shit, yes real shit, gum, crap from leaking shampoo, laundry detergent, cat food you name it. Thant smell that has been lingering for months? We clean it up. The great shelf cleaner we get to use now is pathetic. Just quit saying those teams are awful. Unless you have walked a mile in someonee elses shoes you have no idea what issue they fight on a day to day basis.
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