Archived Dear Plano

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Items that are not located does affect POG. Spending time hunting down merchandise in the backroom that didnt pull is a time waster. We know its back there somewhere because we have on hand counts but the floor is empty and there is no location.Stares may vary where they put endocap shippers or sidecap shippers but ours throw them where ever and do not locate them. Repacks are thrown up into transition without being opened and everyone knows anything can be in those boxes.
Unknown, please gove me a date on the workload pull report you posted. I give the backroom 30-40 hours of my plano hours every week for pulling. My team is 100% every week but its a real struggle and I could really use those hours. The last one I had seen said plano pulled their own sales plans and PGSs. Currently we work all the clearance we pull out too.I would love to print that out to get for some relief
Plano clips I have worked at 4 stores to date and all have used a combination of a pull clip and research clip to designate it was a POG pull. I assumed everyone did that?
Most of this frustration on POG this week I would bet comes from the large sets that were due. When they stuff seasonal with dually located product, resets can be a bitch. We always untie the week before to kill it a little. All of the patio furniture coming out along with all of the easter is a pain for the backroom and we feel your pain. We really do. I cannot imagine trying to play Jenga with freight each day when there simply isn't anywhere to put things. There are 2 sides to every coin.Last week Valentines didnt even go salvage u until Friday in some stores and Easter mini was to be completed. Depending on your store you may have had to wait to complete it until then. With the seasonal flat when gondolas are taken down and/or moved what lies beneath them on the floor is disgusting. There is stuff that only the cleaning crew and their arsenal of chemicals can clean. That will back you up with the set. There are lazy people on every team but I really really get tired of Flow being the scape goats along with plano for all that goes wrong in a store. When you have leaders that disperse hours at their whim of course things are going to get missed and shortcuts taken. Plano workload is a perfect example. Some stores get the hours to do the pulls and some don't. Some stores get the amount of hours they need to actually stock a truck and some don't. Flow is a beast of a department you never know what your workload is. But you get the same amount of people to process if its 1500 with 150 repacks or 2900 with 300 repacks. Setting plano is the same way. You know what the workload is however demerchandiseg complete aisles that move to the other dam side (H&B) takes 6 hours? Are you kidding me?We needed to move 4 of those aisles at the same time because 12 moves to 9, i moves to 7 etc. Hours for each POG is so random. 7 hours to do a sheet aisle? Only if your blindfolded and can use 1 hand. Still you could do that in 3 hours complete with pulling back stocking reworking clearance and putting up all new label holders. What plano has to clean on some shelves should require a hazmat suit. Tobacco chew, shit, yes real shit, gum, crap from leaking shampoo, laundry detergent, cat food you name it. Thant smell that has been lingering for months? We clean it up. The great shelf cleaner we get to use now is pathetic. Just quit saying those teams are awful. Unless you have walked a mile in someonee elses shoes you have no idea what issue they fight on a day to day basis.

On workbench, you can search best practices for any work center. That is the one for POG. I'm not back to work until Monday, so for all I know, they could have changed it at 10:23pm lasthma night.
Items that are not located does affect POG. Spending time hunting down merchandise in the backroom that didnt pull is a time waster. We know its back there somewhere because we have on hand counts but the floor is empty and there is no location.Stares may vary where they put endocap shippers or sidecap shippers but ours throw them where ever and do not locate them. Repacks are thrown up into transition without being opened and everyone knows anything can be in those boxes.
No it doesn't. You see the asile and move on. If items are missing, it's backrooms and instocks job to figure out what is located where

@jb08045 should probably see the picture you attached.
No need. The reality is, Best Practice isn't always best practice. All the backroom hours go to flow early morning who spends the entire time working on the unload and black line

Backroom at best has one opener and one closer is maybe a 1-3 hour overlap. Accounting for breaks, we don't have the time to backstock entire sections of shit that Plano brings back.
Dear Plano,

You epic failed on the cosmetic reset. I am still fixing signage and shelf lables two months later.
Dear backroom, quit bitching about pulling plano pulls. You are scheduled under plano this week, its your job
Dear backroom quit throwing random shit on plano pull tubs
Dear sales floor team put your crap away in the fixture room. The sign holders don't go on the floor, your soda can does not go on the computer desk and your Entertainment Weekly magazine doesn't go on the desk either
Dear sales floor team, we did measure the damn shelves, we had to reset it when the product came out because the boxes don't fit.
Dear sales floor how about zoning an area. We pulled 6 starbucks cups out of one aisle 3 were moldy and had been their for awhile obviously
Dear backroom, how about you locate some stuff instead of just shoving it on a shelf. We are not about to go on a hunting expedition in the backroom looking for products just because you can't locate them.
Dear backroom put the right clips on the pulls.Putting plano clips on research pulls does not make them Planos responsibility
Dear sales floor team, we are not going to zone your entire aisle when we do a revision. If you don't care neither do we
Dear flow team don't shrink wrap repack boxes for transitions. Sorry you have to actually open the boxes to see whats in there and then get it back stocked unless you have the time to sort by POG
Dear store team unless you have worked plano, STFU! Every single work center has areas they can improve upon. Every single log and revision in our store last week had to use research to pull all products for the fill. The regular pog fill didnt work, the manual pog fills didnt work either. We had to do research pulls on every damn thing last week. Do you have any idea how long that takes? Sales floor team leads if you don't know what your doing, keep your hands off the POGS, Teamlead set a standard aisle in reverse to get ahead.....
No it doesn't. You see the asile and move on. If items are missing, it's backrooms and instocks job to figure out what is located where

Our job is to set and fill. If the items are in the store and located they will pull and we will fill. Why would you want to involve extra people and time? Instocks workload is large enough without having to hunt for unlocated product. Backrooms workload is big enough without having to hunt down product. You can't sell something if its not on the floor. Just do it right the first time.Locate it, it will be pulled, it will be filled, it will be sold.
Backroom doesn't get scheduled under Plano and if they are they aren't backroom

In fact they do get scheduled under plano hours in my store, but they are backroom team members. AND if they get done early they will either help fill or backstock what we have extra. As with any topic things may differ by store, but in my world we work as a team. Flow team members may be scheduled under plano for fill back, plano team members may help out flow on huge days, softlines are given plano hours to take care of adjacenies because they like to tweek it to their liking. As much as some people don't like to believe it, we are one team. If one work center starts to think that what they do doesn't affect another work center you team is doomed. Team leads work together to see how they can accomplish their goals if you are in a good store. If not you will find yourself touching the same product multiple times to accomplish the same thing. You will also not keep your floor full and your sales will not be as good as they can be. Most importantly when you insult a complete team of people morale will suffer. People work their asses off for little pay. They do it understaffed many days and without working equipment. Negative team members are a drain on all of us. If you really really hate your job and think things are run better somewhere else, then go.
No it doesn't. You see the asile and move on. If items are missing, it's backrooms and instocks job to figure out what is located where

We may not agree often but when Plano left Thursday seasonal was about 75 percent full. Our instocks TM spent a other 4 or 5 hours Friday researching and pulling the other 25 percent all by herself
No it doesn't. You see the asile and move on. If items are missing, it's backrooms and instocks job to figure out what is located where

No need. The reality is, Best Practice isn't always best practice. All the backroom hours go to flow early morning who spends the entire time working on the unload and black line

Backroom at best has one opener and one closer is maybe a 1-3 hour overlap. Accounting for breaks, we don't have the time to backstock entire sections of shit that Plano brings back.

And where exactly do you think POG is supposed to find the time to pull push and backstock extremely large sets like miniseasonal?
No it doesn't. You see the asile and move on. If items are missing, it's backrooms and instocks job to figure out what is located where

No need. The reality is, Best Practice isn't always best practice. All the backroom hours go to flow early morning who spends the entire time working on the unload and black line

Backroom at best has one opener and one closer is maybe a 1-3 hour overlap. Accounting for breaks, we don't have the time to backstock entire sections of shit that Plano brings back.

Coming from being a PA in market to now Signing TM, I think this should be a new acronym like ASANTS, BPIABP.

I usually end up the Plano guy pulling their POG Batches, unless they are huge transitions (like cosmetics this year).
And where exactly do you think POG is supposed to find the time to pull push and backstock extremely large sets like miniseasonal?
Get gud? I've pushed the entire section alone when I got hired for flow during 4Q, that's over half our 2.8k truck at a 4am store

There's no reason it should take a team of 5-7 people who come in at 10pm-8am to only get an asile or two done with all that BS left. Or to pull off everything, set the asile and not push it leaving it for either flow or SF/

I swear these are the slowest workers ever. Even 6am flow pushes faster and that's a feat beat.

I don't care about store sales and shit because I'm not paid too but there is no reason plano should be in the back searching for product. Set the asile, drop the batch and let the BR/Flow/Instock team worry about why whatever isn't located. 90% of time it's up in the steel wrapped with other repacks because no one has the time to BS shit that's going to out in two weeks or BS over 400 DPCIs of Christmas lights and oranments. Backroom is usally given directive not locate all shit

Mainy because plano sets and forgets cause your pogs to drop into out cafs making our job harder
Dear backroom, quit bitching about pulling plano pulls. You are scheduled under plano this week, its your job
Dear backroom quit throwing random shit on plano pull tubs
Dear sales floor team put your crap away in the fixture room. The sign holders don't go on the floor, your soda can does not go on the computer desk and your Entertainment Weekly magazine doesn't go on the desk either
Dear sales floor team, we did measure the damn shelves, we had to reset it when the product came out because the boxes don't fit.
Dear sales floor how about zoning an area. We pulled 6 starbucks cups out of one aisle 3 were moldy and had been their for awhile obviously
Dear backroom, how about you locate some stuff instead of just shoving it on a shelf. We are not about to go on a hunting expedition in the backroom looking for products just because you can't locate them.
Dear backroom put the right clips on the pulls.Putting plano clips on research pulls does not make them Planos responsibility
Dear sales floor team, we are not going to zone your entire aisle when we do a revision. If you don't care neither do we
Dear flow team don't shrink wrap repack boxes for transitions. Sorry you have to actually open the boxes to see whats in there and then get it back stocked unless you have the time to sort by POG
Dear store team unless you have worked plano, STFU! Every single work center has areas they can improve upon. Every single log and revision in our store last week had to use research to pull all products for the fill. The regular pog fill didnt work, the manual pog fills didnt work either. We had to do research pulls on every damn thing last week. Do you have any idea how long that takes? Sales floor team leads if you don't know what your doing, keep your hands off the POGS, Teamlead set a standard aisle in reverse to get ahead.....

I think I am the one work center not included in this (SigningTM).

Thank you for the shout out.
If it's a big set week, then where exactly are they supposed to get the time to help backstock?

I'm okay helping my plano people do their signing, I just want the softlines people to do theirs.
I get that the pog team doesn't have extra time with big sets etc. However, the backroom team ( at least not at my store) isn't given extra hours to bs the bs from the big sets....we just have to get to it when we can.Like this past week, there was mini seasonal setting and rear seasonal and it was the end of the guess what ? Payroll was an issue so the backroom team was told we have to leave on time. So, the backroom looks like a bomb went off...which eventually effects the whole store. I just wish that when there was a big set or sets that the backroom could get extra hours for the extra bs. Maybe some stores do this...but mine never has .
Dear Plano, if you have a problem with a pog, don't just set it and forget it. Everytime I find the problem it annoys the living hell out of me.
Sort of like a bunch of ice cream coming out on a pull today. POG set ice cream yesterday. I couldn't double stack any of the ice cream per the capacity. Just wasted an hour resetting all of the shelves. Fun times.
Sort of like a bunch of ice cream coming out on a pull today. POG set ice cream yesterday. I couldn't double stack any of the ice cream per the capacity. Just wasted an hour resetting all of the shelves. Fun times.
Should have just changed the capacities.
Should have just changed the capacities.

That would have caused extra backstock for the entirety of the set. Since it just set, might as well fix it now and get the merchandise on the floor instead of in wacos for the next how-ever-many-months-the-POG-is-set-for.
Sort of like a bunch of ice cream coming out on a pull today. POG set ice cream yesterday. I couldn't double stack any of the ice cream per the capacity. Just wasted an hour resetting all of the shelves. Fun times.

Capacities set from corporate are all over the damn place. The worst one I've seen so far is 4 facings of some soup can had a capacity of over 2k. The POG might have called for the shelf at that height. Just because capacity says differently doesn't mean a whole lot.
I usually end up the Plano guy pulling their POG Batches, unless they are huge transitions (like cosmetics this year).

Me too, except I ended up pulling cosmetics/HBA/everything else because the rest of the team is too good for that, literally threatening to walk off the job if they have to get on the wave. In the one day of training, this was repeatedly extolled: "just clean and set, any monkey can push and pull".
Ok, I've been reading this thread and I think that many pog teams are just missing a huge part of the equation.

Do you not pre-sort and palletize transition for major sets? This is a huge time saver, especially when it comes in as backstock. If all of your transition is unsorted and/or backstocked, there's literally no way it will ever be done in a reasonable amount of time.
Do you not pre-sort and palletize transition for major sets? This is a huge time saver, especially when it comes in as backstock. If all of your transition is unsorted and/or backstocked, there's literally no way it will ever be done in a reasonable amount of time.

Oh you mean when the truck unloaders just throw everything marked transition (and quite a bit that isn't) onto pallets and put them up in random places in the steel?

I know how it's supposed to be done, but they refuse to do it correctly. Yet another area our STL won't step up and demand workcenters actually do what they're paid to do.
Flow separates transition by date. That's how it's loaded in the truck too. Chances are Plano is just behind and all that random stuff is shit that should be either pushed at the same time or backstock.

Worst case scenario, just bring it back and let us resort it while you work in what does go out
Oh you mean when the truck unloaders just throw everything marked transition (and quite a bit that isn't) onto pallets and put them up in random places in the steel?

I know how it's supposed to be done, but they refuse to do it correctly. Yet another area our STL won't step up and demand workcenters actually do what they're paid to do.

Can you provide any documentation where it states who sorts and palletizes transition? I'll look for it myself tomorrow.

You say "they refuse to do it correctly." Who is they?
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