Instocks thanks you, tooI think I am the one work center not included in this (SigningTM).
Thank you for the shout out.
Instocks thanks you, tooI think I am the one work center not included in this (SigningTM).
Thank you for the shout out.
Looking at the schematic now, looks like all the POG team did was add labels and shift around merchandise, not changing any shelf heights. Lazy bums.Capacities set from corporate are all over the damn place. The worst one I've seen so far is 4 facings of some soup can had a capacity of over 2k. The POG might have called for the shelf at that height. Just because capacity says differently doesn't mean a whole lot.
Looking at the schematic now, looks like all the POG team did was add labels and shift around merchandise, not changing any shelf heights. Lazy bums.
Looking at the schematic now, looks like all the POG team did was add labels and shift around merchandise, not changing any shelf heights. Lazy bums.
Because Target is not very good at developing its leaders. So, unless you have someone who really cares about what they do, you're not going to see many people being held accountable for poor performance.So if all these Plano teams are so awful, where is the management? Why isn't it taken care of? When I transferred stores, the whole POG team was in the middle of being let go. Within two months of me getting there, the whole team, including the tl, was gone.
So if it's as bad as picture at some of these stores as is painted, why is it allowed to happen?
So if all these Plano teams are so awful, where is the management? Why isn't it taken care of? When I transferred stores, the whole POG team was in the middle of being let go. Within two months of me getting there, the whole team, including the tl, was gone.
So if it's as bad as picture at some of these stores as is painted, why is it allowed to happen?
While ours doesn't purposely make life harder for the backroom team, they're still just all around slow. They were spoiled by their previous TL who was always on top of everything and eventually promoted to ETL at another store. The current TL is useless and was thrown into the position with no training or logistics experience. The team is essentially run by a veteran TM who ends up spending too much time planning and helping the TL and other TMs. Besides that TM and the TL, there are three other TMs. One works independently from the team on smaller revisions and salesplanners, one gives zero shits about doing the job correctly, and one actually cares and does a good job (albeit slowly).Come on people, no one has a good plano team? I refuse to believe that. I see a lot of people talking some pretty big crap so I am assuming their departments run perfectly. No one has the balls to step up and defend their plano team? For the people that seem to know "why" their plano team sucks, does your STL give them the hours for their workload or does the STL play fast and loose with hours? There are so many variables to a poorly performing plano team. You may have a good leader in the process of performancing poor performers out and you won't know it. You may have a poor leader but a great team just needing leadership.
Our backroom was in bad shape for a while due to a shitty ETL-Log, but last week we legit had a BRTM help set domestics because the backroom was caught up and POG was so far behind.My store is just the opposite it seems. I'm not going to bash the backroom here, but our backroom has been struggling for over a year. That's through two tl's and two etl's.
We have a lot of good people on the Plano and pricing team. But I'll say this ... we struggle. Between backup cashiering, getting carts, and missing fixtures, label straps, etc.
So when I hear people on here bashing other teams, I think of the day our whole team was pulled to the backroom to help backstock because they were so far buried under backstock. The day I see a backroom tm come out an help me set revisions because I'm behind, I'll eat a bug.
So if all these Plano teams are so awful, where is the management? Why isn't it taken care of? When I transferred stores, the whole POG team was in the middle of being let go. Within two months of me getting there, the whole team, including the tl, was gone.
So if it's as bad as picture at some of these stores as is painted, why is it allowed to happen?
If they get done and numbers they report look good they don't give two shits. As long as they look good to others they can get away with murder.
Well dang, that sounds like every STL I've ever had. They should be promoted.
How can "they look good to others" if some people DO notice? Maybe what's happening is management notices, but they just don't care.
I don't think anyone is painting a picture of a totally awful team. Each store's team... any/every team.... has areas of "opportunity" that will help another team be more efficient if they make sure it's done. Of course there are good things. That would be where the team is doing their job. Are you looking for Dear Plano with warm fuzzies and heartfelt feels? Would you rather we gave participation awards? Dear plano: Thank you for using shelves and labels. Thank you for telling the backroom that there are pog fills in the gun that they need to pull. You do an awesome job letting other teams get experience with back up cashiering and answering phone calls. In one place it may look like awful teams, but they are little things at lots of individual stores that are learning opportunities. These small "annoyances" that affect other teams are certainly not "fireable offenses", but if a TL sees it here it may be a little wake up that they can take back to their store and improve their team.So if all these Plano teams are so awful, where is the management? Why isn't it taken care of? When I transferred stores, the whole POG team was in the middle of being let go. Within two months of me getting there, the whole team, including the tl, was gone.
So if it's as bad as picture at some of these stores as is painted, why is it allowed to happen?
I don't think anyone is painting a picture of a totally awful team. Each store's team... any/every team.... has areas of "opportunity" that will help another team be more efficient if they make sure it's done. Of course there are good things. That would be where the team is doing their job. Are you looking for Dear Plano with warm fuzzies and heartfelt feels? Would you rather we gave participation awards? Dear plano: Thank you for using shelves and labels. Thank you for telling the backroom that there are pog fills in the gun that they need to pull. You do an awesome job letting other teams get experience with back up cashiering and answering phone calls. In one place it may look like awful teams, but they are little things at lots of individual stores that are learning opportunities. These small "annoyances" that affect other teams are certainly not "fireable offenses", but if a TL sees it here it may be a little wake up that they can take back to their store and improve their team.