Archived Denim Days

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I prefer khakis to be honest. I stay cooler and can use the cargos to carry everything. I can't really stand having my phone in a pocket, but the cargo pocket is perfect for it.

Jeans just get to warm even in winter 😛
The khaki’s I have have very tiny pockets, and my jeans pockets are large haha. If it were the other way around though I’d prefer khakis. I carry a lot of stuff.
Well fuck me buying new khakis for the winter.. sorry GS, there will be some returns soon!
Yesterday I almost mistook a TM for a Guest. The young lady was in jeans, and a black shirt, sitting on the floor and had just pulled a shoe off of a mannequin. But then she was trying to lift the leg off of it's post, so I started to say "Please don't lift that up" - when the TM turned around and I saw her Target name tag. Turns out that she was the new VM. Oops....
No for jeans. I prefer to wear my jeans for other activities. They're way too hot for wearing to work in the summer. Even now that it's cold outside, I still sweat while we're unloading the truck. And sorry to point it out, but they just look sloppy on some of my fellow TMs. Granted, they might look sloppy in khakis too, but not as much.
And I agree with others who say as perks and rewards go, this one is really lame.
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