Archived Do You Use Your Phone at Work?

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I use mine for Flex sometimes when someone orders like 10 items and I don't feel like walking allllll the way up to the front of the store to scan the printer after the first item, just to come back and continue picking. I'll 'skip' through the items, take photos of the locations, and go pick everything and just scan everything up front 🙄

Wouldn't it be easier to just bring the printer with you as you pick items? We have a dedicated 3-tier with a printer and a clipboard for logging INFs. A lot less back-and-forth.

When I'm doing a SPU, I like to be able to scan items as I go. Especially with softlines or any department with a poor zone, it's easy to find an item that's similar but isn't the correct DPCI, so I scan the items right then and there to make sure they're correct.
What's wrong with the mydevice calc?
I'm backroom, I don't use the MyDevice and I have never used the calculator on the PDA since the keyboard on that thing sucks. It's more convenient pulling out my phone since I don't have to toggle between apps. Especially if I'm doing a location check and have to add up all the numbers for what we have when a team member wants everything we have.
I occasionally use it to help guests, if I don't have a mydevice on me. I sometimes also reply to messages super quick when no guests are in sight and listen to music if I'm there at 6am for signing or p-fresh.
I also use it for flex fulfillment softline items when the PDA provides a potato for an image of the item.
I also do that when picking for SFS. I can usually tell what an item is, but the PDA fucks up the pictures of clothing so much.
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It sounds like you are dayside backroom... Just curious, how does a deaf team member answer stock checks and things that require radio?
We also had a deaf BR TM at my store for a while. He would be working when there was another BR TM there to answer calls. He used his phone to type out notes too.
If I need to make a phone call, I let my team lead or LOD know and I excuse myself out of the building for a couple minutes.

And also, I have an Apple Watch to look at any notifications I receive.
I use mine for Flex sometimes when someone orders like 10 items and I don't feel like walking allllll the way up to the front of the store to scan the printer after the first item, just to come back and continue picking. I'll 'skip' through the items, take photos of the locations, and go pick everything and just scan everything up front 🙄
That seems overly complicated. We have a dedicated FF printer that's always plugged in by the hold locations, so we just key in the 4 digit printer number when it asks and then apply the labels when we get up there.
I have used my phone while on the clock. I have sent a txt etc. I don't make a regular habit of it . I work in the backroom so I am not out on the floor HOWEVER....there are cameras back there so I try not to use my phone that much at all while I am working . I always have my phone on me. However, my family knows that if there is a true emergency they need to call the store to get ahold of me . Thank God those calls have been very rare over the years.
That seems overly complicated. We have a dedicated FF printer that's always plugged in by the hold locations, so we just key in the 4 digit printer number when it asks and then apply the labels when we get up there.
We have a printer & pda at electronics, too. So when backroom leaves, a flex drops. Lod or sales floor will get the flex.
We used to have a BRTM that would talk on the phone while backstocking. He had the headphones with a mic on them and most of the time it looked like he was just talking to himself. Then I finally realized what was going on.

Shockingly he was fired for poor performance.
It seems like most TM have their cell phone on them and just take a quick peek every once in a while and maybe send a quick text. I am guilty of doing that sometimes although most of the time I keep it in my locker because the pockets on my pants are kind of small so I don't bother keeping my cell on me. But I have seen a couple TM on their phones a lot and it is a bit annoying because it can suck up a lot of their time. I was at guest services one day grabbing some reshop and the GSTM was texting on her phone and the GSTL walked up. The conversation went like this --
GSTL -- I though I told you that you shouldn't be on your phone.
GSTM -- I'm not on my phone.
GSTL -- I am looking at your phone right now.
GSTM -- Just give me a second and I'll be done.
She might have gotten in trouble later, but it seem like the GSTM didn't think she would because she didn't put it away immediately. Plus that GSTL is on her phone a lot so maybe it mattered less to her.

But some of the leadership team (mainly the GSTLs and and a couple ETLs) are on their cell phone a bunch. I know they might be doing something work related, but it seems unlikely that it is always what they are doing. Especially if they are on their phones periodically (looking at their phones once every fifteen minutes for a minute or so) throughout their entire shifts.

But overall I think at my store if they see you on your phone they would just tell you to put it away.
I lock my phone in one of the lockboxes in electronics and just bring it out if needed, which has been increasingly common as MyDevices continue to shit the bed. Or to show guests what glass screen protectors can do for their phones.

Other than that, phone use only happens during breaks. There's always something else that could be done instead of being on my phone.
In the beginning, I didn't use my phone. Idc about target, anymore, so I might send off a few texts during a shift. I use my phone to help guests too. I keep all the sl cartwheel coupons in my list, and I look for aisles in the target app, and check prices, and whether other stores have something. I almost got caught a couple times and I just pulled up the target app in recents.

It's not that the few texts I send are important, but I... Just dc about a rule that doesn't hinder my work (I've never been 8 seconds behind on my work), and doesn't get enforced for TLs and above. Guests complaining about it probably look at Facebook at their desk jobs lol.
I have to use my phone a lot of the time if I'm opening during the week because the 4am team will have almost all of the MyDevices. My store isn't super strict about us using our phones on the sales floor, so long as it's work related.
@Bosch and @Rarejem, my workcenter doesn't even use MyDevices.

Unlike any other team in the building we CAN NOT do our job without one.. Sucks to be you.. 🙂

Nope, sucks to be plano and pricing. They have to use either a MyDevice or a PDA, but they don't get dibs on either one.
We have a printer & pda at electronics, too. So when backroom leaves, a flex drops. Lod or sales floor will get the flex.
You have a PDA for electronics?? I'm so jealous :c If I'm opening I'm pretty much s.o.l because the morning guys take all the PDAs and MyDevices so when I get a call it's annoying af to find someone to look something up for me.
I use my phone to take to do notes and pictures of things that I need to do and numbers of things I need to order.
You have a PDA for electronics?? I'm so jealous :c If I'm opening I'm pretty much s.o.l because the morning guys take all the PDAs and MyDevices so when I get a call it's annoying af to find someone to look something up for me.
We steal the broken PDA. It has a few issues, but backroom hasn't figured how to fix them on a PDA. We fix it & keep it. You can use merchandise locate on the register or price checker, by typing in the dpci for info too.
We steal the broken PDA. It has a few issues, but backroom hasn't figured how to fix them on a PDA. We fix it & keep it. You can use merchandise locate on the register or price checker, by typing in the dpci for info too.
Our merch locate has been broked for ages now. It'll either crash the register or just say item not found.

How do check on the price checker though I didn't know that was a thing
Everyone has their phones on them in my store - from the STL on down. Doesn't affect our sales because we're #2 in the district. I play music on mine with I'm pulling in the back, use the calculator all the time (Nestle water pallets) and check the corporate apps right in front of my boss. If I can't find the item in the store they give up. I've yet to get in trouble because they know what's going on.
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