Archived Does anyone else struggle with availability like I do..?

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Aug 7, 2018
Since I got hired in September of last year, I’ve been struggling with availability like you wouldn’t believe. I got hired as a seasonal worker at first, so I was understanding of certain things. Seasonal workers are often the ones who have schedules that are all over the place and really aren’t brought on unless their availability is open. I was understanding of that. But in my interview, I told them I could work almost any time as long as it didn’t interfere with the times I have church (Sunday mornings and Friday nights) or in the future when I go back to school but I preferred not to work closing shifts if possible. They said it was fine.

I later found out that my ETL listed my availability as wide open aside from Sunday mornings. I said fine, I’ll just only go to church once a week. I then found that they would go on to give me shifts against that availability every Sunday for almost a year now.

Not only that, but I was told that if I was brought on as a full team member that I would get the option to change my availability and work with them on it in the future. Almost a year has past now and I’ve been denied/auto-denied every request to change my availability I’ve put in. My parent’s car is old and I simply asked not to be scheduled past 10:30 PM since that’s when I can get to the last bus home. I’ve had near perfect attendance and I’ve proven myself to be a hard worker, yet I still get the runaround from my ETL.

My ETL will constantly avoid someone when he knows they need to confront him on an availability change or something of that nature. If he can’t avoid you or I go to the HR-ETL, he just gives a general “Oh, put it in and I’ll see what I can do” then proceeds to auto-deny the request and avoid you some more. To his credit, he does give you the schedule you ask for maybe a week or two at a time before he starts to act out again, but since he doesn’t change the availability just about anyone doing the schedule can put you down for any shift they want. So it becomes a cycle of you asking for something, tracking him down and confronting him, him giving a temporary change, then screwing you over again when it suits him.

Today I’m going in two hours early (it’s a 6:30-12 am I’m scheduled for) to ask the LOD if I can leave early and hope he says yes. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do about this problem because I can’t continue to recieve random shifts that don’t work for me. Especially since nobody wants to take a closing shift in Market, usually on weekends. And it leaves me with even less hope for getting a proper availability change in accordance for school because even those are changes he’s been known to snake his way out of and screw many people in my department.
Auto deny is caused by the etl not looking at it. Talk to your tl or hr for help on this matter. Include copies from ehr on your attempts for availability changes, all of them..
Depends on business needs at your store.
Where do you get copies of attempts to change availablity?
Log into EHR at work. My Time Self Service. Set up availability to prference. Before it is submitted, print it (Ctrl + P). Once submitted, go ahead and print the Status page.
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