Archived Does Target hire people full-time?

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I was hired last week and average 30 - 4o hours
The week of the 11/1 I'm scheduled for 39.50 lol you can clock in 5 minutes early so I might hit 40 but yea I could only do it 2
I'm sorry to hear that, the only full times for ETL/TL or STL, BUT you can definitely take the part time job and quickly work your way up to a full time leader position. You will def. be able to do that.
No, not really.
As others have said, full-time hrs are only guaranteed for TLs & higher.
Going into Q4 should give you enough hours to immerse yourself in your position & to build a good reputation among your peers & leaders. Usually newbs will get a lot of training hours before they drop but as the holidays get closer & if there are lots of call-outs, you should be able to pick up hours.
Whenever the schedule is posted, check it immediately & copy it down. If your hours are low, let the operator know that you are available to come in early, stay later or come in on a day off (esp if you're only scheduled 3-4 days).
These are the things you can do to stand out to TLs & above, to get on their A list, to be kept on after 90 days.
Down the road, these are the qualities they look for when developing talent for TL positions.
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Then comes Q1 and it all goes to hell.
Those 38.5 hour weeks drop down to 18 and you have to check to swap list every day to keep your hours up.

And always answer the phone, even if you aren't going to come in. Don't just ignore the call...
If you do miss it should you call back? Like half the time they call me it's when I'm passed the hell out and don't hear the phone and wake up hours later to a voicemail asking if I wanna take a shift. Should I really call back just to tell them no? (Lowkey afraid I'll be too nice to say no to them if I really don't wanna work that day)
I would call them back just so they wouldn't think I was like all the others who simply ignored the call.
If you do miss it should you call back? Like half the time they call me it's when I'm passed the hell out and don't hear the phone and wake up hours later to a voicemail asking if I wanna take a shift. Should I really call back just to tell them no? (Lowkey afraid I'll be too nice to say no to them if I really don't wanna work that day)

I usually give them a call back. They tend to appreciate it.
I would call them back just so they wouldn't think I was like all the others who simply ignored the call.
During my time with HR, I can't tell you how many voice mails I had to listen to (some of you folks are SICK) & left messages with that NEVER called back, even to say that you couldn't come in.
These same TMs would later whine about not getting enough hours. #SorryNotSorry
Right up until early 2014 I was considered FT just by the hours I was getting. Then my hrs went down drastically because of Obamacare and I dropped down to PT and lost my insurance.
I was hired by Target on the day of the interview about a week or so ago, my background check passed, and now I'm just waiting on orientation, so I haven't been able to ask anyone from HR yet.

How much hours does Target usually give out? When I applied I asked for 20-25 hours because I thought I could only work part time, but I found out I can work full time (long story) I'm wondering if Target would give me more hours than that instead.

What are the chances they'll give a newbie in the backroom a full time job? Does Target even offer full time jobs? I spoke to a few people and they say that Target usually only gives part-time jobs.

It really depends on the needs of the store and as your HR will probably mention to be cross trained in as many areas you want to do. I usually get 37 or 38 hours a week but I work Instocks mainly, help with morning truck and sometimes do backroom day or mid. If I just did straight Instocks I would get about 28 hours a week. So being cross trained helps and being at a store that needs people helps too. I forget the exact average hours you need for benefits but I think it around 36 which is really what to expect unless your a TL.
I flirt with "full-time" status all year, except 4th quarter. 4th quarter I either hit 38-40 hours, or I get OT every week. Current STL tries to avoid OT, so I'll likely get 40-45 hours most weeks (last year, same STL I had overtime 5 weeks in a row, but none over 45ish hours, previous STL the year before I got as high as 62 hours in a week).

I don't get all my hours from the same workcenter though. I'm working in 4 different workcenters this week, and will work in a 5th for bits and pieces (I typically cover FA's breaks and lunches, though rarely get scheduled actual shifts there).

Most stores though generally:

ETLs 50+ hours
SrTLs 39.99 hours
TLs 37-39 hours
GSAs or very well liked/long time TMs28-35 hours
Most TMs 25 or less with more than 30 only happening when they swap shifts or during Christmas
Some positions get full time some don't. If you're a GSA/PA/TPS among other positions chances are you'll get full time likely - if you want it. Cashier/Sales Floor TM, not likely. Depends on store and situation though.

For most positions though, Target doesn't advertise them as full time, they are part time positions. Your hours are not guaranteed that way.
Some positions get full time some don't. If you're a GSA/PA/TPS among other positions chances are you'll get full time likely - if you want it. Cashier/Sales Floor TM, not likely. Depends on store and situation though.

For most positions though, Target doesn't advertise them as full time, they are part time positions. Your hours are not guaranteed that way.

This. It's POSSIBLE for the sales floor TMs or cashiers to get full-time but it's rare. I get anywhere from 28-38 hours a week, and I'm one of about five in my store who get even close to that. This time of year, though, pretty much everyone is averaging in that range, but come February, it's unlikely that even those of us currently getting hours will see nearly that much.
Also -- it helps knowing multiple workcenters, you can pickup more hours that way. I was cross trained in almost everything when I was GSA and I had 40.00 hours on the button every week for almost 2 years.
For sure. Being able to work well in 3 or 4 different workcenters is a great way to get hours.
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