Archived Does Target hire people full-time?

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That's how I kept up for the last nine yrs.
No matter how few hrs they scheduled me, I was always able to bring it up to at least 35.
Being very global helped, too.
They didn't call me the 'Flo Ho' for nuthin' 😉
At my store, every TL (and SrTL) gets 40 hours every week. My store has a pretty high turnover rate (even for Target) so we're constantly hiring people, which at times means fewer hours for TMs. But it also means our swap shift board fills up quickly as shifts open up when someone leaves. Things work out.
Backroom flow always works 8 hour days in most store. Same with the backroom openiner, closer and receiver
It really just depends on the store volume and how well-staffed they are. At our store, pretty much everyone in logistics gets 40 hours if they want it and don't completely suck at their job.

GSAs, Electronics, GSTMs, and Starbucks also usually get in the upper 30s. So do the few cashiers who are Redcard wizards.

TLs of course get 40 (I'm pretty sure our APTL actually gets 48).
It really just depends on the store volume and how well-staffed they are. At our store, pretty much everyone in logistics gets 40 hours if they want it and don't completely suck at their job.

GSAs, Electronics, GSTMs, and Starbucks also usually get in the upper 30s. So do the few cashiers who are Redcard wizards.

TLs of course get 40 (I'm pretty sure our APTL actually gets 48).
Our SR tl flow gets 50 hours a week
Ive worked a consistant 40 for the past year in pricing(2 tms). When our workload goes down (4th quarter) im in softlines for half my shifts and sometimes getting 60 hours. It can be done, but you might have to work 2-3 workcenters to get it
Ive worked a consistant 40 for the past year in pricing(2 tms). When our workload goes down (4th quarter) im in softlines for half my shifts and sometimes getting 60 hours. It can be done, but you might have to work 2-3 workcenters to get it
This Q4, our pricing TMs are probably going to spend November going through the endless pallets full of clearance in the back that has turned to salvage.
This Q4, our pricing TMs are probably going to spend November going through the endless pallets full of clearance in the back that has turned to salvage.
Yikes. We pushed everything this past year. There were times there were a couple pallets in the back but my pricing team always found a way to get it out of the back within a week or two
How you get hours is simple: the more you know how to do, the more valuable Target sees you as being. Never let an opportunity for training pass you by and be prepared to move out of your comfort zone. For example: I hated doing market in the past, but so did everyone else, and as a result I picked up quite a few hours there.
How you get hours is simple: the more you know how to do, the more valuable Target sees you as being. Never let an opportunity for training pass you by
It is next to impossible to get cross training in my store. I had to wait about six months or so after I first got hired. Many TMs would love a chance to learn a new work center and are still waiting after being at my store for quite some time.
It is next to impossible to get cross training in my store. I had to wait about six months or so after I first got hired. Many TMs would love a chance to learn a new work center and are still waiting after being at my store for quite some time.

That's so crazy to me. I've been at my store for a little over a year, and I'm trained in every department except for Softlines and Backroom (even though I know how to do it, I'm just not keyed in as trained). I know that some stores just don't believe in it, though. My cousin's store is very strict about staying in your own department. They get yelled at if they so much as leave their designated area.
LC, that's absolutely cray....
Every time a TL would come up to me & ask "Hey Red, do you know how to do xx?"
I'd say "Not yet."
"Wanna learn?"
" 'kay."

I figure my store's like that, too, since anyone who shows even the slightest interest in learning something can be taught, but my cousin has horror stories from her store. Hell, I visited her once, and when I asked her to walk with me, it looked like she'd seen a ghost. She was beyond terrified to leave domestics because her STL was threatening to write people up every time they were seen away from their department unless they were told to leave by a TL or higher.
I get about 21 avrg hrs. a week. That is partially because I'm in school though, just asked to be crossed trained in..........well pretty much everything. Already know cafe, cashier (duh), and next is sales-floor.
As much as six years as a TM left me a broken shell of a human, I will say one positive thing about my time at Spotschwitz. Once I became proactive about checking the swap shift board and answered all requests to come in, I got about 38 hours a week. This lasted for several years (ya know, until Obamacare made a 29 hour max for non-benefit earners)
I was hired by Target on the day of the interview about a week or so ago, my background check passed, and now I'm just waiting on orientation, so I haven't been able to ask anyone from HR yet.

How much hours does Target usually give out? When I applied I asked for 20-25 hours because I thought I could only work part time, but I found out I can work full time (long story) I'm wondering if Target would give me more hours than that instead.

What are the chances they'll give a newbie in the backroom a full time job? Does Target even offer full time jobs? I spoke to a few people and they say that Target usually only gives part-time jobs.
Well I guess technically only the salaried people are "Full-Time" but I'm an hourly VML and I always have 40 hours a week and health coverage so that would be considered full -time hourly.
Team leads & certain specialty areas are the only ones guaranteed full-time hrs.
Even then, during lean times (Jan) THEIR hrs may be scaled back to 32-35/wk.
The rest are hired with the understanding that they are 'part-time' BUT that doesn't mean they CAN'T accrue enough hrs to qualify as full time, including benefits if they hustle hrs.
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