Does your store sell PRIDE wear?

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Only 89 stores? Portland must be popular because I swear I saw three stores recently carrying the stuff. Nothing too cute this year, though I am tempted to buy the rainbow accessories just because of how god awful the designs are. Pride here in Portland is a hoot, especially in conjunction with the naked bicycle race.
I've never heard or seen any anti-gay behavior at the store that I work at. You will get fired for that shit. Besides, why do you want drama? You can agree or disagree with it but drama is on TNT. For the record, when it comes to research I only do it if it's something that interests me or something that I'm curious about.

I reported my GSTL and another coworker for homophobic and transphobic behavior.
ASANTS goes both ways.
My store had the LGBT pride poster up (the one with various people including a woman wearing a full rainbow shirt) in the breakroom for more than half a year until it was replaced by a Black History Month poster that's still up. 😀
For the record, when it comes to research I only do it if it's something that interests me or something that I'm curious about.

So since you admit you have no idea what you're talking about regarding this matter, why come in here and cause problems?

You may claim you aren't a bigot, Jack, but referring to LGBT people as charity cases and stating their cause isn't important doesn't really lend you any favors.
Greater DC metropolitan area here- no gay stuff. We take ourselves way to seriously for rainbows and such.

Hi fellow DC metro area!

Same here, nothing.

So since you admit you have no idea what you're talking about regarding this matter, why come in here and cause problems?

You may claim you aren't a bigot, Jack, but referring to LGBT people as charity cases and stating their cause isn't important doesn't really lend you any favors.

The title of the thread has pride in all caps. It was typed as PRIDE gear. I was under the impression that there was a brand named PRIDE and proceeds went to pro gay charities and organizations. I guess people can't make mistakes. And here I thought the gay movement and community were open minded tolerant liberals. I guess the tolerance is selective and only exists when you like what they say or agree with them. 🙄
Don't start with the wounded attitude, Jack.
You're quick to jump all over liberal causes (race relations, guy rights, gender equality) saying they're no longer necessary because it's 'not as bad as it used to be' & it doesn't impact you on a daily basis.
When people point out the fact that you haven't experienced what they live with ALL THE TIME, you get defensive
Most recently you derided 'race-baiters' for playing the race card too much in your opinion.
You want people to stop bringing it up thinking it'll just go away amid recent shootings of unarmed black people & a cop slamming a teenager down in the grass while pulling his gun on other unarmed teens.
Not falling for it.
Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.
It means people can say all kinds of stupid things and I can mock them for saying them.

It also means that when I say something stupid, I expect to be mocked.
However, rather than taking it personally I own my mistakes and learn from them.
Nobody gets better if they can't learn how to take a fall and get back up especially if they blame someone else.
Wounded attitude? Who wounded me? I stand by what I said and have said in the past. If you race bait, I'm gonna call you out on it. If you try to make something out of nothing, I will call you out on it. Of course mean people exist but what I'm trying to say is when a minority experiences adversity it shouldn't automatically be some type of injustice or discrimination. Sometimes life sucks and people are just mean because they're mean. When a woman, gay person, or minority experiences an inconvenience, we shouldn't automatically say "oh well of course they were discriminated against". What does that say about your opinion and trust of humanity?
It tells me you should've grown up in the '50s when white guys didn't have to worry about how they treated women, minorities or gays.
It tells me you still haven't learned anything.
If you race bait, I'm gonna call you out on it.

Please, for the love of all things that are holy and Christlike, please stop using the phrase "race bait." The only people who say that are racists. There is nothing wrong with bringing up the social injustices of racism, and calling it "race baiting" distracts from the importance of the issue and makes you seem like a racist.
I guess people can't make mistakes.

It's not a mistake when you openly admit you have no idea what you're talking about, jumping in this thread saying gay rights aren't important because there's an earthquake happening somewhere. That is an offensive statement to make and people are absolutely justified in calling you out on it. Don't try to claim the big bad liberals are hurting your feelings because you were challenged on a stupid comment you made.
I never said gay rights weren't important. You assumed that because you didn't like what I said. I said if you compare the plight earthquake victims and gay people, earthquake victims have it worse and their plight is MORE important. Thank you. I will stand by what I said until my last breath. If a minority gets shot, stabbed, or inconvenienced, it doesn't 100 percent mean that it was racially motivated. I never once said gays and minorities don't get harassed or shit because of their minority status. Once again what I'm trying to say but you will ignore or call me a racist because you don't like what I think or say is that not everything is always 100 percent motivated because of racism or group prejudice. Sometimes in life, people are assholes. You guys apparently think that if a black person or gay person gets shot or stabbed or has to wait in line that it's 100 percent all the time due to their minority status.
I said if you compare the plight earthquake victims and gay people, earthquake victims have it worse and their plight is MORE important.

No one in this thread was making that comparison except you. No one was discussing earthquake victims. No one was saying their plight isn't important. You were presenting a black-or-white scenario of gay people receiving donations and earthquake victims not receiving any. It made zero sense. Target has already donated to earthquake victims. 😕

Would you go into a thread about Target donating to earthquake victims and ask why they aren't donating to gay people? I highly doubt it.
Do minorities and individuals with minority status always face injustice and discrimination in EVERY instance in which something doesn't go their way? That means when a minority or an individual with minority status experiences an inconvenience, is it ALWAYS because they're a minority? Or could you admit honestly that while they do experience injustice and discrimination that sometimes they just don't get their way because life is shitty?
I will stand by what I said until my last breath.
Bla bla bla......we've heard it all before, Jack.
You always say the same things - that we're calling you racist because we don't like what you say.
You don't like it when people disagree with you so you throw the same old lines while playing the victim, which is hypocritical because you slam others for complaining about OBVIOUS discriminatory treatment & blow it off as 'life is tough; get over it'.
Do minorities and individuals with minority status always face injustice and discrimination in EVERY instance in which something doesn't go their way? That means when a minority or an individual with minority status experiences an inconvenience, is it ALWAYS because they're a minority? Or could you admit honestly that while they do experience injustice and discrimination that sometimes they just don't get their way because life is shitty?

You're misrepresenting the argument. No one is saying that every single instance of something negative occurring to someone who is a minority must be discrimination. You know that we know that's absurd. Stop trying to claim that's what the argument is. The point is that you jumped into a thread regarding a subject you *admitted* having no knowledge of and made an offensive statement about the LGBT community. You said that. It is wrong of you to not own up to it.
Flabber, thank you for admitting the truth. I was worried that you thought every time a minority gets inconvenienced it is because of discrimination.
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