Does your store sell PRIDE wear?

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Do minorities and individuals with minority status always face injustice and discrimination in EVERY instance in which something doesn't go their way? That means when a minority or an individual with minority status experiences an inconvenience, is it ALWAYS because they're a minority? Or could you admit honestly that while they do experience injustice and discrimination that sometimes they just don't get their way because life is shitty?
Gee Jack, what do you call it if you were jailed on the false testimony of someone who was believed over you because they were a different color?
What do you call it if you're followed around an electronics store by security personnel when other customers of a different color are left to look around hassle-free?
What do you call it when you walk thru a crosswalk & see people lock their car doors as you pass by?
What do you call it when two adults start a fight in a swimming pool parking lot & the cops show up to drag out kids that had NOTHING to do with the fight but were dragged out because of their color, a cop throws one down into the grass & pulls his gun on others?
Why don't YOU admit that instances like these are more than a mere 'inconvenience'?
I'm done with this thread. I can't deal with homophobes and racists. Sorry this thread had to be derailed by something like this.
That's society's fault. Society tells people how to think and feel. You guys act like I'm a KKK from the 1950s. I just don't get it but you're entitled to your opinion.
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