We're a low-volume store, although higher than before SFS and OPU, so we don't have nearly so many trucks. We still have problems though, and I agree with you 100% about accountability. Some TLs talk about it but actually following through? That's a whole other thing, from SD on down, and it makes me a little nuts. I bring up an issue ... yes, they agree it's a problem ... and nothing changes. So are they feeding me a line to make me shut up? Actually following through part way but then the TL over price change or whatever doesn't do their part? Either way, it's broken and doesn't get fixed. That's with multiple issues over months and similar issues being brought up by at least one other TM I know about. Sometimes, I wish I DIDN'T know what I do about price change and transitions because I'd be less irked about mistakes. "Ignorance is bliss" is sometimes true!
As far as a store not having to change to whatever the new SOP is, maybe at your store/in your district? We have a new district lead and, from what I hear, he's way less flexible than his predecessor. It's less ASANTS than he wants all the stores in his district to be the same, even if a store is performing well (we're low-volume but our metrics are almost always bright green). The previous one seemed happy to let us do our thing as long as the train kept chugging along. Things have changed, some good long-term TMs are grumbling again, and it seems like every time that happens, we lose one or two.
Editing to clarify about my store's leadership - they are pretty good in that they're not micro-managers, for the most part; no one in the current leadership is abusive in any way; it's a pretty stable roster. However, they're also all kind of "mushy" in management style, seemingly more interested in being liked than in holding TMs accountable. That could be Target's overall management style; I did work a few months seasonally at another store, but I really only know this one store.