Doing Pulls for a POG

May 6, 2020
Who is actually responsible to do the pulls for a POG?

Twice in the past week I had a whole bunch of OOS and Pulls drop into my batches.

The first time my TL pulled then and there were about a dozen DCPI that were also OOS.

It happened again yesterday but there were about 20 OOS and 150 items.

I went into the POG and then set that capacity to ZERO.

Here is an idea maybe ask me to pull (but not push) them instead of assuming I would do it.
Who is actually responsible to do the pulls for a POG?

Twice in the past week I had a whole bunch of OOS and Pulls drop into my batches.

The first time my TL pulled then and there were about a dozen DCPI that were also OOS.

It happened again yesterday but there were about 20 OOS and 150 items.

I went into the POG and then set that capacity to ZERO.

Here is an idea maybe ask me to pull (but not push) them instead of assuming I would do it.
Why would you set capacity to 0? If there's space on the floor, it will never come out in a pull.

They can see who set the capacity to 0 and would be an easy conversation for them to document.
The hours are included in the set time. Presentation team technically earns the time if scheduled appropriately but it depends on how your leaders schedule it and what their expectations are.
The hours are included in the set time. Presentation team technically earns the time if scheduled appropriately but it depends on how your leaders schedule it and what their expectations are.

The workload calendar days that pulls, pushing those pulls, backstocking from pog and managing clearance/NOP is not included in times.
Why would you set capacity to 0? If there's space on the floor, it will never come out in a pull.

They can see who set the capacity to 0 and would be an easy conversation for them to document.
I realize that but it is just lazy that they didn't do their job and dumped it on me with no warning.

I am usually the only one who does pulls in my department and doing that just makes my pull percentages that much worse.

I did tell my Closing TL about this since it has happened twice in four days.

Finally the majority of these items were ten feet off the ground in multiple locations.
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The workload calendar days that pulls, pushing those pulls, backstocking from pog and managing clearance/NOP is not included in times.
I promise you it is. Look up best practice for setting a pog. They clarify pull the pog batch and pushing transition pallets is included.

Stock POG
  • Start with carryforward items to free up vehicles and clutter on the sales floor.
  • After carryforward product is stocked, work new or incremental product from the POG batch. If transition was pre-tied, work staged product.
  • It is important to have accurate capacities and SFQs to replenish the sales floor appropriately. Upon filling the POG, check SFQ and Capacity accuracy on:
  • Any item that came from a pull and has backstock.
  • An item that is low or out on the floor and didn't pull with the POG fill batch.
  • Any item where there is an obstruction (i.e., power pole) that may not be accounted for in the POG.
  • Items that are in shippers, displays or have zone assist. Follow the POG to determine where to put zone assist fixtures. If you've added your own, you will need to update the capacity on these items.
While I agree that presentation is responsible for all those things. Lately the hours given for pushing transition pallets is inaccurate because it doesn't take into consideration the port strike and the extra freight we've been given. The last 3 weeks have been a struggle when you have multiple transitions going on and they expect us to push 10+ pallets of dec home/domestics with a 3 TM crew.

Other then that, the hours are fairly accurate for the most part.
While I agree that presentation is responsible for all those things. Lately the hours given for pushing transition pallets is inaccurate because it doesn't take into consideration the port strike and the extra freight we've been given. The last 3 weeks have been a struggle when you have multiple transitions going on and they expect us to push 10+ pallets of dec home/domestics with a 3 TM crew.

Other then that, the hours are fairly accurate for the most part.
These were likely revisions, and spls mixed in too which should have been backstocked. Only pretied transitions should be trapped.
I promise you it is. Look up best practice for setting a pog. They clarify pull the pog batch and pushing transition pallets is included.

Stock POG
  • Start with carryforward items to free up vehicles and clutter on the sales floor.
  • After carryforward product is stocked, work new or incremental product from the POG batch. If transition was pre-tied, work staged product.
  • It is important to have accurate capacities and SFQs to replenish the sales floor appropriately. Upon filling the POG, check SFQ and Capacity accuracy on:
  • Any item that came from a pull and has backstock.
  • An item that is low or out on the floor and didn't pull with the POG fill batch.
  • Any item where there is an obstruction (i.e., power pole) that may not be accounted for in the POG.
  • Items that are in shippers, displays or have zone assist. Follow the POG to determine where to put zone assist fixtures. If you've added your own, you will need to update the capacity on these items.
I wish upon Brother Brian's saintly eyebrows that what ever failed biomass has been setting and forgetting PoGs for [undetermined amount of time] would have this branded on the inside of their eyelids. routinely walking into a 200+ (1500+) batches is getting a little tiresome
I wish upon Brother Brian's saintly eyebrows that what ever failed biomass has been setting and forgetting PoGs for [undetermined amount of time] would have this branded on the inside of their eyelids. routinely walking into a 200+ (1500+) batches is getting a little tiresome
I feel like most store's issues are a lack of communication between leadership. If a department sets and doesn't have time to pull here, their leaders send an email to the Closer/Inbound leaders asking for support in pulling.

9/10 times, it gets pulled and life carries on as usual.

If people would just do what's required to keep a functioning store, things would be a lot better at other stores imho. People would rather complain doing their job though. Blows my mind.

Edit: Not singling you out, just a general theme I see around here.
It's really hard to have the want to do the job when you don't have enough people and when you DO they steal them for other departments, then tell you who has 4 things to do that you need to move faster. I am not breaking my neck and giving 110% EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am not burning myself out when the most I am getting come review time is 30 extra cents. Target is creating this problem - you stop working hard because there is no reward for it but more work. What benefit is there, really, to busting your ass? An 'attaboy' from your TL and that's it. Meanwhile if you slip up even a little you get a 10 minute condescending lecture about how you need to do better, we're a family, all that bullcrap.

We have TLs leaving because it's toxic here. We have a hard time keeping new people because management doesn't want to work with college students' schedules, and we're a college town so this is a pretty bad idea. The front end no longer has cart guys all day. There are some days we don't have them at all. They keep cutting hours and wondering why we don't make plan.

This skeleton staff crap has to stop before the store completely collapses, and the 'you just don't want to work' attitude needs to stop too. No, I don't want to work, not if this is how it's going to be EVERY SINGLE DAY.