Archived Electronics transition 2016

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I don't have a before photo, but I can bet a before photo before I put new ones up.
Also, I'm not sure what they are smoking up there in HQ, but they have TVs located as 4-F1-1 and some has 13-P1-2. I'm like what?! I finally got it figured out and set to the best of what I could make out.
Some are in this order in a section:
| 3-F2-1 | 4-F3-1 | Top row
| 3-P1-2 | 4-F2-1 | Middle row
| 3-P1-1 | 4-P1-1 | Bottom row
My pmt seems to think we aren't moving any tv's that this third party is doing it. But my backer paper is changing so I'm not sure if I should wait to change it till we get the vendors in (which may come at the same time as our e&e remodel) this is a hot mess express
I had white backer paper for the Samsung focal but we don't have that according to our planogram but it's still tied to be put up on section 7. I didn't put it up, don't even have a Samsung in that section...
image.jpeg image.jpeg
It's not the most clear thing in the world how they are writing these things now. They break apart so much and give info all over the place.... With a lot of if and & buts... 😵😕
@RunForACallBox i found for the tv wall and the placements and stuff..., look at he the HEIGHTS and inches in the row. But the geniuses in this case actually made it easy this time 😀😀😀😀 there is a grid on the back of the tv wall transition notes. 😎 NICE! That being said, have not set yet! Lol
The TV wall is easy if you map out your wall before starting. Print the schematic and write in which TVs go where with DPCIs.
Have you already had the new hdmi thing happen? I don't see any cords and did you get new backer paper?
Those pictures have coax cords and cord blocking boxes, so I'm guessing not? Im also confused about the hdmi conversion. I didn't see it mentioned in the transition manual, and the vendor who came to my store just installed cat5 cable.
I'm the tl in electronics and we had our hdmi upgrade last week. We are a remodel site. Had it last year.

Our tv transition is next week and electronics is the week after.

This is my first transition ever. I was backroom tm before. So Yay? 🙁

Is is going to be interesting to say the least. Luckily I have 2 veteran tm's who have been here over 10 years.
Have you already had the new hdmi thing happen? I don't see any cords and did you get new backer paper?
No, we haven't. Still haven't heard anything on it... And we got white in that scans for a Samsung TV focal but my stores plan doesn't call for it so I didn't put it up.
Looks good! I have two more sections than your POG (Samsung call out is in one) but it seems there are more displayed TVs than before. That's good though, I hate having a lot of boxed product out. Wish it was all displays only.

I'll be setting mine next Tues/Wed. Hopefully it goes smoothly. It'll be my third TV Wall reset, so it's old hat now. Just make sure to get my ducks in a row before I start. Any glaring things that caught you by surprise?
Looks good! I have two more sections than your POG (Samsung call out is in one) but it seems there are more displayed TVs than before. That's good though, I hate having a lot of boxed product out. Wish it was all displays only.

I'll be setting mine next Tues/Wed. Hopefully it goes smoothly. It'll be my third TV Wall reset, so it's old hat now. Just make sure to get my ducks in a row before I start. Any glaring things that caught you by surprise?
The only thing is the locations, at least on mine. Weird locations that go from F1 or F3 to P1s, it was difficult to determine where they wanted them to go. I couldn't follow the picture on the back of the transition manual because that was 14 sections and ours is 13. Though it used to be 14 but they cut it back about two years ago,
I thought the backing paper change to a white wifi paper?
Ours only scanned for section 7, but my store does not have the Samsung focal. Plus, I don't think it makes sense to put it all white backer. Cables, cable holders everything would stick out like a sore thumb against the white.
We did our tv wall yesterday. And go into electronics on Thursday. However I have none of the new signing or backer paper. 🙁 And things are going to be off the floor. Plus the item merge with phone acc is going to kill me. We also have our innovation aug 1... We are an ultra freaky target for BTC so fml...
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