Archived Eliminating more positions?

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Jun 13, 2013
Heard from a TM that he overheard part of a conference call and that some TM non essential positions will be eliminated soon. Anyone heat of anything like this?
tbat's practically the entire store. from their perspective, almost all of us are non-essential. make more backroom positions, cut salesfloor, open self-serve lanes where one cashier can help six customers, and labor is cut massively.

remember, we exist only for the store managers and higher to acquire bonuses.
What does non-essential even mean? Essential for the doors to remain open or for the store to be well run? There is a difference.
What does non-essential even mean? Essential for the doors to remain open or for the store to be well run? There is a difference.

I'm assuming positions like cosmetics brand TM and such. Also part of the elimination would be dl electronics TMs and the target mobile team would take it over.
I'm not sure how worried I should be but this leaves me scratching me head. Our store is well kept I believe, (I'm sure you could nit pick...) but there are times when we have zero sales floor besides electronics and they can't be bothered, or team leads who are to busy with projects to respond half the time. So that usually leaves someone sprinting across the store to catch call buttons. If they were to cut sales floor anymore our store would never have any go-backs pushed or zoned. Can't see this working well.

Though, I think self check out would work well for us sometimes. But we'd have to have some to stand there and ask if they'd like to sign up for the red card. -_-
Regarding self check out, I don't think it would work in high volume stores. We have enough theft with one guest vs one cashier. I can't imagine the stuff that would walk out if only one or two cashiers had to watch six guests.

I'm often asked why we don't have self check. I bite my tongue because I'd like to say, "Uh, because there are so many freakin dishonest people?" Wouldn't the coupon scammers love it? You could have two people scamming one cashier at the same time while your third scammer walks out without paying.
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Self check out? Well....they often tell us that the cashier may be the only person that a guest sees and that the cashier represents the store. So, who would a guest see with a self check out?
Didn't you hear, pellinore? Cleverbot's the new face of Target! She's going to be manning all of out self check out lanes!
who cares? when it comes down to taking care of the shareholders, minimizing the employment levels of mid to low-level stores will protect profits.
who cares? when it comes down to taking care of the shareholders, minimizing the employment levels of mid to low-level stores will protect profits.

Which is ironically scary because as a Spot TM I am a shareholder. So in order to protect my profits Spot may soon force me to seek employment at Wally World (in order to avoid becoming one of the growing homeless who can't afford to shop anywhere not a thrift store and thus cease to be a Spot stockholder?) :wacko:
They're probably going to get rid of the Jewelry and Cosmetic brand team member positions and just shuffle it off officially to Salesfloor. Honestly, I have never heard of many stores actually utilizing those positions properly due to the constriction of hours. Can't think of much other positions left unless all of the specialized salesfloor just fall under one umbrella at the same wage.
We have a salesfloor TM who used to get a few shifts a week in cosmetics. Currently the TM only gets one shift a week, now that we have the beauty concierge.
The beauty concierge does a great job of zoning cosmetics, it looks awesome.
Not to mention, having our cosmetics person constantly hanging around has positively impacted shortage a little at least.

And we are all non-essential. At least in the boardroom's eyes. Though, ironically, the one or two dozen gray haired, obscenely rich old people in the boardroom can't personally run all 1800 stores on their own, and would go completely bankrupt if they tried. Non-essential indeed.

I'm just waiting to see how many years of payroll slashing and tm position cutting it takes them to realize they've hit rock bottom and have gone BELOW skeleton crew levels. And then, how many years it takes them to realize guest service and satisfaction, and brand image have been crippled to a low enough point that they consider turning things around. Which will, of course, then be a number of years more in the "planning" stages.

Regarding self checkout, I love it at my local grocery store. There are 6 self checkout stations and it goes SO much faster than waiting in the normal checkout lines. I am now in and out of the store that much faster than I normally am, which was pretty fast to begin with. Although the really f***ing stupid anti-plastic-bag laws most cities in my area have passed often make the trips out of the store cumbersome.
I'm curious, what does a "brand" team member usually work at your store? Cosmetics is early morning (stupid) and we don't have a jewelry person (so glad it's a locked boat). I feel cosmetics should be peak times (mids at my store) and ALL jewelry boats should be "locked"
I'm curious, what does a "brand" team member usually work at your store? Cosmetics is early morning (stupid) and we don't have a jewelry person (so glad it's a locked boat). I feel cosmetics should be peak times (mids at my store) and ALL jewelry boats should be "locked"

Doing cosmetics push is done best in the am without distraction before the store opens. I challenge you to do a two repack boxes one day. It can take more than 1 hour to do, then help the guest factor. Try it!
What does non-essential even mean? Essential for the doors to remain open or for the store to be well run? There is a difference.

I'm assuming positions like cosmetics brand TM and such. Also part of the elimination would be dl electronics TMs and the target mobile team would take it over.

I've actually had bad dreams about stuff like that, lol. Better not be that way though... I would consider jumping over to Mobile at that point. Either that or joining Planogram.
I'm with HLM. I pushed cosmetics one time, it took FOREVER lol. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much small crap man my lord haha. Last year i helped plano reset over there, man cosmetics is probably my most hated department to push in.

About eliminating positions, idk if this is just certain stores, but at my store they have the starbucks TL run starbucks and food ave. They took the food ave TL and made him/her a sales floor TL, so now we have 3 sales floor TL. We also don't have a softlines ETL. Our hardlines ETL runs both. A few miles down the road, there store has the backroom TL doing instocks as well. So they don't even have a instocks TL.
I haven't heard anything. It might a more localized thing, or maybe a pilot of some sort. Most significant changes like this happen at the beginning of the year and not into the 2nd quarter.
What does non-essential even mean? Essential for the doors to remain open or for the store to be well run? There is a difference.

I'm assuming positions like cosmetics brand TM and such. Also part of the elimination would be dl electronics TMs and the target mobile team would take it over.

Wait, Target Mobile take over? Target Mobile isn't even supposed to have keys to department, how are they supposed to take over?
Also, if Target likes a high AAR, then they won't be eliminating any electronic positions.
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