Sorry, to shed some light on this topic (of things I have heard)...
Trucks come in palletized by department instead of loose, so unload only takes an average of 15-20 minutes with a couple people
TL/TMs of areas own certain pallets
Very little backstock because the time spent unloading/scanning/backstocking on old process is now spent allowing experts to take excess product and use it to fill endcaps, sidecaps, trend runs, or dcode spots. Most stores are being challenged to not use their stockroom AT ALL.
This is extremely beneficial (I have had posts on doing this for months). First, the unload takes too long and takes too many TMs as is. Its a huge payroll and efficiency improvement. It also allows for split unloads and combinations to be used on the RDC. It keeps our Stockroom empty (Ever wonder how we can have a Stockroom literally packed with product and still empty spots all over the store). It also allows for the flexibility of delivery times (allowing for carriers to deliver when more convenient or cheaper).... I could go on and on...
I also agree with the ETL-HR changes (again another suggestion of mine).
At this point, I think I am going to stop giving out my suggestions for free to Target. Someone is making it big on my ideas and I think I should be making a consultation fee 🙂