From my understanding of how our DC's operate, it would require process and physical changes to make any of this work at that point of the supply chain.
It would be woefully inefficient for the DC to sort at the dock or in the truck given how freight is currently handled. The set up from what I understand is designed to get it as quickly as possible in the truck as it shows up at the outbound dock. There is no room nor time currently for any other process.
Our supply chain in general is not set up at all for E2E/Store Modernization. It will require the DC's to be reorganized into massive pick pack operations instead of what they are now, retail fulfillment centers. This is due in part to what Spot has plans for the store's backroom locations.
Target Auth Services -
Don't forget this one:
Target Auth Services -
We're currently in the process of these two:
Target Auth Services -
Target Auth Services -
How Target's going to win Part 2 should have been the first to be implemented. This is by far the longest and most likely the costliest change process to implement.
IMO we simply do not generate the margins to justify such a capital outlay in the projects that Minneapolis has been implementing and planning (living beyond our means).
If all of the retail locations were able to generate enough revenue (somewhere around $50 M+range/130K sq ft or about $385/sq ft), it might be financially justifiable in a 5 year plan. That is of course, if it could be done within a 5 year period. I would estimate it will take about 7-10 years to turn the supply side operations around to meet the expectations of E2E/Store Modernization. Yes, it is that complex.
Even if we did have the DC's converting their operations now, these new ways of doing business are heavily dependent on payroll hours, not automation nor information systems.
You have to be able to generate enough margin to cover these additional costs (conversions and payroll hours). Hours anyone?
Then we have the new apps and their fixes that will need revisions to match all of the new changes that would be required when (ever) they pull everything together.
If you think its ugly now, just wait.