Archived ETL interview process

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Jan 5, 2015
I am currently jumping through the hoops (interviewing) for an ETL position and need some clarification about the whole hiring process. I completed my first two interviews, both over the phone, with the same recruiter and then had a Facetime interview with a DM and a HR business partner today. I then have my 4th interview tomorrow (yet another phone interview) with a STL. I have not had any face to face interviews yet which baffles me! Anyway, they set up the 4th interview before I even had my 3rd interview with the DM and business partner. Is this normal? Is it normal to have all the interviews done over the phone or face time?

I am not sure if I should take it as a good sign that they set up the 4th interview before the third interview or if that is Target's standard practice.

Any advise would be appreciated!
I had all of mine done over FaceTime or phone. I'm sure they are more interested in hearing your question answers and how complex your previous leadership experience was than how you look.

They set up my second interview before I even completed my tests. Majority of the time they have to schedule interviews early due to interviewer schedules as to waste no time. Maybe they just like you so much lol!
I greatly appreciate the replies! I read that some jobs are offered on the spot while interviewing with Target. Is an ETL position one of those positions they would throw an offer at me right away? Also, who makes the ultimate final decision? DM? STL?
I greatly appreciate the replies! I read that some jobs are offered on the spot while interviewing with Target. Is an ETL position one of those positions they would throw an offer at me right away? Also, who makes the ultimate final decision? DM? STL?

Typically the structure is as follows - 1 or 2 phone interviews with corporate HR (one is less formal than the other), then you talk to an STL (any STL - doesn't have to be where you are going), then you speak to the DTL that is interested in hiring you, then finally you'll speak to the group VP or someone at the group level. Get the thumbs up between the DTL and Group person and you're gold - STL is at the bottom of the decision pool.

Never heard of on the spot hires for ETL - typically it is a month or two process. But that doesn't mean they don't exist.
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I greatly appreciate the replies! I read that some jobs are offered on the spot while interviewing with Target. Is an ETL position one of those positions they would throw an offer at me right away? Also, who makes the ultimate final decision? DM? STL?

Typically the structure is as follows - 1 or 2 phone interviews with corporate HR (one is less formal than the other), then you talk to an STL (any STL - doesn't have to be where you are going), then you speak to the DTL that is interested in hiring you, then finally you'll speak to the group VP or someone at the group level. Get the thumbs up between the DTL and Group person and you're gold - STL is at the bottom of the decision pool.

Never heard of on the spot hires for ETL - typically it is a month or two process. But that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Thanks! Had my last, I think, interview a little bit ago. Jumped through the hoops and answered the same questions I did my previous interviews. Before we hung up she asked me if anyone talked to me about a Senior TL position which I said no. With her asking me that, is it pretty much the kiss of death in terms of not landing the open ETL position? Is a Senior TL position worth taking? I think there is a huge drop in salary too...?
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I greatly appreciate the replies! I read that some jobs are offered on the spot while interviewing with Target. Is an ETL position one of those positions they would throw an offer at me right away? Also, who makes the ultimate final decision? DM? STL?

Typically the structure is as follows - 1 or 2 phone interviews with corporate HR (one is less formal than the other), then you talk to an STL (any STL - doesn't have to be where you are going), then you speak to the DTL that is interested in hiring you, then finally you'll speak to the group VP or someone at the group level. Get the thumbs up between the DTL and Group person and you're gold - STL is at the bottom of the decision pool.

Never heard of on the spot hires for ETL - typically it is a month or two process. But that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Thanks! Had my last, I think, interview a little bit ago. Jumped through the hoops and answered the same questions I did my previous interviews. Before we hung up she asked me if anyone talked to me about a Senior TL position which I said no. With her asking me that, is it pretty much the kiss of death in terms of not landing the open ETL position? Is a Senior TL position worth taking? I think there is a huge drop in salary too...?

I've heard of people taking a Senior TL position and working up to the ETL.
I've also heard of them taking the Senior TL with the promise of promotion and it never happening.
Can you guess which one I've heard at about a rate of 10 to 1?

My suggestion is that if the only thing they will offer you is the Senior TL is to think about it long and hard.
The promises they make you will not be in writing and you will be hourly (which in some cases has an advantage over the ETLs 60 hour weeks but that's another conversation).
Yes, it's a major drop in pay.
Good luck, I hope this isn't what you get stuck with.
I greatly appreciate the replies! I read that some jobs are offered on the spot while interviewing with Target. Is an ETL position one of those positions they would throw an offer at me right away? Also, who makes the ultimate final decision? DM? STL?

Typically the structure is as follows - 1 or 2 phone interviews with corporate HR (one is less formal than the other), then you talk to an STL (any STL - doesn't have to be where you are going), then you speak to the DTL that is interested in hiring you, then finally you'll speak to the group VP or someone at the group level. Get the thumbs up between the DTL and Group person and you're gold - STL is at the bottom of the decision pool.

Never heard of on the spot hires for ETL - typically it is a month or two process. But that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Thanks! Had my last, I think, interview a little bit ago. Jumped through the hoops and answered the same questions I did my previous interviews. Before we hung up she asked me if anyone talked to me about a Senior TL position which I said no. With her asking me that, is it pretty much the kiss of death in terms of not landing the open ETL position? Is a Senior TL position worth taking? I think there is a huge drop in salary too...?

I've heard of people taking a Senior TL position and working up to the ETL.
I've also heard of them taking the Senior TL with the promise of promotion and it never happening.
Can you guess which one I've heard at about a rate of 10 to 1?

My suggestion is that if the only thing they will offer you is the Senior TL is to think about it long and hard.
The promises they make you will not be in writing and you will be hourly (which in some cases has an advantage over the ETLs 60 hour weeks but that's another conversation).
Yes, it's a major drop in pay.
Good luck, I hope this isn't what you get stuck with.

Exactly what I was afraid of. I was really deflated when she asked me if anyone spoke to me about the senior team leader position. I have also read the stories about it taking forever to move up and sometimes, as you mentioned, the promises not coming to fruition. I also read that senior TL positions are almost better than ETL (except for the salary) and the authority is somewhat the same. In the end, I just don't know if I can see myself in any other position except for an ETL. I would need to think about it or see if they'd sky rocket the starting salary! HAHA... wishful thinking I am sure.
I've seen both the good and bad of being offered a Sr.TL position. Mostly the bad ( never getting that bump up to ETL). Also you'll have to interview all over again to make ETL since it's not a given promotion. Sr.TL is basically an hourly LOD. LOD duties are basically the only thing that seperates you from the TLs. A lot is different between Sr.TL and ETL - big gap between starting salaries- mostly respect amongst each other. Sr.TLs can be abused but the best part is hourly and only working 40. The extra 10 hours or more of working evens the salary difference - but sr.TLs miss out on bonuses and big salary increases
Well the STL was the only one who mentioned the senior team leader so here is to hoping they see me as a better fit for the ETL. DM didn't mention anything about the senior TL. Grasping at straws herr, but will be really bummed if ETL isn't offered.
Don't worry too much about the STL's thoughts - hopefully you impressed the DTL and you get the ETL offer. Good Luck!!
There's a possibility that the 2015 restructuring is going to be removing 1 ETL and adding 1 sr TL to most stores. They might be trying to prepare for that.
I just went through the whole gauntlet of the interview process and received my offer "officially" today.

My interview was with HR (Who recommended me for both Store Team Lead and ETL) , I then interviewed with the Store Team Lead at a store up the road, who straight up told me she was recommending me to move to the District interview, after interviewing with the District leader, I wasn't told at that point I be moving on to the next interview....but i was called a day later to schedule interview over the phone with the Regional guy in my area....after that interview I felt good about getting a offer.

I had command time in the Army and held different positions in leadership....but I have zero experience in retail and the Regional guy explained he would like to see me as a ETL before having me in a STL slot.
The STL did tell me that the person from HR Corp., the person who set up the interviews, should get back to me by friday. Does Target get back to you right away with the news on if you got hired or were passed over right away?
My last interview was on New Years eve, and I was told it would take five days before I heard what the next step was. Two days later I was contacted by email saying the interview went well and that they were prepared to move forward with the drug test and present me an offer. This was on a Friday and I was contacted on Monday with details of my offer.

It was pretty fast for me between the last interview and the offer.
I got a call back from the STL and she wants me to come in to meet her and discuss the ETL and Senior Team Leader positions. I tried looking up the difference between a Senior TL vs. just a team leader position, but couldn't find anything. Can anyone fill me in on the difference? I just want to prepare myself in case she tries to steer me towards the Senior TL role.
SrTL = ETL with hourly pay and not as much authority. Which means you get to go home at the end of eight hours but since the dreck rolls down hill you will be swallowing a lot of it.

I knew a SrTL who much preferred the position because he was able to have time with his family that he wouldn't have had as an ETLs and he much preferred the sergeant role to the officer.
I'd say he was more respected by the TMs than most of the ETLs put together.

If you're thinking of using it as a stepping stone to ETL as I said before, not so much.
I got a call back from the STL and she wants me to come in to meet her and discuss the ETL and Senior Team Leader positions. I tried looking up the difference between a Senior TL vs. just a team leader position, but couldn't find anything. Can anyone fill me in on the difference? I just want to prepare myself in case she tries to steer me towards the Senior TL role.
Sr.TL has additional LOD duties that a TL doesn't - meaning you are responsible for all guest related crap (calming them down, giving great service), have keys and a security code, and making sure CAFs are pulled on time. You'll oversee a section or process but the ETL above you has more authority and gets a bonus for your hard work. Only bonus is 40 hours pay, again less pay and a longer journey towards moving up.

From experience, you going to talk further with a STL means they already decided Sr.TL - where Sr.TL positions are determined at the store level unlike where ETL selection is done at district/group level.
I had command time in the Army and held different positions in leadership....but I have zero experience in retail and the Regional guy explained he would like to see me as a ETL before having me in a STL slot.
This seems to be a common theme - dangle STL hopes but must be ETL first.

We've had ex-store managers and regional managers of other retail chains told the same thing and go the same path. 2.5 years later they are still walking the ETL beat. Expect to be in ETL role for at least 1-2 years. Average time is two 18month rotations as an ETL. Usually path to STL goes through LOG, Sr. Merchant, or HR. Starting at that level gives a slight advantage over lower ETL positions.

My friend was a store manager for one of the largests PetSmarts in the company - this equates to ETL. Another friend - store manager for Walmart for 10 years was offered ETL position. Getting that STL position is tougher than ETL.

The Target on STLs is much larger than the one on ETLs. They get rid of STLs a lot quicker than ETLs and the work/life balance doesn't get better until you get to a district or group level position. My STLs had a meeting with their DTL every morning at 5am until their Red card conversion rate was 2.5 or higher. Never going to happen at our store because the area doesn't like credit cards.

Trying to move up to a district/group position? Used to be easier but they cut a lot of positions and merged responsibilities. The days of being a BP are numbered ( BP = Business Partner = Monday thru Friday hours)
I had command time in the Army and held different positions in leadership....but I have zero experience in retail and the Regional guy explained he would like to see me as a ETL before having me in a STL slot.
This seems to be a common theme - dangle STL hopes but must be ETL first.

We've had ex-store managers and regional managers of other retail chains told the same thing and go the same path. 2.5 years later they are still walking the ETL beat. Expect to be in ETL role for at least 1-2 years. Average time is two 18month rotations as an ETL. Usually path to STL goes through LOG, Sr. Merchant, or HR. Starting at that level gives a slight advantage over lower ETL positions.

My friend was a store manager for one of the largests PetSmarts in the company - this equates to ETL. Another friend - store manager for Walmart for 10 years was offered ETL position. Getting that STL position is tougher than ETL.

The Target on STLs is much larger than the one on ETLs. They get rid of STLs a lot quicker than ETLs and the work/life balance doesn't get better until you get to a district or group level position. My STLs had a meeting with their DTL every morning at 5am until their Red card conversion rate was 2.5 or higher. Never going to happen at our store because the area doesn't like credit cards.

Trying to move up to a district/group position? Used to be easier but they cut a lot of positions and merged responsibilities. The days of being a BP are numbered ( BP = Business Partner = Monday thru Friday hours)

Everything you said makes sense. My mother in law and wife both cut their teeth in retail and explained the same thing. Who knows, I may end up liking this or maybe I won't. I still have a lot of options, but I do feel that at this time (and I'm just being honest with myself), becoming a STL, with zero experience in this field, wouldn't be a good thing for me right off the bat.

Meetings at 0500??? I had to do that for my first two years as a officer in the Army....we meet at 0445, break at 0630 (PT) and meet again at have another meeting to discuss what we spoke about at the 0445 meeting....Lol. when I made Captain, I was mercifully allowed to skip the meeting...and the new LT had to go.

Sounds like a good time.
@LTarmy0416 - if this is your first experience in the civilian world you will enjoy the "struggles" non-prior military civilians have. My internal struggle with retail was the overall mission. Spending time away from the family, "defending our nation" or whatever, was a lot easier than spending time away at a department store. Deployments were justifiable, selling crap to fat, greedy, shit-stains was not worth it.

And the kissing of DTL's or visitor's ass during visits was just painful. I'd kiss ass in the AF but not as a civilian. Busting my ass for 12 hours overnight, then having to stay there for another 5 hours while we hide dayside's mess hoping the visitor is actually coming, then having to be back in the store in 7 hours to do another 10+hours was tiring. Plus I missed my son's 1st birthday because no one wants to swap shifts with Logistics - f that noise. We worked 24 hours while deployed - I'd take that over retail.

You may like it - some people do really well - some can maintain families - some are on their 3rd marriage - some shoot up the place. ETL and up has a high turnover rate. My mentor was one of the top STLs in the group - 3 marriages and he would move away from his family to take a STL position somewhere else - Target dedication right there. Another mentor was a former Marine Officer. He turned his store completely around as a Log and was promoted to STL after 1 year. He shocked the district when he told them he was leaving Target 1 week into STL training.

I enjoyed my time with Target. I liked my team (TLs and TMs) and logistics was interesting. Target's process could use a lot of improvements (both with their software and physical process). Looking back I should have taken one of the GS positions I was offered - great benefits and good retirement plan. We didn't feel Target's benefits met our needs.

Good luck! You'll do great! Drink the kool-aide and fire the first TM to look at you wrong, lol. Let them know you mean business. Joking!
I just a call back from HR Corporate and they in fact want to bring me in as a Senior Team Leader. While I am disappointed in not getting a shot at ETL, I am trying to accept that a Senior TL might be an OK gig. I meet tomorrow with the STL where I am anticipating the offer and what not. Now comes to negotiations... Say the job starts out @ 19/hr. What is a reasonable number to counter with as far as wage? I was thinking of asking for 2-3 dollars more from whatever they offer. How flexible are they in negotiations for TL positions? Is asking 2-3 dollars more a long shot?
Depends on the volume of your store and the average salary for your area. I would go for $23-$25 but take $22 if that is their highest.
@LTarmy0416 - if this is your first experience in the civilian world you will enjoy the "struggles" non-prior military civilians have. My internal struggle with retail was the overall mission. Spending time away from the family, "defending our nation" or whatever, was a lot easier than spending time away at a department store. Deployments were justifiable, selling crap to fat, greedy, shit-stains was not worth it.

And the kissing of DTL's or visitor's ass during visits was just painful. I'd kiss ass in the AF but not as a civilian. Busting my ass for 12 hours overnight, then having to stay there for another 5 hours while we hide dayside's mess hoping the visitor is actually coming, then having to be back in the store in 7 hours to do another 10+hours was tiring. Plus I missed my son's 1st birthday because no one wants to swap shifts with Logistics - f that noise. We worked 24 hours while deployed - I'd take that over retail.

You may like it - some people do really well - some can maintain families - some are on their 3rd marriage - some shoot up the place. ETL and up has a high turnover rate. My mentor was one of the top STLs in the group - 3 marriages and he would move away from his family to take a STL position somewhere else - Target dedication right there. Another mentor was a former Marine Officer. He turned his store completely around as a Log and was promoted to STL after 1 year. He shocked the district when he told them he was leaving Target 1 week into STL training.

I enjoyed my time with Target. I liked my team (TLs and TMs) and logistics was interesting. Target's process could use a lot of improvements (both with their software and physical process). Looking back I should have taken one of the GS positions I was offered - great benefits and good retirement plan. We didn't feel Target's benefits met our needs.

Good luck! You'll do great! Drink the kool-aide and fire the first TM to look at you wrong, lol. Let them know you mean business. Joking!

I feel your pain on missing Birthdays....I missed my sons first two birthdays and almost missed his birth. I was schedueled to deploy again and miss his 3rd birthday, so I tapped out, went to the reserves route and now have found myself at Target...Lol.

I do have some experience in the civilian world, but my previous employer at the Airport only preferred to hire prior military and all of us were prior military (I was the only were Navy and Marines). I do understand that I can expect to jump in and just take charge....ala like I did when I became a Platoon Leader (I had five years of Enlisted experience to fall back on).

Thanks for all your just waiting on the DTL to let me know what store I'll be working at for Business College.
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