Archived ETL promotion possible without degree?

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The degree rule changed, you used to need it but you do not need it now, nor do you need to show you are getting one now. It used to be degree or good luck(a few exceptions) but now its possible for all to move up, granted its still really hard to move up for a TL to exec, usually they have you go to SR TL and then see how you do after that(18 months at least) then you can see where you stand and if you want to move up.

Then why do core roles/online ETL job postings say it is required?

Everything you read on the internet isn't always correct... If it bothers you this much how about you contact them and tell them to change it?
It must have just changed in your area. In my district (and possibly higher) you won't get ETL without a degree, you won't even get SrTL without a degree.
I had an ETL-GE who was still working on her degree. And she was 21.

I currently have a senior team lead who doesn't have a degree at all. Does a helluva job needless to say.

Target has these rules, but sometimes it can truly just depend on the person and the person hiring/promoting.
I recently was promoted to Flow TL in Nov and was wondering what my career possibilities are after that. I have read multiple articles that state all ETLs require a 4 year degree which I do not have. My replen ETL says that you can get promoted to ETL if the DTL and STL really want you. I have the work experience (10 years with best buy SM, 8 years trader joes Captain(SM for those who do not know), and have a franchise under my belt (operated by wife). My question is it possible? My heart in is retail and enjoy working with people but if there is not opportunity for me to advance then I should look elsewhere (can go back to trader as 1st mate). I also would like to mention in the 6 months I have worked for target we have had 2 ETLs straight out of college with no work experience drive the hardlines and softlines into the ground. Education will never and has never trumped experience with anyone I have hired yet.

Great question Lionel. Unfortunately, the answer is "maybe". Target does not require a degree for ETLs, but it is very highly recommended. I know ETLs and STL (and even some higher ups) that do not/did not have degrees. That being said, it is very uncommon to be promoted without a degree. I hate to say it, but it would have been easier if you had come in as an ETL with experience. I have a few pieces of advice, for what it is worth:
1) Make sure you don't give anyone any other reasons to not help you develop and promote. If they tell you the only reason you are not promoting is because of your degree, there is probably something they are not telling you. For example, they might not see potential but are too scared to tell you.
2) Show an interest in pursuing an education. Most of the people that I see promoting without degrees get promoted when they begin to pursue that degree. This is not in the cards for everyone, but I have seen success with this in the past.
3) Enjoy just working 40 hours a week 🙂 I love being an STL, but I would be lying if I didn't wish sometimes that I could just leave at 40 hours and forget work. I am not complaining because I have a great team that works hard, but it would be nice to be "hitting O/T" and have to leave early on a Friday every once in a while 🙂
You don't need one. At my old store a guy got promoted without one. It's extremely rare though.
Of course it's possible. I think we all know and agree that the most common ETL hire is straight out of college. Degreed TL/Sr. TL promotions would be second. Then you get into the "experienced, but may or may not be degreed" category. Like SOT said, VERY few people have any ability to sort truths from the mistruths/untruths.

I'm an STL. I have never been an ETL. I have a degree in Animal Science and I have worked in retail since I was 17.

I honestly had no idea any of our active posters were above ETL!

Were you at Target before you became a STL or was it a lateral move from another company?

We just had another STL join us and he has a handful of posts already.
We just lost our STL of 10 years who was also never an ETL. He was a direct hire from another much smaller corp. He was the best leader I have met at Target but unfortunately Target squeezed his nuts too much and he went back for half the pay.
My uncle got promoted to an ETL without any college, but that was also 30 years ago (Yeah he's still an ETL) That was in the good times of target where Experience outweighed Education.
Now you need college..or at least that's what He told me.
This thread is funny.

A degree is not a requirement to become an ETL. Maybe nowadays they are stricter with it. I work in the backroom, and the ETL there doesn't have a degree. His brother doesn't either, and he's an ETL at a different store. They are the only 2 ETLs in the district without one. My ETL has a couple years of college under his belt but didn't finish. I was always under the impression you had to have a degree to be an ETL (and like I said maybe nowadays they are stricter with it), but this is not the case. I think he's been an ETL for around 8 years. While I do believe Target prefers those with degrees, if you already work there and work your way from the bottom it is not impossible to become an ETL without one.
This thread is funny.

A degree is not a requirement to become an ETL. Maybe nowadays they are stricter with it. I work in the backroom, and the ETL there doesn't have a degree. His brother doesn't either, and he's an ETL at a different store. They are the only 2 ETLs in the district without one. My ETL has a couple years of college under his belt but didn't finish. I was always under the impression you had to have a degree to be an ETL (and like I said maybe nowadays they are stricter with it), but this is not the case. I think he's been an ETL for around 8 years. While I do believe Target prefers those with degrees, if you already work there and work your way from the bottom it is not impossible to become an ETL without one.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong on this.
You don't have to have a degree to be a TL but you do have to have one to be an ETL.
And they've pretty much made the TL positions degree heavy as well.
Like I said, it may be different now. But my ETL doesn't have a degree. It makes no sense that he would lie about it. And the ETL of HR recently told me that it's not a requirement. But like I said, my ETL and his brother are the only ones in the district that don't have one and our district has a lot of stores in it. It's extremely unlikely to become an ETL if you don't have on. My current one started off as a cart attendant. You have to work your way up and get the right breaks. But it's least when he became one.
This topic is always debated heavily. The SrTl-Replenishment in my store was recently promoted to ETL-Log and has worked at Target for almost 15 years but has no degree. What you hear varies from person to person but he told me he has all the right people behind him and thats how he got promoted. We're good friends so I take his word on it.
At my store it seems like they are pushing the older more experienced etls out and replacing them with recient college graduates.Each time a lod leaves for whatever reason they are replaced with a 20 something graduate.As a result all of our management is under 25 most of them this is their first real job. our store has really gone down hill as most team members know more than the etls.I just wondered if this was the same in other stores?
Aside from my STL (who's been with the company for 8 years) and 1 ETL (who's been with the company for 12 years), all of the other ETLs are 26 and younger, with this being their first real job. You can definitely see the frustration on the hard working TLs not only in my store, but throughout the district as to why there aren't any internal promotions from TL--->ETL but instead hire a bunch of kids who know nothing about the company. Oh well.
Would they consider promoting someone to an ETL if they have a 2 year and are currently in school for a four year? That's what my situation is going to be in two years.
They have been promoting a lot of our tenured team leads without degrees recently. Mostly because they were willing to accept an overnight position. That has been the trend I have noticed for awhile in my district. Its much harder to get promoted without a degree but it is possible and almost all of them had to be willing to accept a ETL position overnight.
You're right about ETL, but no one gets hired as STL out of college, that's just flat out ridiculous. I don't know where you people get this horrible information.
The degree thing really depends on if they want you. 2 team leads in my district and neighboring district have been promoted to etl and they have no degrees. It is possible but highly unlikely. I think a monkey can do a better job than some of these people with degrees...

On top of that I think it also depends on what area of the country you are in. If you're in an area rife with people sporting 4 year's even less likely. In fact, where I am at I've been told that unless you have at least a 2 year degree you won't even be considered for TL. Obviously that's not true everywhere and I have been told by a few old timers that they can wave that "if they want to".... but we'll see.
I dont understand how you think its not possible to get a degree while working at target lol.

Get yourself into early morning flow tl, pricing or plano

Also many accredited universitys offer a lot of online just need the dedication to go through with some long hours between work and school. If you demonstrate you can do that as well as succesfully lead a team you'll definitely turn some heads...
There's at least two tm's on flow that fly out of the building at 8 to get to classes(Our shift is 4-8), so it is entirely possible to go to school full time and work at Spot.
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