Archived ETLs leaving en masse

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In my store: A couple of ETLs have left recently, a couple of ETLs have replaced them.

Life goes on.
After our STL got fired all the ETLs that worked with her pretty much quit except for two.... Guess the new STL taking out the trash one by one
What's this I hear about seniors getting overtime? This is my first year being a tl during the holidays, let alone being a senior... Is this a common thing?

I wouldn't count on it. Your store may be different but OT is rare, even during the holidays. There are exceptions of course but it's not common.
Since I began at my store about 4 months ago, we have lost 4/5 of our ETL staff. Only one left is LOG. We have the same STL. We also have lost many SrTL's...3 I think.

Also, only one of these was a transfer to another Target. The rest willingly quit to pursue a career at another company. I have my guesses as to why this happened but I will never be sure because I wouldnt risk moving up into leadership by asking around. But yeah, 75% ETL turnover within 4 months is kinda ridiculous. It's definitely made the team stronger and close knit...we were operating with ONE ETL for like 3-4 was so bad we had to move a couple TL's into Sr positions that were unplanned.

The good thing that came out of this is that we kept our best ETL, we are gaining 2 AMAZING ETLs, one who is moving up from SrTL, one who is new to the company and has a great management style that's much needed in the store...pair this with the other tl's leaving and almost every person who is on the bench before me has washed away. Yay for me and anyone else looking to move up from the TM game.
My store only has 2 ETL positions, and very recently one of those ETLs was given the option to transfer or leave. They left. It was to give a younger SrTL the chance to move up into that role and stay with the store. It also happened to a 20+ year with the company SrTL, they transferred.

The politics of leadership at Target are ruthless.
Plenty of fresh out of university business majors ready to take their spots, some of them even know what they are doing!
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