Archived Fall National Meeting

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Um, is it just me, or did this make it sound like he wanted to bankrupt the company before leaving?
Glad I'm not the only one that was thinking this. And it seems to me like we're on the right track if that's the goal!
OK, I just watched the video, and the quote is a bad quote from an idiot reporter. The full statement was "We get to write the final chapter of 2016."
So, all in all, not as foreboding.
I don't think my STL makes six figures.
When my husband was an Stl he almost made 6 figures before bonuses and then it was a little over 6 figures with bonuses. He was an stl for 18 months before being promoted. It depends on the state, volume of the store, and how long with the company- oh and of course politics. When he was an ETL he knew his STL at the time made 165 and apparently that was his cap, but he was with the company for 25+ years at that point.
Read through the comments section in that article, and, not surprisingly, a lot people are complaining that target is regularly out of stock of every day items.

Spot really needs to stop spending money on a lot of the bells and whistles (first thing that comes to mind is backer paper), and start investing in strategies to get hours for people making close to minimum wage to stock and zone the floor properly. Your average guest isnt coming through the door to gaze at that new backer paper.
Spot also needs to stop spending almost $300,000 on relocations/promotions on extremely loyal dedicated employees just to replace them 18 months later with somebody they personally know- who also required a relocation which means more money for Spot to spend #canyousensethebitterness
How much do you think is appropriate for someone who manages a multi-million dollar business?

I think that those doing most of the work... Team Leaders... deserve more than those who are office gophers like most salaried people in the stores.
I think that those doing most of the work... Team Leaders... deserve more than those who are office gophers like most salaried people in the stores.

Ya but at the end of the day they aren't the ones reporting to hire ups. The main reason etls and above get paid what they do isnt because of the amount of work they do it's the amount of responsibility they have.
Ya but at the end of the day they aren't the ones reporting to hire ups. The main reason etls and above get paid what they do isnt because of the amount of work they do it's the amount of responsibility they have.
This. Also, ETLs don't actually make that much more per hour than TLs, if you take into account the fact that they work 50+ hours per week and you reverse engineer it to include 10+ hours of OT; they just work more hours. STLs do make a lot more money, but they are the ones who the DTLs will immediately go after if the store isn't going well, and I doubt they get a whole lot of recognition even if they're doing well; it's more of a feeling of "good enough to pass a visit" than "good job". There are plenty of shitty ETLs and STLs, but their job would still be 100x more stressful than mine even if they sat in the office for 100% of their shifts.
Ya but at the end of the day they aren't the ones reporting to hire ups. The main reason etls and above get paid what they do isnt because of the amount of work they do it's the amount of responsibility they have.

Ive came across many totally clueless ETLs in my time. If not for the TLs, they'd be totally lost.
Read through the comments section in that article, and, not surprisingly, a lot people are complaining that target is regularly out of stock of every day items.
Well, if Instocks would be allowed to systematically Research everyday like we used to, we would help get that floor filled! Oh, wait, the Instocks Team isn't necessary now because the new "systems" keep the floor filled.
Well, if Instocks would be allowed to systematically Research everyday like we used to, we would help get that floor filled! Oh, wait, the Instocks Team isn't necessary now because the new "systems" keep the floor filled.

Thank you. I shouldn't be able by myself on a Saturday pull 11 pulls not small ones either by just shooting to fill as I shoot my Rigs and %99 of it went out.
LOD was pissed cause I pulled so much but I am tired of bring told that flow will the floor along with autos and CAFs. It's bullshit. It's not happening even overnight admits at least with paper its not pulling in autos or CAFs. Why I can pull 3 high stacked flats of just paper and not one piece came back.

I am also fed up with being told it's our fault for out of stocks. Shit equipment, no hours to fill people not trained to push properly it all adds up to an empty floor = lost sales.
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I think that those doing most of the work... Team Leaders... deserve more than those who are office gophers like most salaried people in the stores.
Then what incentive would there be for anyone wanting to be an STL? They could take their experience and go to literally any other similarly sized retail store and make 100k.

I think the bigger problem is at the district and group level where they are not always putting qualified candidates into the STL position. There needs to be an easy and dedicated company-wide program for TMs to move up (including past Sr. TL). Some districts seem to be so intent on hiring ETLs from outside, that when they need to fill an STL position, they have to choose the least worst option.
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