Archived Fan center team relocates

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Nov 27, 2014
What do target stores do when a local pro team relocates such as the rams going back to los angeles do they have to get rid of the teams stuff or send it to league offices
This will definitely give away my location, but let me say that I am in an area where we have Rams stuff. good thing is, it all went clearance 2 weeks ago and I just looked into the pricing workload today and it is all going 70% tomorrow. I dont see why we can't just take it all down and get rid of though because ex-rams fans are throwing their unwanted jerseys and team gear outside of the stadium sooo I highly doubt anyone will come in to buy any haha
I'm not even near St. Louis but my NFL team clothing went clearance too. All of it. You'll hopefully get the next closest team sent in soon and not more rams stuff.. lol.
I'm not even near St. Louis but my NFL team clothing went clearance too. All of it. You'll hopefully get the next closest team sent in soon and not more rams stuff.. lol.
Yeah all of our NFL and college football gear has been clearance for a while.
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